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Apparently the first Jaws movie was "accidentally good". Everyone on the production thought they were making a schlocky B movie that would be forgotten overnight.

I guess it's a good thing Spielberg is preposterously good at what he does.

You'd be surprised how many people think Code Geass is the end-all be-all art form from the anime industry and how its ending is a revolution.

Considering I get about 2.5 people telling me DBZ is the best anime ever what the fuck is this list l2anime scrub daily, I don't have much trouble believing a lot of people think Code Geass is the peak of the medium.

To you are there many titles where you think that there's a lot of higher level content or a serious nature, but some aspects of the presentation make most people dismiss them as silly? (for me, things like Valvrave, Birdy, and Nobunaga the Fool)

That's pretty much anime altogether. Utena is that way - it contains pigmy-monkey mascots and surfing elephant, but it's also as coherent of a statement on gender relations and adolescence as you could imagine. Evangelion is that way - it has penis jokes and pratfalls, but it also understands people to about as fundamental a degree as is humanly possible. Surface aesthetic is a pretty miserable indicator of aesthetic/intellectual/thematic value.

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What's your opinion on extremist feminists?

As I've said before, I'm not really a fan of extremists in general. If we're talking about "all men must die" feminists, then yes, I condemn all seven or eight of them.
If you're a dullard incapable of parsing sarcasm, then the blunt intent of that statement was "I am against blind extremism in all forms, and I've heard that extremist feminism involves actual antagonism against the male gender altogether, but I personally have not witnessed this among the hundreds of feminists I've known personally or read statements/articles/essays/books by, so it only really exists as a silly strawman/corner case to me."

Re-watching Madoka reinforces to me that is comparable to a fine piece of literature. There are so many dimensions of metaphor that exist in it. It surely does breed rich interpretation.

Yeah, there are so many rewarding directions you could take Madoka. Goddamn do I wish we had more shows like that.
Liked by: EddyAntiStu

You take every chance to rag on how Fate/Zero is only considered mature because of the visual aesthetic, does it offend you that much? You couldn't have used an anime where this would be generally agreed, like Attack on Titan or Code Geass?

It doesn't offend me at all, it's just a very useful example. Attack on Titan is also a very silly show that aspires to a mature affect, but it seems like that works for fewer people than Fate/Zero does, so it's not as useful of an example. And I figured pretty much everyone accepts Code Geass is a very silly show.

How much do you think that giving off the impression of being something intended to be seriously considered affects how much people see 'depth' in something, and conversely, can you think of any anime that you think ended up being better than their creators really expected or intended?

I think it affects people's impressions a whole lot! I think this instinct is partially reflected in how praise of Fate/Zero so often focuses on how "mature" it is, among many other things.
On the other hand, I don't think basically anything ends up "accidentally good." I think most creators try really damn hard, and that the effort-to-appreciated-output ratio is really unfair on artists.

Opinion on the Nozaki-kun OP?

Very possibly the best OP song of the season, though it's tremendously unbalanced - it's really just got a fantastically catchy chorus, with the rest being kinda lukewarm guitar funk. That chorus is tremendous, but I think the best overall song may be Barakomon's. Aldnoah's is also growing on me every episode, though it's unlikely it'll pass the other two.

Do you really dislike the Mass Effect franchise?

No. I loved the first game and enjoyed the second. Never played the third, but I have generally fond impressions of the series.

Do I need an account to ask questions, or have I just been asking the kinds of questions you don't feel like answering?

Please do not take my failure to answer any given question personally! I can't answer most of the questions I receive, and mainly just answer what I either have an easy response to or what strikes me as something I want to talk about at the time.

When the current HxH arc ends, and the anime supposedly ends with it. Are you going to start reading the new arc in the manga? It's a mix of Yorknew/Chimera right now, but it's starting to gain its own personality.

I'll wait and see what the anime decides to do. I could burn through any built-up manga in an afternoon, I'd rather just save the surprises for the animated version.

Thanks for answering my questions about your book! It's awesome having a direct forum with the author of something you enjoyed; it's something I've never done before. So to turn this into a question, have you ever met/talked to the author/director/anyone involved in of one of your favorite pieces?

zackadavis7’s Profile Photozackadavis
You're very welcome! As for your question, considering we're already kind of on a Katawa Shoujo kick, I suppose these would be pretty good examples:
I also saw Dai Sato at Anime Boston, which was nice. I saw him at one panel on Friday, and ended up asking him a question there (how did your early work in songwriting influence your style as a scriptwriter), and then on Saturday I was standing in line for another of his panels when he actually snuck by to get in, and we exchanged a nice awkward wave.
I also got Dance with Dragons signed by GRRM when it came out, but that was sadly a pretty minimal interaction.

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Liked by: zackadavis

Have you ever felt like just skipping a season of airing shows, and watching stuff from your watch list instead?

Nah, I enjoy the experience of watching airing shows. And I'm terrible at marathoning things anyway, it's actually easier for me to finish things if they're spaced out weekly.

Quick question, on a scale of 1 to 10, how big of a fool am I for being surprised by the "Adult Content" in Katawa Shojou? Apart from that aspect, I'm really loving it. It just caught me off guard, is all.

I'm actually kind of amazed you were able to play it without running into someone referring to it as a "porn game" of some kind. I guess that speaks to how its reputation has been solidified as a Good Thing since its release? Glad you're enjoying it, though!

Was Caleb originally in the story? Or did you use him as a mouthpiece of sorts to explore the questions you had about the universe you created? Both works too! I found myself very caught up in his questions about how the world works and his role in the book!

He was always there, from my first chapter outlines onward, but he was one of the characters that underwent the most revisions throughout, both in his arc/perspective and in the specific scenes that involved him. I didn't really have the best handle on him at first, and his arc wasn't really sound - he didn't seem to have confidence in his own values. Once I figured out what was wrong there, and how I was kind of limiting his personality for the sake of narrative necessity, I went back and hammered out what was really fundamental to his personality, and his arc built naturally from there. He's a bright-minded theologian, basically, and it's likely clear from my essays that "the things we choose to believe in" is one of my big obsessions.
Liked by: zackadavis

What's the turning of the chimera arc for you?

It has like twelve turning points. You can't really apply an act structure breakdown to Chimera Ant very easily.

Speaking of games that use gameplay to aid their themes, have you played Spec Ops the Line? I just finished it yesterday and it kind of blew my mind a little. It's only 6 or so hours long, but I think it manages to say what it wants to say perfectly in that amount of time.

Nope. Didn't realize it was that short though, that actually makes me a lot more inclined to play it.

What are your favorite Hunter x Hunter episodes pre chimera-arc?

I like the badge-stealing part of the Hunter exam, the Gon-Hisoka Heaven's Arena fight, most of the Yorknew City arc, and the dodgeball game from Greed Island.

Can you skip the early episodes of HxH to get to "the good stuff"? Wouldn't mind trying it out, based on your high praise, but am not enthusiastic about it being a long-running shounen series.

Not really, it all builds on itself. And the early parts are "good stuff" too, anyway - if you don't like what they're doing at all, you probably won't like the later stuff either.

Have you written anything about the strengths and weaknesses of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure? A lot of fans don't notice (or ignore) that a lot of Araki's female characters are pretty bad.

Nah, I haven't talked about it at length. I'm not sure it's "don't notice" so much as "welp, yeah, this show's pretty sexist." It's really brazen, and something you kind of have to accept or not when watching JoJo.

Did you play around with any other magic systems in your book? It seems central to that whole world that pain is the tax agents pay because they serve as "growing pains", but I was wondering if anything else was in the running.

It was always vaguely what it ended up as, and it kind of solidified over time, but the questions about it Caleb's constantly poking at are ones I was asking myself and going back and forth on during the writing process. It used to be something that raised more fundamental questions about causality, but that was a whole can of worms that by the end I realized the book just wasn't about anyway. Its current incarnation is much more reflective of the themes I was really focused on.
Liked by: zackadavis


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