

Ask @B0bduh

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Any interest in Evo 2014?

Maybe I'll catch some of the streams. I really like Melee and BlazBlue, so...

Studying theory to play a "simple" game? I thought you were the kind of guy who happily jumps in and learns by doing things.

Chess is not a simple game and it does not come with a tutorial.

Do you check out other people's blogs if asked?

Sometimes. I don't have time to check out most of the things I get asked to. I try to respond to comments at least once, but that's about the most I can guarantee.

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I marathoned Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! last night and loved the heck out of it. I'm actually surprised there's a season 2, given how well it wrapped up. Is season 2 worth giving a shot? You seemed disappointed with it.

Reaaally disappointed with it. If you're going to watch it, you should really lower your expectations - the story doesn't actually move the characters any further than the exact point they get to at the end of S1, and in fact, most of them go /backwards/ in their development. It's basically like a long collection of OVA episodes attempting to continuously evoke the situation at the middle of season one, with no character progression or central point.

Read any Dostoevsky?

Just Notes from Underground, which I found agonizing to get through. The character's initial point seemed to be "humanity can't aspire to a higher social ideal as long as people as awful as me exist," and then he dedicated the rest of the story to demonstrating exactly how awful he is. Great job, full points, give me something else to read.

Speaking of sandwiches are we ever going to get another cooking tutorial? I've been making that same sandwich every day for the past year and I need something new.

Maybe I'll make you guys nachos or something I dunno.

Why not build your own Speedwagon Foundation with all these subservient followers?

It'd be just like Speedwagon's, except instead of paying for doctors and transport and police bribes it could maybe pay for a sandwich or something.

Bobduh-sama i've read Madoka Different Story, where Mami (who is actually developed) and Kyoko are the mc, what do you think of it?

Haven't read it.

Are you distressed by all of these questions referring to you as "sempai" or "Bobduh-sama"? You've said before that you would seriously reconsider what you're doing if you gained a legion of subservient followers: Is that something you have a suspicion of happening now?

No, I think people find it funny. Also I've decided I'm actually evil and am totally down with a legion of subservient followers.

play chess?

Not really. Chess stresses me out, I get paralyzed by my need to make a correct choice. I should probably study basic theory stuff so I can at least play casually without trying to assess every possible move.

In light of the recent explosion, what would you say is your view of the anime fandom as a whole? Has it changed since your last post (http://wrongeverytime.com/2013/04/22/thoughts-on-art-appreciation-anime-culture-and-the-state-of-the-medium/) on it?

Not really. I think most anime is bad and that the subculture contains a bunch of gross attitudes. I wouldn't extend that to "the medium has produced nothing worthwhile and everyone who indulges in it is a mentally ill pedophile" like a crazy person, but it's not a beacon of introspection and artistry, either.

Jesus Christ, David Faraci: "Almost every person yelling at me about anime has a sexualizing female cartoon character avatar." Turns out only one person had such an avatar, with only about three actually having a female cartoon avatar. Out of a billion "normal" avatars.

Look, he's an asshole who legitimately enjoys being an asshole. His response to the criticism of the internet is to fill himself with hate and indifference. If you're looking to be disappointed, he won't disappoint you.

Why do you think there are hobby websites (news, books, movies, anime, games and so forth) that thrive in reposting news from other websites? What is the point when said websites say they want to become big?

Aggregates are useful for fans, I guess. You can't read every site.

I have an odd relationship with HxH. I think Togashi has great ideas and themes, but often I feel dissatisfaction in his delivery of narrative. Characters minds operate the same and the narrator frequently states the obvious. Do you see these as flaws and does Togashi navel-gaze?

I see this as a leading question and disagree with its premise. Character minds do not operate the same, and the narrator is somewhere between sports commentator and Greek chorus.

When someone next to me says madoka sucks and points out its "flaws", i automatically think that his perspective is the flawed one, do you agree?

I agree except generally I also think their face is flawed and maybe they have terrible shoes.

Have you read anything by Mizukami Satoshi (ie: Hoshi no Samiare, Spirit Circle)? Seem like they might be up your alley.

I've started Biscuit Hammer a couple times but haven't gotten that far in it. I should finish it at some point.

Jesus, Faraci needs to stop.

Yep, that was pretty terrible. I haven't seen him get as ugly as this before. I wonder if the people who work with him are used to it.

You got so far behind on HxH because you were busy putting time and effort into talking about SAO. Think about that

And I barely regret every minute of it.

Whats your opinion about how shinji is forced to change his perspective of Misato from " a mom " to " a woman" later on the series when she offers herself to him...

I don't think he ever really does, and it just confuses and isolates him further. It's a terrible thing of Misato to do, but that's the only way she knows how to express intimacy. Misato has problems.

Is Kaji taking advantage of Misato? What is his role in Eva? ?!?!?!?!

This is like one of the questions my mom asks whenever I watch a movie with her. Just keep watching the movie!

You watched HxH, you're watching FMA, now the only shounen left for you to see the three best in the genre is One Piece...

Just give me fifty years in the hyperbolic no-aging time chamber and I'll get to that after handling all the film classics and literary canon.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Barakamon's sunset wasn't that great.

Nah, but the rest of it was. That show's visual strength is its animation, not its backgrounds.

Have you read the comic book series The Sandman? If so, what did you think of it?

Yes! I think it's fantastic, and that Neil Gaiman is a tremendous storyteller whose love of mythology and classic fables lends his works a real unified weight and magic. You sort of see him using the same tricks repeatedly if you read enough of his stuff, but that's pretty much true of all writers, and his bag of tricks is a compelling one. The Sandman is also regularly quite pretty, which is a nice bonus.


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