

Ask @B0bduh

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Would you rather watch a good live action show or punch yourself in the face repeatedly? You should clearly answer with the latter, because everyone knows that anime is /objectively/ better than other things, based solely on the medium of presentation. Trifling with other media would be ridiculous.

I wish the internet hadn't made it so this seems more likely said in earnest than as a joke.

do you have to be a good writer to tell what good writing is ? because my writing is Fucking Atrocious

Not necessarily (you don't have to be a great cook to enjoy great food), but training in writing definitely gives you a much better eye for seeing it. It's much harder to compose something beautiful than to appreciate that something is beautifully composed, but both require a certain base stock of knowledge/aesthetic vocabulary.

I just watched Shiki, and it was an emotionally crushing experience. What should I do? :(

Do something good for someone. That's all any of us can do.

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/a/ is worse than MAL? good one

/a/ is somewhat older and a lot more bitter than MAL. Pick your preference, I guess.

how do you reconcile twelve's current affection/kinship with lisa with his behaviour in eps 1+2, specifically his death threats and how the show seemed to be presenting the boys as just a new set of abusers whose arms lisa had jumped into?

It's not really something you can "reconcile" - it's an ambiguous relationship. On Lisa's side, this is definitely an unhealthy situation - but the show is tonally supporting Twelve's concern for Lisa being genuine. Plus, even though Lisa arrived at this situation due to circumstances outside her control, she's the one who's made virtually every step in entering their lives.

Is it sexist to assume people's gender on the internet based on the topic of discussion? Similarly, assuming someone's gender based on how they look. It's hard to not appeal to prior experiences! Where can you draw the line between being totally inclusive and pragmatic? I know it's messed up say.

I'd just be conservative in labeling people. We make assumptions instinctively, but let people define themselves whenever you can. And if you offend someone in some way, just apologize and adjust your behavior, and hopefully use that experience to be more easily sensitive in the future. All of us are /going/ to offend others, and be hurtful, and be wrong - the important thing is not that you start off flawless, but that you're able to respect the feelings of others and learn from your mistakes.

Have you ever cosplayed before? If so, which character was it and are there any other characters you'd like to cosplay as? If you haven't, which character would you like to cosplay as?

I cosplayed as Ash with two friends doing Misty and Brock a couple years ago. I'd kind of like to do Hachiman at my next con.

What's the point in making stories about people's feelings when obviously feelings mean nothing? In my experience people only care about humor, rage and coolness. Sensitive feelings are lame/emo/weak/stupid unless they're triggered by some MOMENTOUS event like the death of a likable character.

It sounds like you're only talking to teenage boys, honestly. Most people care about a much larger range of emotions - actually, even most teenage boys do. They just don't feel comfortable talking about them unless it's in reference to something "safe" to be emotional about that won't discredit their "toughness."

How recently did you watch Dareka no Manazashi? What about the show left such a strong impression?

It's a tiny family story that kills with honesty. It's pretty much what Clannad wanted to be, except completely successful and six minutes long.
Liked by: Brandon Risberg

What is your opinion on Robotics;Notes?

It's a very solid coming-of-age story awkwardly welded to a mediocre scifi drama. And the various side characters don't integrate nearly as gracefully into the central narrative as in Steins;Gate.

What are your favorite and least favorite Monogatari seasons?

Seasons or arcs? If seasons, it'd be Season Two and Bakemonogatari. If arcs, Tsubasa Tiger and Mayoi Snail. Mayoi Snail is very easily the show's absolute low point for me, and it's actually kind of lucky that I ended up forcing myself through it because Bakemonogatari had such a big reputation.

This is probably not the first time you get this question, but i'll ask anyway: why do so many people hesitate in starting long-running shows? If they like it, they'll have tons of good content, and if they don't, they can just drop.

They might just agree they'll probably like it but not want to commit to watching a million episodes. It's much easier to commit to things you can finish easily, and most long shows aren't really focused stories. Plus if you lose interest halfway through a long show it can be hard to pick up again... plus people often feel committed to finishing things they initially liked even if it turns sour, and they don't want to risk that... I dunno, there's plenty of potential reasons.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Are you a fan of perverted anime girls ?

A lot of the times, it feels like "perverted girl" characters are just performing a personality that's supposed to be appealing to a male audience, and don't seem like actual people. That's lame. But other than that, I don't really have an opinion either way. I dislike how most "perverted" characters of either gender always repeat the same dumb sex jokes, but I actually would like for there to be more characters who are actually comfortable with their sexuality, so...

You still say ZnT is your favorite show of the season, even though you seem to think that it's had a pretty noticeable drop in quality. Why is that?

Why is it still my favorite, or why do I think it's had a drop in quality? The first is because there's still nothing better than it even with that drop, and the second is because the last episode focused entirely on being a silly action movie.

Why do you write to an audience?

Because I'm writing to engage and connect with people. I have no use for writing that's intended to be meaningful only to me - if my work doesn't connect with people, I've failed as a writer.
That's not to say I, you know, /lie/ in what I'm saying. I actually think my written "voice" is very similar to my real life one, just polished somewhat.

Is cryonics a scientifically legitimate movement, in your opinion?

I'm not a scientist, so my opinion on the matter is not valuable. It's basically people betting on the future being awesome, right?

When are you planning are watching Hanamonogatari?

When I find time. This weekend's kind of mercilessly busy, but it's the thing I most /want/ to watch right now, for whatever that's worth.


Language: English