

Ask @B0bduh

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How often do you browse r/anime nowadays? (Specifically, discussion threads for shows.)

Discussion threads? I sometimes scan them to see what "reddit thinks" of some given show in a general way.

Are you only doing episodics for SAO? What about Aldnoah Zero or Zankyou no Terror?

I won't do timestamp breakdowns for them, but we'll see what happens.

Will you at least do a short "here's what I thought in general" section at the end of your SAO ep. 25 write-up?


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What is your most frequently asked question so far?

Probably "what other bloggers do you recommend."

It seems kind of hard to see /any/ Monogatari character as a role model

Yeah, I would not do that.

Haha, the different options you gave are 2 of my favourites already, so i'll look forward to reading those first 2 :)

I hope you enjoy them!

What were your thoughts on lolita?

I read it back in college, and my class focused very strictly on the prose, so my opinions are pretty confined to that. As for that, my opinion is "gorgeous as fuck" - Nabokov makes the prettiest words holy shit how does he do that how do people do that.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

best Mari Okada work?

That I've seen? Toradora. That exists? Probably Wandering Son, just going by reputation.

Can you please recommend one book for having something to say and saying it, and one for fluffy pretty prose?

1. Hocus Pocus. 2. One Hundred Years of Solitude.
Yeah, they're two of my three favorites, but they work pretty well for this. If you want different options, replace Hocus Pocus with Catch 22 and Solitude with Lolita.

First of all, Thanks for noticing me senpai *_*, and i'm a bit sad since from those 2 shows, you had to watch the worst, Accel World is better, and there isnt any raping or misogynous plots, but some actual character development, i know ur time is precious but try reading a review n give it a chance

You're welcome, but I think my SAO posts may be giving people a misleading impression. The next shows I'm gonna watch in my free time are gonna be stuff like Haibane Renmei, Kaiba, Planetes, Mononoke, Wandering Son, etc. I would probably just switch to another medium before I watched all the way down to Accel World.

Since you've watched SAO, are you willing to watch Accel World?, some ppl consider SAO as the evil twin of Accel World, please Bobduh-senpai give Accel World a try, oh and pls notice me senpai :(

Sorry, nope. One of these shows is enough.

is it understandable that even though I found Kill La Kill a failure in some regards it still managed to make me look forward to future Trigger projects?

Of course! Kill la Kill demonstrated some great strengths. Personally, I'm most excited to see more projects from Imaishi-trained animators who don't share his pulp, hot-blooded obsessions - more stuff like Little Witch Academia, for example.

Will you be writing an essay piece on SAO or will you just call it a day after 25?

I'd actually like to, but there's not enough time before season two.

did you just chose random names ( Zoe & Sean) for your book? or those have a special meaning for you

I just really like the names. They were chosen more for sound and rhythm than specific significance. ER I MEAN IT'S BECAUSE UH IT'S BECAUSE Z AND S ARE THE SAME LETTER BACK TO BACK I MEAN NO WAIT THAT'S EVEN MORE STUPID I MEAN UH.

Do you hope in OREIMO after story Manami goes school days on Kyousuke and Kirino ?

I hope Manami sits down and directly addresses the audience, explaining why the escapism championed by the show's prior material is unhealthy and self-defeating, and encouraging the audience to seek help if they feel alone, and embrace engagement with the world. I hope Manami then goes outside and takes a walk in the park, saying hello to her neighbors and demonstrating that the world is not a place to be hid from in anime and videogames, but something to be challenged and explored. I hope it ends with Manami interviewing Kirino's parents, who discuss how they're deeply worried for her, but don't really understand her, and wish she would communicate with them. And then Manami gives the audience a final "good luck," and shuts off the broadcast.
That would probably be my ideal OreImo After Story.

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How would you explain why you don't like NGNL to a friend? Just be brief and leave it at that? Or do you have no friends like that? Is the best way by wearing a fedora and growing a neckbeard? Then tipping the fedoras in unison with the rest of anibloggers.

Wait, are you implying fedora-people... /wouldn't/ like NGNL? I have serious trouble tracking the progression of that term. It kinda feels like "Nice Guys" have reclaimed it and started using it against anyone who disagrees with /them/. I mean, you know it's traditionally used against misogynists who claim they aren't sexist, right? And that NGNL is pretty undeniably a sexist show?
Anyway, my answer to your actual question is I'd just say it's another harem power fantasy with a lot of fanservice and anime jokes. But I don't really have anyone I'd have to say that to - all my real life friends who watch anime are just watching JoJo and Ping Pong this season, with one also watching Chaika.

if Urobuchi and Isin were given Romeo And Juliet to remake, how different do you think each writer would tel the same story?

If we're just going off their preexisting work, Urobuchi would focus on the inevitability of a story like this given their families' structures, and Isin would focus on the naivety of the leads, and how their conflict is simultaneously true and largely self-generated. Or he might take the family angle as well, and define Romeo and Juliet's bond (or Romeo and Mercutio's bond) as a "truth" in contrast to the consistently called-upon but artificial bonds of their family names. Which would hopefully be complicated by the fact that those bonds actually still /contain/ a great degree of truth, leading to another exploration of the name of a thing versus its nature.
The play seems to map better to Isin's interests, which actually makes me more interested in seeing what Urobuchi would do with it, since I have a harder time picturing how the whole thing would play out.

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Why do you think Urobuchi is such a polarizing writer?

Because he has a pretty specific style and priorities that you either enjoy or don't. Not that many anime writers are extremely "loud" in the way he is, or the way someone like Nisio Isin is - their writing isn't really something you can "look past" to enjoy the story, it is fundamental to the personality of their works.
I should stress that this isn't necessarily "better" or "worse" than trying to limit the idiosyncrasies of your storytelling voice, but it does naturally lead to somewhat polarized reactions to your work. And obviously other writers /do/ have their own priorities and styles, Urobuchi just happens to be a particularly well-known and contentious one.

How seriously should one take the opinion of someone who believes a show that you personally think is great and brilliant, is somehow terrible to them?

You should probably start by assuming they genuinely believe what they are saying, and go from there. Does their opinion actually reflect on something in the show that you missed? /Could/ it, even if you don't see it? What about you or your preferences might prevent you from seeing it? Try to be honest. And if this doesn't work, turn it the other way. What about /them/ might make them see it that way? What do you know of their opinions specifically, or just how people engage with shows more generally? What could that opinion say about them, or about media engagement?
Sometimes people's opinions only really make sense once you get a fuller context. For example, I know one forum-goer who hates Monogatari because he loves SAO. That doesn't really on the face of it make sense, and he wouldn't /articulate/ it that way, but it's true - he sees critics panning SAO as a personal attack, and in order to invalidate these attacks on his personality, he pours his anger into Monogatari's popularity as an example of how people aside from him apparently just like things for stupid reasons. His opinion is a reflection not of the shows themselves, but of what he needs media to be for him, and both his positions make perfect sense given that framework.
Not to say there aren't more "text-based" reasons to dislike Monogatari, because there are plenty of them (in my opinion, according to my understanding of craft, and so on etc). But people's opinions often say more about them than they do about whatever they're opining on, and trying to turn that spotlight both on yourself and on others will probably lead to both more fruitful conversations and a better understanding of how people and media interact.

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SAO S2 will have the genberbent Kirito...

Which will likely be used for initial "you're so silly, Kirito!" jokes like they've done with all the other female characters, before he does something heroic and the the heroine looks into his eyes, startled by her realization of his sudden, staggering masculinity. They've done it for all the non-child-role love interests - Asuna, Lisbeth, and Sugu/Leafa.

How does it feel being moral support for random strangers on the Internet by answering their questions?

Kinda tingly I guess.


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