

Ask @B0bduh

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Was it a conscious decision to have Zoe and Sean's meeting place be the playground? It's brilliant. I'm also having a lot of fun with the book so far! Also obligatory authorial intent isn't necessarily important comment ect. ext.

Happy to hear you're enjoying it! And yes, that was a very conscious choice.
Liked by: zackadavis

Out of all of the Stands you've seen so far which one of them would you want?

I generally don't get in too many street fights with other Stand users, so I'm guessing Hermit Purple, since it's not entirely useless outside of them.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Would you ever want to direct anime?

Like, in some weird nega-universe where random American dudes who can't draw/storyboard get to direct terrible money-sink passion projects until they eventually get a knack for it?
Yeah, sure, that'd be sweet.

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Thoughts on people exusing logic flaws in anime with "Its anime, of course it doesn't make sense"?

Applying that to "anime" as a general excuse is silly, but it's true that many shows just don't run on logic, and it's also true that /most/ shows break down if you try to get super-pedantic about in-universe logic. Stories generally run on /emotional/ logic, not real-world logic, and if you try to get all beep-boop I'm a robot in your evaluation of a show's storytelling you'll probably find plenty to complain about.
I was actually thinking about this last night, when I was watching FMA and a building exploded right next to a main character. My first thought was "man, that guy is deaaaad," my second was "jeez, I bet there are some people who'd actually complain about that as a "flaw" of the show," and my third was "well, I guess for some people, the physics of explosions in a world where alchemy is real are more important than the storytelling necessity of setting up this character and explosion in a single shot for the sake of pacing and dramatic effect."
That's kind of secondary to your question, though - it's true, if a show's internal logic breaks your suspension of disbelief, the show just won't work for you. It's a give-and-take, and really depends on what kind of universe the show sets up, and what elements of a conflict the show wants you to feel invested in. If it seems like a show "cheats" in some central way by breaking its own rules, then "it doesn't have to make sense" is just rubbing salt in the wound that the show itself inflicted by failing to respect its own conflicts.

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Liked by: Rose Bridges

Why do you think anime became a nerdy niche hobby instead of something akin to normal TV?

You mean in Japan or abroad? In Japan, that's just the way the economic model worked out - it originally was created largely for children, some early scifi stuff promoted an enthusiast market that maintained interest in it, the home video era promoted more focused extensions of its earlier priorities, and the post-Eva era made non-children's anime largely one portion of a commercial lifestyle nexus aimed at a particular niche audience. It's self-selecting, at this point - most of the anime we watch air at hours too late for new people to randomly get into them, most of them are also very specifically aimed at appealing to niche sensibilities, and the DVDs are priced as collectors' items, not as mass media.
Abroad, there's all kinds of reasons - most breakthrough anime is aimed at adolescents, getting into anime generally requires accepting various distinctive quirks of storytelling, much critically acclaimed anime still appeals largely to nerd interests, and there's just an inherent stigma against cartoons.

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What are some examples of presumptuous or leading questions that you get? I'd rather avoid asking you those sorts of questions, but thinking back, I probably have from time to time.

Nah, don't worry about it. They normally take the form of "how dare you not have done/watched/written ____" or "don't you think it's ridiculous that ____ even though that's obviously wrong", stuff that people really should be aware is badgering the witness.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Good burger joints in Boston? Specifically Cambridge?

Tasty Burger is good and cheap, and there's one at Harvard Square. If you're looking to splurge, Boston Burger Company (not sure if there's one in Cambridge) is very good.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

How often do you go back and change your rating of a show?

Pretty rarely. Unless I rewatch something and my feelings shift, it generally only happens when my rating or show-value philosophy shifts.

I guess it's almost inarguable that, on a basic fundamental level, SAO II has improved vastly to the original series. What do you think of people who are still clinging to their hatred not because they can argue that it hasn't improved in those fundamental areas but "because it's still stupid"?

I mean, it's still not a /great/ show - these last couple episodes have kind of been in line with what I usually consider my "seasonal popcorn pick," something I enjoy while I'm watching it and stamp with a 6/10 at the end. But yeah, I think it's also something people just like to rag on. People's dislike of shows isn't necessarily any more "rational" then their enjoyment of them, and show dislike can be as much of a communal thing as show appreciation. And SAO is a very high visibility target that naturally lends itself to polarized opinions. Not only is there kind of an inherent performative element in many people's reaction to the show (mine very obviously included), it's also watched and criticized by a lot of people who normally would just go "eh, not my thing" to similar shows.

Whenever Reddit comes up here, you always have so rather harsh (but very true) things to say about it. If you hold such scorn for Reddit as a whole, why are you still active on both r/anime and r/trueanime?

I'm sure some people would dispute "still active" - my activity on reddit has kind of plummeted recently. But it's still nice to have a forum for discussion, and reddit is certainly better than MAL or /a/ or ANN or what have you. Plus I'm just used to going there.

Do you get tired of all the overly fawning questions that you get?

Hell no, fawn away! It's the creepy, presumptuous, insulting, or leading ones I tend to get tired of.

Bobduh you troll. You clearly made this list just to piss people off. You're making the children cry.

I think that last sentence may be literally true.

Whenever I see that certain VAs such as Miyuki Sawashiro, Miyano Mamoru, or Ami Koshimizu are involved in a show, my interest in said show instantly heightens. Do you have any specific VAs that get you excited whenever you see them casted in an anime?

I like it when VAs I like are cast in things I'm planning on watching (I also like Sawashiro and Koshimizu, incidentally), but I'm not that familiar with VAs in general, and I won't seek out a show I otherwise wouldn't watch due to voice talent.

What are your favorite Western cartoon tv series?

Maybe Rick and Morty? I dunno, I don't really watch western cartoons.

what has xxdeathx posted to upset you?

He's basically a League of Legends troll - just a lot of childishly racist/homophobic stuff. The fact that he doesn't get banned for that means I clearly don't share a similar forum philosophy with trueanime's mods. "Total free speech" is basically a myth that's convenient for some people - you either demand people be decent or accept that you'll attract assholes who'll make other people uncomfortable enough to leave.

As a big fan of your work and an avid followe I really like your rection gifs. How do you organize them in your folder? Where did you find them? Can you upload it for others to use?

I don't really organize them at all - I just know what ones I have, so I scan the folder for what I want. Not a good system! I find them online, unsurprisingly - via twitter, forums, 4chan, whatever. And I'd rather not upload it, because I try to avoid reusing them too much and that'd basically reveal my whole hand.

What is your opinion about RahXephon? Many people say that it is "Evangelion done right." What do you think about that?

I haven't seen it since high school, so I can't really give a strong statement either way, but here's my MAL blurb:
A show that copies a huuuuge amount from Evangelion, with mixed results. Some decent characters and standout scenes, and the visual design is really, really strong, but other characters are given importance far out of line with their development, and I get the feeling this was just to mirror certain aspects of Evangelion. The show hurts for it, and also hurts because there isn't really all that much beneath the surface, but there's still enough good here to tentatively recommend it.

Do you have any comments or opinions on /u/xxdeathx's behavior and conduct on /r/trueanime you would be willing to air?

He's a shitty teenager. Hopefully he grows out of it. I think the forum would be better if it banned that kind of behavior, but it's not my forum.

Did you check out the first episodes to Ao Haru Ride or Gekkan Shoujo yet? If you did, what did you think of them?

I checked out the first episode and a half of Nozaki-kun, which was actually pretty endearing, but didn't really grab me - the jokes were all basically "heh, that's kinda funny." This is a vast improvement over most anime comedies (which I generally perceive as a series of grating, repetitive loud noises), and it seems like a fine enough show, but I'm not compelled to keep with it. I liked the dynamic of the two main characters kinda idiotically exploring shoujo cliches, so the introduction of the backgrounds guy actually made me less interested.

Do you have a lot of anime reaction gifs stashed away for future use or do you find them whenever the need arises?

I've got a big folder of them.

That 7 will become a 9 when you watch FMA Brotherhood, the much superior series that has no Bones non-canon filler crap with 2003 production values.

Anon, at this point, you've pretty much convinced me to skip Brotherhood altogether just to torture you.


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