

Ask @B0bduh

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Wait, a mirror of Homura and Madoka's relationship?

Homura is herself a much later version of Madoka - we learn her initial personality was much like Madoka's initial one, and that she was given strength by the confidence she perceived in that world's Madoka. Both her and Kyouko are trying to break the cycle to spare someone they think they can understand from the pain of becoming who they've become.
Liked by: EddyAntiStu

Lol, that guy who died in Aldnoah ep 2 had no development! Shock factor! Urobuchi still killing off characters we know nothing about!

I honestly can't tell if you're being serious or a parody of silly criticisms. At this point, no assumption is safe.

Can u spell out kyoukos character arc for me bobduh???

She starts out indifferent to everyone because she's been beaten down by the betrayal of her family and the cruelty of the system. However, Sayaka shocks her out of this apathy, and raises her first to anger and then to empathy, because Sayaka reminds her of her old self - stubborn but optimistic and full of conviction. Eventually, Sayaka's example leads her to sacrifice herself for the sake of a friend, something she never would have done at the beginning. Bam, an elegantly orchestrated arc that embodies the terrible, beautiful cycles of the series and acts as a mirror of Madoka and Homura's own relationship.

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"Make me feel like I am a shounen hero". Bobduh is Kirito of the FGC confirmed. Mains are Hakumen, Bang, and Ragna.

I actually tend to play the dainty girl characters. I find it way too entertaining to beat the shit out of someone with a character who keeps saying "I don't want to hurt you!" and "Is there no other way?!" etc.

What the hell is up with the MC in Aldnoah Zero?

He's emotionally distant, unable to really parse the awful things happening around him as a legitimate reality. He's sleepwalking through life, and can't gracefully transition from that to dealing with the end of his halcyon days.
Honestly, it's weird to me that people are actually assuming Urobuchi just forgot to give him a personality. Have you really bought in to the "Urobuchi can't write characters" nonsense that deeply? This seems to me like a "why does Kyouko do random stuff lol" situation, where people are just significantly under-reading his character.
I could be wrong, though. I guess we'll learn over time whether his emotional distance is an intentional choice or one of the most talented writers in the industry just forgot to give one of his protagonists a personality.
Liked by: Lord Reiseng

Favorite Disney movie?

Maybe The Rescuers Down Under. Seriously, I have all sorts of fond memories of that film. Other picks would be Fantasia and Mulan.
Unless we're counting Pixar movies of course, in which case the top three is Up, The Incredibles, and either Toy Story 3 or Ratatouille.

you make me smile a lot. thank you for everything you do

Aw, thank you! That is very nice of you to say.

Have you ever been in a fight?

Not a real one. I got shoved over a couch and slammed against a wall once in college, because a couple friends thought I'd told another friend they'd stolen her pills.
(I had, and they did. Shitheads.)

What about MvC?

Maybe if it had wacky anime characters instead of Marvel superheroes. It also feels /too/ busy for me. I want a fighting game to make me feel like I am a shounen hero, basically.

What did you like about Aldnoah.Zero Episode 2?

I liked how quickly and excitingly we burned through the invasion sequence. I liked how well it made use of the whole cast. I liked the chase sequence at the end. I liked how almost every adult seemed to have their own quick, natural take on what one does in an impossible situation. I liked what they seem to be doing with the main character - how he basically exemplifies a total disconnect from the events happening, and still seems to be in a point of "this is all something happening on a TV to someone else." He was probably my favorite thing about the episode, actually - his numbness felt a lot more real than more theatrical or classically heroic responses to this situation would have.

What do you think about the Blazblue storyline?

The plot itself is just a bunch of crazy nonsense, but I remember the writing of the first game being pretty damn funny. The story really seems to come alive when the characters are just hanging around having stupid arguments with each other.

Did you write notes for Madoka Magica?

No, I watched it before I started taking them. The first show I took notes on was Clannad, weirdly enough.

"We are the comments section". Not the same person who asked but I would like you to elaborate. It sounds like you're minimizing accountability because the internet as a whole is fostering terrible people.


Do you think it is possible for a video game to be "too balanced" or "too polished" ?

This question is too vague to really give a meaningful answer to. It would have to be a very specific case for either of those things to become negative qualities.

Yeah, Urobuchi says in this interview that the Madoka in the flower garden wasn't the "real" Madoka. http://feral-phoenix.livejournal.com/685568.html#| You're done your essay already but I thought it might be interesting.

It's funny and very telling that Urobuchi says that's not the real Madoka, but Shinbou insists it is. I've actually read all those interviews, and have a few quotes from them in the post. Not as the cornerstones of arguments or anything, just to provide some creator context, like with the Eva post.

Where does the name of your blog come from? You've probably answered this somewhere on here before...

Goddamn does this site need a search mechanism. Anyway, it's got two meanings - first, it works nicely with my criticism philosophy, which is that my meaning is always a relative meaning and thus I am always wrong every time. But more importantly, it's a Madoka quote. "If anyone says there's no reason to hope, I'll prove them wrong every single time."


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