

Ask @B0bduh

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Thoughts on Christina H. Summers and her criticisms of third-wave feminism? Seems like a tin-foil hat to me.

I'm not sure I'd call it tin-foil hat so much as overtly deceptive. She just takes socially conservative boilerplate and relabels it "equality feminism." It's not craziness, it's a political tactic.

Thoughts on Depression Quest, if you have played it? Did you end up knowingly making "self-destructive" choices because you knew you would probably do that in real life?

I did some of that at first, but ultimately had to start "cheating" because the alternative was just too painful, and sometimes hit too close to home. It was very hard for me to play through, which means it worked - player agency is a tremendous boon to emotional engagement, and the future undoubtedly holds a vast variety of emotionally devastating games. It was an uncomfortable feeling to be "steering" the player character through the most clear-headed decisions, knowing full well I probably wouldn't be capable of them in those actual situations, and in fact /have/ made many of the self-defeating choices many times before. Meaning it's a game about empathy, which couldn't be more important.
Liked by: EddyAntiStu

If you had to convert reductive letter grades to reductive ten-point-scale scores, how would you do so? Is a B a 7? Is C a 5? (Just trying to get a sense of how your scales align when you're forced to assign values. I promise that I pay attention to what you actually say about shows.)

I mean, I assume you know I don't find scoring of this kind particularly meaningful in general, but if I were to try and convert /one/ arbitrary system to /another/ arbitrary system, I'd say it's like... A is 9-10, B is 7-8-9 range, C is 4-5-6, D is 2-3, F is 1.
Maybe? Arbitrary systems, relative show expectations, etc.

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Why didn't you tweet your Barakamon summary, considering the fact that it's ben posted?

I'll tweet/blog link it tomorrow. I'd rather space my stuff out across a couple days, at least on my own channels. It's a lot of content!

What do you think of the music in FMA? The score, not the OPs and EDs. I know a lot of fans back in the day gushed about it, and it's much much better than Brotherhood's by like, a mile.

I like Dante's theme, which seems very different from the rest of the score. That's pretty much all I've actively noticed.

Avdol turning out to be alive in the latest episode of JoJo's Brilliant trolling of the audience or proof that Araki is just making stuff up as he goes along?

I'd saying "making stuff up as he goes along."

Who would you say is MAL's "central demographic" and why do they hate Shonen Hollywood?

Teenage boys. And I'm not sure I'd say they "hate" it, but it's a slow, self-critiquing yet earnest idol show about pretty dudes with virtually no narrative momentum. Pretty much no part of that screams "teenage boys" to me.

You got your first post about reviewer bias and "objectivity" in your SAO review for ANN. How does it feel to be moving up in the world?

It's probably closer to my two hundredth comment about that magical "objectivity" that mysteriously always seems to align with the commenter's own biases, but it's my first one for ANN, so I suppose that's worth celebrating.
Liked by: Mel Rose Bridges

Bobduh, I have been reading your posts since I first got into this hobby about a year ago. You completely changed the way I view anime (in a good way), and I'm so glad you're getting an opportunity to hit a wider audience. Congrats and good luck my man!

Thank you very much! I really appreciate that.

How would you explain color to a blind man?

It's like flavor except for your visual perception of objects.

Why was today's SAO so good!

For me, the best scene was the first one, where I wasn't quite sure if the show had become self-aware or not. The rest wasn't that great.

I just finished watching End Of Evangelion, and I want to thank you because your essay on the Rebuilds is what got me to finally watch the show. I loved it. In fact, I teared up and clapped during the scene with Shinji discussing dreams and reality. Asuka best girl

I'm very glad to hear you enjoyed it! It's a very powerful thing.

Was Shounen Hollywood assigned to you or did you get to elect the shows you do write ups for now? I ask because the others you got you already were actively watching and writing about.

I didn't have a full set of shows, and Shounen Hollywood was on the list of unclaimed shows, so I called it and caught up. Shounen Hollywood was actually the pick of a litter that included stuff like Momo Kyun Sword and Prism Ilya.

Then why does Prince-sama have a much better reception ?

I assume because it's closer to what most fans of otome game adaptations want, I guess?

Have you read the new Yotsuba&! chapter yet?

No. I actually only read Yotsuba when a new volume comes out I can buy.

Why do you think Nisio Isin wanted to portray a hormone charged boy such as Araragi? How is this particular characterization necessary in the anime do you think?

Well, a big part of the show is teenagers coming to grips with their own identities, and hormones and sexuality are a huge part of that. Teenagers weaponize their bodies before they even really understand them, something that happens repeatedly in Monogatari.


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