

Ask @B0bduh

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Do you still answers most comments on your blog? *crawl into a ball and swing back and forth slowly; eyes shut*

I try! I do my best. Honestly, if you add a big comment to an essay from months ago, it's unlikely I'll answer it - most of my actual debate happens through twitter, and I generally only post an essay once I want to staple a specific opinion I held at a specific moment in history to the wall. Any recent posts, I try to answer within a week of their posting. There's only so much total stuff I can respond to, but I promise I at least /read/ every single thing that is posted to me.

What do you feel is the main idea or message in Kino's Journey?

Ambiguity is the essence of existence. We are always journeying, always seeking greater awareness. There is no end to the quest for human understanding.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

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Do you have a good relationship with your cousins?

Positive but not really significant. My immediate family wasn't big into extended family events.

Why do anime shows seem incapable of delivering a good romance? Most of them end with the MC and the girl kissing, as if that's the end, whereas it's only the beginning of a relationship. Can't there be any shows that depict mature relationships?

There really, really should be, and it's very depressing that there aren't. "Will they or won't they" is lazy and boring.

Tumblr is where nuance goes to die. Confirm or deny?

I'm pretty sure conversation in general is where nuance goes to die. Kaiki's right - any felt thought becomes a shadow of itself when exposed to open air. We can only sort of gesture frantically at each other.
But yeah, tumblr has a bunch of dumb crap.

I noticed HxH characters are not motivated by the big picture or ideology, but their own individual desires, even if done for another person. It's especially pronounced in characters like Meruem and Gon, and recently in Leorio and Pariston. Fitting given nen is a manifestation of your ego. Agree?

Yep, definitely. Its characters have very personal goals, and the show uses the interplay of those goals to make larger points. It works very well!

Would you consider sexual orientation a tally-mark or a spectrum?

Spectrum. In fact, it's probably more complex than spectrum.

Are fighting games an art form?

You mean, like, people /competing/ in fighting games? That's basically the same question as "are sports art," and I don't really think they are. I think art is more based in the creation of deliberate meaning/response through the aesthetic tools of a given medium. Of course, the distance between performative art and athletics as performance makes that a questionable distinction, which is why I find it less interesting to discuss whether something is /technically/ art or not, and more interesting to discuss whether it's /good/ art - what it actually says, what it means for people.
Liked by: Adam Wednesdays

When does Monogatari start getting REALLY great, would you way? Which arc or season?

It's very /interesting/ all along, and there are sparks of greatness throughout, but it starts being /consistently/ great in Second Season.

So is there some kind of paranoia affecting the gamer community toward indie game makers now? I.e games think they only get exposure through deceitful means

We saw this same exact thing with Gone Home and Dear Esther - thousands of comments and reviews saying "HOLY SHIT WHY WAS THIS GIVEN A GOOD SCORE, IT'S NOT EVEN A GAME, YOU CAN BEAT IT IN TEN MINUTES." There's a pretty serious backlash against the new indie games that are less focused on providing "twelve solid hours of entertainment," and more interested in saying something, or creating some kind of emotional response. Many critics are /loving/ these games, because they're basically the first steps towards gaming actually becoming a full artistic medium with a wide variety of emotional experiences - they're the "games are art" argument finally reaping dividends. But to people who are strongly invested in purely play-oriented games, these things can come across as... a threat, I guess? Or maybe just an indicator critics no longer directly represent you. And if you don't understand why some critics want to see more games like this, then I guess conspiracy is the answer.

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Also I'm pretty sure Zoe having sex with a guy with influence in the industry and then the guy promoting her previously ignored game are causally related. Unless the order is mixed up.

The order isn't mixed up, because this situation did not happen. The one involved guy actually relevant to a game journalism publication didn't cover her game.

Can you please explain why you think Senjougahara is insecure?

Her possessiveness towards Araragi, her defensiveness towards everyone, her wild behavioral swings, the way she offers herself to Kaiki in order to save Araragi - all of these point to insecurity based in a very limited sense of self-worth. It's her aberration - she has no weight/value to herself. A character going through an arc in Monogatari doesn't "fix" them, because people are not that simple, and our emotional problems are not simply equations to be solved.

Weren't the Zoe Quinn accusations legitimate? I haven't found the disproof yet

That she cheated on the guy? Yeah, that's legitimate, as far as I know. That that's reflective of corruption in journalism? No. It's personal dirty laundry, not an integrity scandal.

catching any buzz on Nobunaga Concerto?

Pretty much the opposite of it, actually. It's maybe the least-liked show of the season.

You're a pretty cool dude. Could you give some advice on how to convince naive gamers that the whole thing is just a front for sexist assholes?

You could talk about how it started - how all the claims of corruption related to Zoe Quinn were proven to be false, and yet the attacks on her continued relentlessly. You could extend that to talk about /all/ the results this has caused - how whatever people may say the point of this is, the only tangible results have been to shield people who are driving out independent game developers and freelance journalists, none of whom could realistically be part of a "vast conspiracy," and all of whom make very little money and clearly work in games purely because they are passionate about them. You could also say how "corruption in game journalism" has actually always existed, and that this recent criticism is actually reflective of a games media that is becoming /less/ of a gaming advertising wing - how we're now getting actual personal reflections and cultural criticism, and not just press releases. You could say how these problems exist in every form of journalism, and are really just a part of how journalism works.
You could talk about how all of the various elements of this controversy, from the Quinn stuff to the "GamerGate" title to "NotYourShield," were designed by either overtly sexist 4chan/IRC groups or opportunistic cultural conservatives like Adam Baldwin. You could try to dig at the "I don't like being told what I like is wrong" attitudes many people are admitting when it comes to stuff like Sarkeesian's videos, and talk about how the presence of feminist criticism won't actually take away a diverse variety of games, just like it hasn't in movies and books. You could ask them if their disagreements here are really based in political disagreements, which is a fine thing to admit (and a huge part of this issue), but isn't really a problem that's related to "journalistic ethics." You could talk about how "objective criticism" is impossible, and would really just be a listing of features - what we have here isn't a debate between "objective and subjective," it's a debate between people with one set of values and people with a different set, and generally "objectivity" as you see it is just a function of your agreement with one or the other sides.
These are all just general angles to take, and they're all relevant to different people with different perspectives on this conflict. One of the reasons this has been so persistent in spite of its terrible roots is that it's tapping into a broad variety of existing resentments and fears, and channeling them all under one banner that allegedly cares about whatever specific angle they care about.

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