

Ask @B0bduh

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How about Salt and Sanctuary?

I just beat it yesterday. It was pretty good! Kinda messy in a variety of ways (very loosely and unevenly organized guild system, simplistic combat, inconsistent jumping controls), but a generally fun time. "Let's take Dark Souls and make it an action sidescroller" turned out to be a pretty solid concept.
Liked by: Eelz

There are a lot of interesting shows this season but I feel like there won't be anything legitimately 'great' - everything just seems good/decent. Thoughts?

Depending on how they turn out, I could actually see a bunch of this season's shows qualifying for my end-of-year list - Flying Witch, Concrete Revolutio, Kiznaiver, Diamond is Unbreakable, and maybe Joker Game all seem like they could get there, though obviously they actually need /to/ get there. That seems like a fine prospective season to me!
Liked by: Eelz Derp Jeep

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In all fairness - money aside - I don't know that you *could* use video effectively for your reviews. I mean, imagine doing video reviews for a series like Hyouka. Imagine the three-hour-long, cut-by-cut analyses that each episode review would become!

Yeah, that kind of article wouldn't be appropriate. It'd be more effective to do something like "here's a type of cut this show employs a lot, here's how it's used effectively in three different scenes" or something like that.

So what will you be watching this season outside of what you'll be writing for ANN?

Concrete Revolutio, My Hero Academia, and JoJo for sure. I'll also be checking out the second episodes of Joker Game, Twin Star Exorcists, and Haifuri to see how they hold up, and probably watching Kabaneri with my housemates.

Senpai, ive followed you -and loved you- since the very beginning and even if your writing is more polished now, i sense you lack the passion you had in your older works, do you think this might be because of you going full-time writer?, or is it that anime isnt that evocative anymore

What you're seeing may just be a matter of volume. I used to write just the pieces I was most passionate about - now I write a gajillion things, and some of them will be on shows I'm passionate about, and some of them won't be. So if I'm writing about Conrevo or Bokurano or something, you can probably expect my style to get a bit more gushing than if I'm doing the writeup of Magical Teen Harem Academy #7512.

Oh wow you ended up with both Kiz and Lost Village for streaming reviews? At the very least I expect them to be interesting. Heres hoping they give you plenty to write about.

Same. Kiznaiver's a real wild card, I hope it turns out well!

Why does Hoshino never commit to a side? she just seems so vague compared to what the other characters stand with that i feel like she doesn't belong in the show

Hoshino's motives are almost entirely apolitical, which leaves her alternately stranded, chasing people with other goals, or a tool in their plans. This ended up somewhat blowing up in the bureau's face in the first season, and I get the feeling things aren't going to improve this time around.

Do you think video is a good format for analysis? It seems a large chunk of the anime audience is on youtube, as that's where the money is. Do you follow any anime youtubers that you think use the format well?

Video is certainly a good format for visual analysis, but I honestly haven't seen any anime youtubers that consistently use the format well. I personally have no interest in making video content, but feel consistently tempted anyway by those sweet, sweet youtube dollars.

Would you consider eventually watching LOGH, even if you already read the books?

I'm going to watch it as the series gets released!

If you were writing the script for a game where would you start? Themes? Character back stories? Character arcs / motivations? World building? 'The plot'? I'm attempting this for the first time and I'm lost

What kind of game are you writing? Your proposals here make me assume it's some kind of heavily narrative RPG, because outside of that, I wouldn't start with a specific part of the narrative - my first question would be, "what kind of story are my core game mechanics best suited to telling?" Stories that harness the emotional reactions your core mechanics evoke always make for stronger game narratives.

Do you feel disappointed by the lack of Earth-chan in this ConRevo episode?

Nope! I'm sure she'll get some focus time as well, and I think the detective is actually my favorite character in the show, so it was pretty nice to start with him.

What do you mean when you use "compelling" to describe things like designs? For example, the monsters in Twin Star Exorcists? (I promise I'm not trying to be snarky or anything, I'm trying to expand my vocabulary a bit and this came to mind recently!)

It's not a very specific word choice - it generally just means "distinctive and appropriate for this series." The monsters in Twin Star Exorcists are compelling because they have a semi-Lovecraftian style that's more unique than your usual bad guy designs, gives the show more of an atmospheric horror vibe than your usual default action tone, and matches well with the show's exorcism aesthetic. Just calling them "compelling" doesn't express all of that, but it's just intended to let the reader know I found something distinctive and effective in that design choice, and thus it might be worth a look.

Senpai. what is A Silent Voice about? should i read the source material or just wait for the anime

A Silent Voice is about a young deaf girl and a boy who bullies her in elementary school. He eventually ends up regretting his actions, and the majority of the series focuses on the two of them trying to find some kind of happiness a few years down the road.
It's my favorite currently-releasing manga. I'd definitely suggest reading it!
Liked by: Aluido

So how are you all at ANN determining who does the weekly write-ups for Super Lovers? (Ouija board is my vote)

I don't think any shows have gotten voted in out of spite so far, so we're probably in the clear.

Which show has a more cartoony villain: Erased or Idolmaster?

They're equally cartoony, but in different ways. Erased's villain is cartoony in the "I reflect the darkness of the human heart!" adolescent grim stuff way, while Idolmaster's villain is cartoony in the "I'll get those idols, mwahahaha!" children's cartoon way. Personally, I actually prefer the Idolmaster style - that style at least has a sense of fun.


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