

Ask @B0bduh

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what's your opinion on the scott pilgrim movie?

Really, really good. Kind of remarkable that they were able to make an adaptation of the books at all, and that it feels both faithful to the original and completely like its own thing is... well, it's the only way they could have done it, but it's impressive to see. That's Edgar Wright for you.

Why not?

His writing makes me feel like I've been cornered at a party by a loud but not terribly interesting person who's had too much to drink.

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if there were two astronauts on the moon, and one astronaut killed the other one with a moon-rock or something, would that be fucked up or what

That would be pretty fucked up

What did you think of Seconds?

Loved it. O'Malley's books are unsurprisingly always about the right thing at the right time for me, and so Seconds hits close to home just like Scott Pilgrim did. The characters are great, the story's fun, the message is a killer. This one feels more overtly and gracefully manga-influenced than Scott Pilgrim did - the narrator conceit reminds me of Cross Game's sense of humor, and a lot of the faces seem kinda Rumiko Takahashi-esque. It's pretty much a perfect little story for people who've made just enough decisions to start regretting every one of them.

I'm really hoping that you'll make it the topic of an essay for your website, but initial thoughts after watching the end of the Chimera Ant Arc?? Will Hunter x Hunter 2011 be climbing the ranks of your top 30?

Probably by a few spots. I loved the arc, but condensing its strengths into a coherent essay sounds /pretty tough/.

Why are you dropping Sailor Moon Crystal? Have you just no interest in the series that is genesis of the Magical Girl shows that followed after including Madoka?

I kinda love the hysterical tone of this question. Anyway, I'm dropping it because at this point it seems significantly worse than what I've seen/heard about the original, so I'd rather just maybe check that out at some point in the future.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Did racism always exist?

I assume people have always tried to dehumanize other people who somehow aren't like them.

Why has "feminist" become a demonized term?

It didn't really "become" a demonized term, it basically started out that way. Sexism is deeply ingrained in our culture and history, and has never had a shortage of champions.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Have you even had any interest in reading/watching Berserk?

It's on my list, but not very high. It doesn't seem like my kind of thing.

While I completely agree with Hunter x Hunter 2011 being the best show airing at the moment, I'm somewhat surprised to see you rate Aldnoah Zero above Zankyou no Terror considering what we've seen of the series so far. Care to elaborate on that decision?

Zankyou's second episode didn't impress me as much as its first - it was still very aesthetically polished, but the stuff that wasn't a retread of the first episode was largely just a standard police procedural. In contrast, I'm enjoying Aldnoah more every episode, and it's much, much more /engaging/ than Zankyou, even if it's not as polished.
They're pretty different shows though, and doing a direct comparison between two good things after only a couple episodes is even less meaningful than one between two completed series.

Could we have a simplistic, reductive ranking of this season's anime from best to worst, please? :> With as many 'greater than' signs as required.

I normally do that at six weeks, but of what I'm watching currently...
Hunter x Hunter 2011
Zankyou no Terror
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders
Sword Art Online II
Tokyo Ghoul
Glasslip (dropped)
Sailor Moon Crystal (dropped)
Tokyo ESP (dropped)
Akame ga Kill (dropped)

Why didn't you answer my questions about Evangelion? :(

I don't answer many people's questions about many things. I can only answer a few, and they tend to be the ones I feel like talking about at the time.

This is partly out of interest in your opinion on it and partly to see how effective Ask,fm's censoring is: Thoughts on the Israeli-Palestine conflict?

I'm not really qualified to comment, but for the sake of testing ask.fm's system, Israel Israel Palestine Palestine.

Ask.fm didn't tweet the question on male issues, by the way (I'm not entirely sure why).

Ask.fm apparently don't tweet any answers including words from a list of "hot button issues."

What makes dialogue good or bad?

A thousand tiny things, but a few of the big ones are it being reflective of a believable person, it having personality/voice, or it being clever or evocatively composed.

Do you think there are legitimate men's issues out there?

Yeah, definitely. Society's default expectations suck for everybody, and masculinity as it's traditionally defined has a lot of gross expectations swept up in it. These issues aren't really comparable in scale to the systemic oppression of women, but they're certainly necessary to engage with. Fortunately, any reasonable branch of feminism acknowledges that anybody can be negatively affected by patriarchal assumptions.

What do you think about people dismissing all modern music?

That it's a pretty ridiculous thing to do, I guess?

is Kiritoless SAO the best anime of the season?

It'll have to fight with the lesser Tokyos for fifth-best - ESP and Ghoul.

Have you seen Air? If so, what do you think of it?

Nope, but I found both Clannad and Angel Beats pretty bad, so I don't really have any interest in it.

Seen the latest Aldnoah.Zero? Thoughts on the way the fighting played out? The thoughtful puzzle-like nature of their solution reminded me a little of HxH combat. I found it very exciting.

Or Code Geass, except, you know, they actually think up a solution that isn't just "Lelouch uses planning-magic on the villain, it's Super Effective." It was very enjoyable!


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