

Ask @B0bduh

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Do you have issues with Urobuchi's character writing? Mainly referring to how his characters are more of a representation of a specific idea (very prominent in F/Z) rather than rounded people.

It's only really the Servants who are really simplistic in Fate/Zero, and that's intentional, so I don't really have a problem with it. As for his other shows, I think Madoka has plenty of solid characters, and Akane is clearly a multifaceted and evolving person, so I think the complaint is pretty misguided. People see his characters making big speeches and think that's indicative of bad character writing because it's not naturalistic, but very little writing /is/ naturalistic, and that's not a flaw. People should read more books.

What do you have to say for people who insist on others skipping the final two episodes of Evangelion?

You mean just "pretending they don't exist" or "skipping to End of Eva, checking them out afterwards"? Because I actually recommend the second one - those last two episodes retread material and kill the pacing, I think it's much better to ride the high of 24 into End of Eva and then see them as an alternate ending.

Have you played any visual novels?

A few. Katawa Shoujo (fantastic), Narcissu (pretty solid), Fate/stay;night (really bad, dropped it after maybe 6-7 hours), Grisaia no Kajitsu (better than FSN, but still bad).

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What do you think about Fullmetal Alchemist so far?

It's fun, very watchable, clearly has some central ideas, and has a great control of tone.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Earlier you mentioned the books Name of the Wind. I'm interested in your overall thoughts on that one. Did you like it?

Yeah, it's really fun! Rothfuss has actually good prose, and the first book in particular is a great adventure that demonstrates a true love of the nature of stories. Kvothe's ridiculous superpower nigh-omnipotent competence gets pretty out of hand in Wise Man's Fear, and that one's narrative is far less focused as well, but I'm still looking forward to the third book.

Have you read harry potter and the methods of rationality? Pretty mindblowing so far and the big resolution hasn't even hit yet

Forest Yang
Yeah, I read a bit of it recently. It's fun - it's got a dash of Artemis Fowl, Name of the Wind, and even Mahouka in it. That Mahouka style is a bit of a limiting factor, and its prose is very function-oriented (unsurprisingly, given the interests of the author), but it's a fun page-turner.

What about Windwaker's Ganondorf?

Wasn't he there for like, one scene? I can't really remember him.

Is there potential for a good Uchouten Kazoku sequel?

Easily. The first series really had the feeling of "one adventure in this world," and you could take the story in a variety of directions. The book was apparently intended as the first in a trilogy, and that seems about right.

Did you play Twilight Princess? What did you think of it?

I loved it! It felt like a direct sequel to Ocarina of Time, and Ocarina is my favorite Zelda game. It's also the only Zelda game where Link is actually a character I care about, courtesy of his bizarrely good silent rapport with Midna, who was the series' first legitimate character.
Liked by: Sunshine Marmot

What do you mean when you use the term "grounded"?

Generally it means "in comprehensible/relatable terms." So if it's in reference to something like an action scene, it means the audience can parse something as dramatic conflict, and if it's in reference to something like a character arc, it means the audience can understand them as a human being. The object at hand is grounded and relatable, it is not floaty and vaguely defined.

What was this season's Mushishi lacking in order to bring it up to the same level as the first season?

The main issue is it's had a couple episodes that just seem a bit below Mushishi's standard level of narrative achievement and acuity. The parenting one, for example, was less ambitious than Mushishi tends to be, and its lessons more on-the-nose. There have been serious highlights too (the conch birds, the frozen lake, the father's poisoned arm), but it feels more uneven than the first season.

You recently changed you comment and rating for K-On! on MAL; what made you change your opinion on the series?

Maturity, I guess. A shift from "this empty thing I hate is somehow detracting from things I love" to "it's fluff, but whatever, everyone has their fluff."

which anime had your favorite ending/s?

Shows tend to be as good as their endings, so my top endings would pretty closely mirror my top shows. Eva, Madoka, Katanagatari, Tatami Galaxy, and Utena all have tremendous endings.
Liked by: Sunshine Marmot

What do you think of recap episodes (or filler episodes in general)? Should we consider them when evaluating a show's pacing?

If they're entirely superfluous, I'd just pretend they don't exist. We can't all be Revolutionary Girl Utena.
Liked by: Sunshine Marmot

If you played one TCG (Pokemon, MTG, Yugioh, etc) competitively what would it be and why?

I only played a little Pokemon when I was a kid, but I've more or less kept up with competitive MtG for uh, close to fifteen years now, so it'd probably be that. Magic is one of my favorite games - I haven't played recently, but I played a ton of vintage in high school and draft in college. I actually placed pretty well at one of the early Waterburys, and would have placed better if I'd had the mental stamina to not be running on empty versus Keeper after close to a dozen rounds.

Now talk about what parts of Kino, Yasaburo and Hajime you want to aspire to be more like.

Kino knows that you can never know everything, or even most of the things, and so she basically embodies intellectual curiosity. She tries to understand people from inside their own perspectives, but in spite of that, she has a fundamental moral code and strong sense of self-worth. She is not naive, but is always open to being wrong.
Yasaburou has figured life out. He lives to live, not ducking responsibility, but being true to himself, seeking engagement, and appreciating time with the people he loves. If everyone could embrace his "I don't need anything, just good health and moderate fortune for my friends and family" wish, the world would be an infinitely better place.
Hajime believes in people utterly, and has infinite patience for them. Even when I try to be as positive and charitable as possible, people wear me down, but Hajime never falters, and her belief in others inspires them to believe in themselves. I don't know if it's possible to be a Hajime, but I think it's a great thing to aspire to.

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Is there an anime character you aspire to be more like?

Kino from Kino's Journey. Yasaburou from Uchouten Kazoku. Hajime from Gatchaman Crowds.

what series has your favorite visual style associated with it?

Madoka, Katanagatari, or FLCL/Diebuster.

Did you enjoy the Hunter Exam arc (the first arc) of HxH?

Yeah, I enjoyed pretty much the whole thing. Heaven's Arena and Greed Island were a bit below par, but still entertaining.


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