

Ask @B0bduh

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How hyped would you be for a Uchouten Kazokou sequel? Would you be worried that they screw it up?

I don't really get hyped for stuff at this point - the last show I was legitimately hyped for was Kyoukai no Kanata, and that was a disaster. But if an Uchouten sequel had the same team (and was actually working off a followup novel, of course), I expect it'd still be very good.

Between senjougahara's low self esteem and shinobu's dependence towards Araragi, which do you think its the "harder" to solve?

Shinobu's. Senjougahara needs a good therapist, but Shinobu's actual existence means she's doomed to be either codependent or isolated forever. I don't think her story will have a happy ending.

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According to you, Is there any Ecchi show worth watching?

I haven't found any that look watch-worthy for me. But if that's what you're into, go nuts.

Do you think free will exists?

No, but I think us acting on our preexisting information/personalities + a bit of random chance is indistinguishable from it, so that shouldn't alter our choices.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

which do you think was the biggest flaw of Shinsekai Yori?

The writing of the human characters. We weren't really given good reasons to care about them as individuals, which caused the middle act to drag terribly and the finale to miss its mark. A few more scenes fleshing out them as people who care about each other and are worth caring about, and a few less scenes of random stumbling through the first queerrat war, would likely have elevated the entire series.

Ever think about changing your blog's banner?

Yeah, I want to change it to some kind of Celestial Madoka one with Wrong Every Time in an actual nice font across it, but I am both good at procrastinating and completely lacking in any graphic design ability.

What do you think of Eisenbeis?

I think he is pretty much the ideal person to write about anime for Kotaku's audience.

You say that you didn't like Maoyu's romance - did you dislike all of it, or just the love triangle parts?

It was mainly the love triangle stuff, and basically any of the show's humor. I actually liked the relationship between the main two. The show's main issues were focus, pacing, dumb comedy, and a couple specific missteps (like the terrible Head Maid speech in the second episode). That seems like a lot, but everything else (narrative, characters, themes, dialogue) was quite strong, so it balanced out pretty easily for me.

Sure, you could phrase it as "Your Stuff vs. My Stuff", but in reality that's what creates a thriving economy. If there was no incentive behind moving up in a company besides "Uh, you work more" then we would be a nation of cashiers. If you keep throwing money around, what's the difference?

I don't think anyone is championing "no incentive for work/excellence." I'd like to think there is some kind of middle ground between "totally equal wealth redistribution" and our current absurd income disparities. Given this has actually been getting substantially /worse/ over time, it seems we have some precedent for society not collapsing when CEOs don't make over three hundred times more than regular employees.
Liked by: Jaehaerys

You know Urobuchi wasn't actually that involved in Gargantia, right? So idk, it seems weird to class it with P-P, Fate/Zero and Madoka among "his" stuff.

He wrote the scenario and first/last episodes, and the show is thematically very in line with the rest of his stuff. Some of its material clearly isn't his, but a lot of it is.

How do you feel about right-leaning libertarianism?

It makes a lot of sense if the current world order benefits you and you're not interested in adjusting that.
You don't frame it that way, of course. That would make you a bad person! You frame it as "the world's tough on everybody, and I worked hard for what I have. Why should other people get a free ride?!" Or you frame it as "the government would only muck things up more. Far better to have society/the economy regulate themselves, as they have so successfully in the past!" And you often believe these things, and think others are only unwilling to admit to them because they want more of that delicious Your Stuff.

How do you feel about the supreme court's decision concerning hobby lobby and religious freedom?

It's absurd and completely reprehensible. A. Corporations aren't people, stop giving them human rights. B. Holy shit you just gave them human rights so you could encourage government-sanctioned religion-based discrimination.

What would it take for Maoyu Maou Yuusha's 2nd season ( if there is one coming) to make it in your top 30, or even higher?

A lot. The first season had some serious problems.

Rank Urobuchi's shows in order of accessibility.

The most accessible show depends on the audience. For people predisposed against "anime" elements, probably Psycho-Pass. For people just looking for good things, Madoka. For fans of stuff like Attack on Titan or shounens in general, Fate/Zero. Gargantia's probably the least accessible, because liking Gargantia requires liking multiple genres.

As someone who's not from the US and doesn't know anything about Aniplex: why don't you buy their releases? Google suggests that it might be a price thing?

Yep. That's all there is to it - Aniplex prices their releases at about five times the cost of any other distributor. I'd love to own Monogatari and Madoka, but I'm not paying those prices for them.

Do you own any anime on DVD/Blu-Ray?

Yeah, a bunch. I own everything in my top 10 that has a non-Aniplex western release, along with a handful of other shows. Kids on the Slope, Toradora, Spice and Wolf, Haruhi, Welcome to the N.H.K.... and then a bunch of movies, too.

Not even Yuasa Dandy?

Maybe? I dunno, it's a totally episodic show - if people say some particular episode is worthwhile, I might check it out.

Why do you really dislike Vampire Weekend? Is it because of their style of music, or because of the band itself?

Their music just seems really bland and empty to me - like it's something they're not emotionally invested in. I couldn't say exactly what gives me that impression, and it's probably a combination of things.

Plan on watching Space Dandy S2? I see you haven't finished the first season yet.

Probably not. I need to keep my airing show list manageable, and I wasn't really a fan of the first season.

What, is your opinion on the Oxford comma?

I use it automatically, because that's how sentences are paced in my head. The phrase itself now makes me think of that Vampire Weekend song, and I really dislike Vampire Weekend, so that's annoying.

don't you think "smart" titles like Kino and Tatami would bore newbies? Pretty sure the likes of Code Geass and Death Note would serve as better gateway drugs for the simple fact that, well, they already kind of are.

The theoretical person I'm introducing to anime is new to anime, not thinking about stories, and if they're someone I already value my time with enough to want to share my Japanese cartoons with them, it's likely they'd find Death Note pretty silly and Tatami Galaxy pretty great. If I were introducing a generic teenage boy to anime, Death Note would be higher on the list.


Language: English