

Ask @B0bduh

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I slapped my friend in da face cos i asked him to check madoka, and he said it looked like a silly girly show and refused to even take a look at it. My question is was the slappin enough? Or do you think i shpuldave kicked him in the balls and then kill him with fire?


Did you not find Taiga annoying at all? I was able to finish Toradora simply because Ami was great. do you think Ami and Ryuji would have been a better couple? I'm still very salty.

Toradora was actually a "getting back into anime" show for me, so I hadn't been overwhelmed by tsunderes at that point. She's definitely one of the show's weaker characters, and I'd probably find her a lot more annoying now, but I didn't really have a problem with her at the time.
Ami and Ryuuji would not have been a better couple, though. Taiga and Ryuuji are better as a couple than they are individually, because they each give the other something they need. Ami is too emotionally intelligent for Ryuuji, and would be better off with someone more her speed.

what got you into watching madoka and what are your initial expectation of it?

It kept popping up as a recent classic, so I checked it out. I expected it to be good based on the volume and style of recommendations, but I didn't really have any specific expectations beyond that. And then the first episode immediately demonstrated tremendous craft, and that was that.
Liked by: EddyAntiStu

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Hey, I posted a comment on your Ping Pong piece near when it launched voicing some disagreement on the general opinion of it (it's at the bottom), and was wondering as to why you hadn't replied as you did to the others. I'd like to talk about it with you, so I'd appreciate some correspondence.

Responded. Sorry about that - I try to respond to every serious comment at least once, but some slip through.

What is a video game?

The definition should probably be "some subset of interactive media that includes an element of play," but that basically shifts the burden onto the definition of play, and anyway "interactive media" isn't really a term used by people outside of game academia. So maybe I'd go with "a piece of interactive media created for artistic/entertainment purpose." This probably isn't quite right either, but video games are kinda messy that way.

You gonna see that romance film about stars and cancer?

Nope. Haven't heard good things, and I didn't really like Looking for Alaska.

Do you always hold back when fans of shows like NGNL and OreImo ask why you have your opinion? I see that on MAL you try to be as brief as possible when commenting on others' profile.Would you ever attack the motives a show targets when in the presence of those who like them? you are so tame bob, gj

I don't really enjoy attacking people. I think both those shows are pretty vile, but liking bad things doesn't make you a bad person.
I won't /lie/ if someone directly asks me my opinion, though. I think NGNL is everything bad about light novels in a shiny package, and I think OreImo is straight-up despicable in its coddling of people who really need positive, proactive messages. It helps that my feelings on both of them are a base rejection of their theses, not a variety of small objections to their specific choices.

Hey, i checked your top30 list last night, and i found madoka N°2, i'd heard about it but never watched it thinking it was just another maho shojo show like sakura card captors, after reading what you wrote, i decided to give it a try, i watched the 12 ep + rebelion, Thanks Bobduh it was f'ing great

You're very welcome! Glad you enjoyed it!

Concerning Kyousou Giga's chronology, do I have to watch the OVA and ONA or can I just jump right into the 2013 TV version and call it a day?

Just watch the 2013 TV series. Start with episode 1, skip episode 0 - that's the ONA again, which covers material the series itself will eventually get to.

Did Chaika nail the moe / dark fantasy thing that Kyoukai no Kanata failed at?

No, it's its own thing. It certainly managed to bounce between tones far more successfully than KnK, but it never really tried to raise the stakes or assume a fully dramatic tone in the way KnK attempted. I'd probably prefer a show that successfully accomplished what KnK attempted to Chaika - it was more ambitious, I think, whereas Chaika kinda exists within a Princess Bride-esque reality.
Hey, you know what nailed what KnK failed at? Steins;Gate. THAT show knew how to juggle its tones.

I was reading the 24th SAO episode post and i found this http://i.imgur.com/XAR9EXk.gif then i finished reading, laughed with the 15 inches joke, closed the tab and went back to the gif, stared at it for 10 secs and started crying of how fucking powerful that moment of Madoka was, y u do dis bob :(

I gotta earn back at least a /few/ tears.

I think Shakugan no Shana had its flaws but if you're still watching SAO dont you think u should finish the third season at least? cmon Bob-senpai, mercy pls

No thanks, SAO is enough for me.

Which piece(s) got you the most site traffic?

The top shows list, by a ratio of like 50 to 1. Google "best anime" or "top anime" - the result is the vast majority of my traffic.
Aside from that, the big essays got a lot of traffic when they went up, largely due to popular reddit threads (Why Critics Are Always Wrong, Rebuilding Evangelion), and some posts get linked elsewhere from time to time (Eva, Urobuchi, Nisemonogatari). There's also some weird outliers, too - I'm not sure exactly what's causing this, but my Sekai Seifuku episode 12 post ranks high in my daily visits pretty much every day, which doesn't make any sense to me.

As I looked back at SAO during your write ups every moment of good writing felt like it was accidental. Like the author was being attacked by a rabid racoon while writing and during the struggle his keyboard was hit and accidently typed out good stuff and afterward and he decided to leave it all in.

Considering how isolated each good element is, that seems as likely an explanation as any.
Liked by: Hitokiri

Would you say you've seen anything WORSE than SAO?

Oh yeah. Mahouka's worse. OreImo's worse.
...I think that's it.

Anohana or Ano Natsu and why?

They're pretty equal for me. Anohana is let down by an ending that overplays its hand to an absurd extent, Ano Natsu could afford to lose about five episodes of pure bloat, but otherwise both of them are fine dramas. And I /love/ that character designer, and hope he gets to handle design on another show soon (that isn't something like Joshiraku which I am incapable of enjoying).

Concerning the free will question from yesterday, I think a better phrasing of what I wanted to say would have been "Do you think living within a deterministic universe absolves people of responsibility?".

No. For society to work at all, we have to be responsible for our choices, regardless of whether that's true in a vague cosmic sense. The existence of responsibility and consequences by itself vastly improves the base deterministic paths people will take - a version of you that believes in consequences will have a better life than a version of you that didn't. If nobody acknowledged that, the world would be 4chan.
That's an argument from consequences, I know, but the alternative seems meaningless. As I said in the original answer, our personalities and choices are complex enough to be indistinguishable from free will, making this entire question kind of a pointless exercise unless someone's interested in exploring time travel or parallel worlds.
I'm not really the person to ask for a compelling answer to this question, though. I'd rather be creating more things I think people will find meaningful than wondering whether there is a meaningful "self" that is making that conscious choice. The end result is the same either way.

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Some people say bad shows are redeemed just for the quantity and quality of critical discussion they generate, text be damned. So in the end, was SAO worth it?

For me personally? Sure, I made a lot of posts that entertained many people, which is something I value.
For the world at large, as a thing to be critiqued? Not really - anything you could say about SAO's views on women, idealization of imagined meritocracies, and general violent fantasies has been said a thousand times over about a thousand other pieces of media.

i know this maybe a hard question but, which do you think are Madoka's Flaws? or you think its 100% perfect?

The only flaw I'd possibly point to is the show going overboard on head tilts and hair flips. The drama can speak for itself, it doesn't need overbearing framing - shots like that generally feel like Shaft standing up in the front row and waving their arms to make sure you notice them.

What exactly were your problems with Shakugan no Shana? You've described it as poorly-written before, but never pointed towards any specific examples as you tend to do. We're you just too high while watching to remember particular elements?

Its characters are empty cliches, its plot is a sequence of meaningless battle-shounen conflicts, its dialogue is cringeworthy, its romantic drama is worse. It is not a show worth breaking down, and falls far outside the range of stuff I'd currently pick up in the first place.

I Agree Shakugan no Shana S2 was awful, but are the other 2 seasons just as bad?

The first one was real bad, and I dropped it during S2, so I can't tell you about S3.

How high on your top 10 do you anticipate putting SAO?

According to my MAL, it should fit in right around Shakugan no Shana S2 and the Love Hina Spring Special.

Which is your fav character of toradora? And why?

Ami, which is the boring answer, but it's true. She's just by far the best character in that show - complex and witty, harboring a variety of personas and undergoing a good deal of character growth. It's not really a fair fight.


Language: English