

Ask @B0bduh

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How can you respond to the damning criticism of Eva that "Boring predictable chain of events forms almost one half of it.Wrong shitty theories about humanity forms half of what remains,and set the basis for the whole story,and are imposed upon the audience in the most obvious,blatant&unartistic way?

Like this:
Don't link me every dumb thing you find on the internet.
Liked by: Mel

What do you think of Taiga? Many accuse her of being the most tsundere ever.

She's pretty tsun. I'd have to watch the show again to conclusively prove whether she's the MOST tsun.

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What do you think of AnimeNewsNetwork?

I don't really have strong feelings on it in any direction. Their forum seems bad, but basically every anime forum is bad, so that's not surprising. And apparently their database has very good staff information.

I see you're enjoying Barakamon. Any interest in checking out Usagi Drop?

I've read the manga (I know), so maybe at some point, but it isn't a priority.

Do you truly believe your last tweet about gun rights? Or are you just trying to make a point? Gun rights are given under the pretense that the people have the right to rebel against a totalitarian state. Taking away those constitutional rights is as heinous of an act as taking away free speech.

Gun rights were initially included in the bill of rights to ensure our ability to create citizen militias in case we got reinvaded by the British. If the government wanted to overwhelm us through military means, they could. Your paranoid peashooter brigade would not stop the most terrifying military force in human history from instituting a police state if they wanted to. Civilians having guns pretty much only leads to more convenient murder, kids accidentally shooting their own heads off, and racists feeling slightly more safe about the Coming Revolution.

Resources for anime research?

What kind of research do you mean? I generally use MAL to look up shows, but aside from that, I mainly just talk to people I know on twitter.

I might be mistaken but you've mentioned that you were a drummer in your old band. Still got a drumset around? If not due to living with other people, have you ever thought about getting an electric drum set?

One of my housemates actually moved a drumset into our apartment recently, but I haven't played in months. That's not uncommon, though - I was never the greatest drummer, but I was good enough for rock music and school musicals, and tend to stay at least competent during time off.
Considering it's likely my old band isn't getting back together, I really should just solo-record that last EP of songs I wanted to put together. Hm.

Humans Need Not Apply: http://youtu.be/7Pq-S557XQU Any thoughts?

Yep! It's completely and undeniably true.
If you don't want to watch the whole 15 minute video, the whole thing is basically talking about how automation will in the near future invalidate a tremendous, insurmountable percentage of human jobs.
The answer is pretty simple, but pretty tough in practice - our current form of capitalism /will not work/ in the future. We ALREADY have millions of people essentially being paid to do nothing, or close to nothing, or work that could become superfluous with little effort. We are going to have to move to a post-labor economy in the near, near future, and that's going to require some fundamental shifts in the ways people go about their lives.
Liked by: Mel

what would you say to the criticism that zankyou no terror is too predictable?

The same thing I say to every complaint about something being too predictable - /everything/ is predictable. Just because you haven't seen a narrative before doesn't make it novel. The important things are execution and what a given creator brings to a story frame.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

"In which I drop all the bad things, but still give them one more poke just to fill out my word count" ... Hooow many essays have you BS'd in school?

Pretty sure I actually invested myself in, like, four school essays. I'd be a much better student now than I was back then.

Do you think that shows with absurd plots but meaningful character interactions suffer because of their plots?

Depends on what the show itself cares about and wants you to be invested in. If the show's plot is ridiculous but its dramatic weight doesn't hang on its plot, it can generally get away with it.
Unless you're someone who only cares about plot, in which case you're probably not going to enjoy shows like that. But that's not really the show's fault.

Any experience with the Shin Megami Tensei franchise?

I've played most of Persona 3, and enjoyed it, but eventually lost momentum. I wanted to see how the story ended, but I ran out of enthusiasm for all the pokemon battles I'd have to push through to find out.

Basically the question about whether you see anime educating students in the future is kind of asking that even in light of anime being a fairly new medium (not really inferior, I've read your post about that), do you see it overcoming cultural standards? Not only anime but also T.V shows/movies.

Not quite sure what you mean by cultural standards. I mean, there are already fairly "neutral" anime - you could show pretty much anyone a film by Miyazaki or Hosoda.

Do you think people help others for purely selfless reasons, or for the pleasurable feelings acquired by helping them?

The fact that people regularly help others at great cost to themselves kinda proves it's not always the second case. People help others for a wide variety of reasons, but they are certainly capable of extraordinarily selflessness.

That last top shows comment was poetry. The "not even most of the boys" line really sets off the whole piece.

Some of them are just so beautiful. I cry evertim.

Would you rather watch an original Isin story or an original Urobuchi?

I think Isin already writes exactly what he wants to write. I'd like to see a story that is exactly the story Urobuchi wants to be telling.


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