

Ask @B0bduh

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What is your opinion on the facebook page Anime is Satan?

I don't use facebook, but that page sounds alright.

Is there a correct time to watch the Tatami Galaxy?

Its themes are relevant to anyone, but specifically based around college-age anxieties, and its storytelling is brilliantly evocative of the college experience (well, the college experience if you actually /do/ anything, which is something the show very much encourages). So I'd watch it young, but it'll probably be more nostalgic for and fully appreciated by people who've passed that moment.
Liked by: Mel

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Have you listened to any of The Strokes?

Yeah, I'm a pretty big fan of their stuff. I think their first two albums are classics, their third isn't as strong but is still a solid album, and Angles is kind of a mess.
If I were to have full creative control over a movie, there's a decent chance it'd open with a brief spoken conversation where the actors aren't visible, and then the credits sequence would visually introduce the protagonist to "You Only Live Once." I think it's one of the classiest introduction songs I've heard.
Granted, if this were Proof of Life, I'd probably already have blown all my budget licensing Beast of Burden, so...

How would you respond to people who praise the thematic elements of shows like Mushishi and Tatami Galaxy, but dismiss similar elements in shows like Madoka and other Urobuchi-esque writing as "pretentious"?

I mean, they're just different writing styles. I guess if you like one but not the other and feel you have to frame that as a failing of the text then you'll assign the one you dislike a label like "pretentious." But you could also just not build your ego around having more correct art opinions than other people.
Liked by: EddyAntiStu

Previously you said not to judge Zankyou based on its real world plausibility. What changed?

This latest episode was pretty much entirely plot-based, which left nothing else to focus on. It leaned its drama on the weakest elements of the production. Hopefully that won't happen again.

Is it possible to write critique on hentai, or is it just "anything goes as long as it turns you on"?

It's definitely possible. You can critique basically anything, it's just some stuff better lends itself to certain types of criticism than others.

Do you own any anime posters and wall scrolls ?

Yeah - I've got scrolls from FLCL, Eva, Madoka, and Spice and Wolf. I've only got the FLCL one up, though.

Any OPs or EDs that you think really didn't fit for a show? Hardmode: you liked the show.

Elfen Lied, but that's the opposite case - the OP is really classy, the show's hot trash.
Katanagatari, I guess - the OP's much more disposable pop than the show's actual soundtrack, and doesn't really fit its mood.

What 4chan board is worse /mlp/ or /r9k/ ?

I don't know, I don't visit either and am not interested in assessing the shades of awful across the various hell-realms of 4chan.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Alot of the stuff I love I can recognize the flaws. Usually the stuff that resonates with me out-weights its flaws rather then being "perfect". Have there been shows that resonated with you that you recognize have problems? And well-crafted shows that left you cold? As a critic which has more value?

I guess question one would be Monogatari, and question two would be Baccano. As a critic, I focus on what I consider valuable - I think Monogatari is a triumph because it contains great human insight, and I think Baccano is a sterile genre exercise because it's largely concerned with being polished and entertaining.

Do you ever regret making an ask.fm account?

Not really. If I weren't wasting time here, I'd be wasting time somewhere else.

Why do you answer questions here that aren't even questions? the "Re: the question about subjectivity " one was just someone posting to agree with you. Echo chamber much?

Sometimes I'm just responding to friends here. Arguing with people all the time is kind of exhausting.

Would critique of "good" craft also be considered subjective?

Yes. Craft exists within frameworks that are not universal/objective, and any craft breakdown of a show is a (hopefully useful) simplification of all the million things that show is doing. When I say "this show has great writing," I mean great according to the frameworks of writing craft I have internalized that interact pleasantly with the understanding of language and meaning I've developed that allows me to articulate emotional and intellectual experiences to other human beings.
Objectivity is not a meaningful thing to strive for when it comes to criticism. I'd just ignore the whole subjective/objective thing, and try to articulate your thoughts on a work in a way that makes sense for you and can hopefully connect with other peoples' experiences of it.

What do you do when people act like Romeo & Juliet is a nice romantic story?

People do that? I thought that was largely done by people who haven't read it. Or writers who haven't read it and still use it as a motif, for that matter.

Re: the question about subjectivity and "just describing the plot", I agree completely - I think it's similar to how someone (I think Orwell?) said that the idea that art shouldn't be political is itself a political act. Even if you try to be "objective", that's a subjective act itself.

Rose Bridges
Yep. You are always aiming your specific eye at a specific avenue of text engagement. Saying art shouldn't be political really just means art and the critic's politics shouldn't be actively considered/admitted.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Are reviews ever anything but subjective?

I was going to say "unless you're literally describing the plot, you're engaging in an act of interpretation," but then I realized that even just describing the plot is choosing to approach your review from a plot-centric perspective, which is only one of many possible things to prioritize.
So, no.
Liked by: Mel Rose Bridges


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