

Ask @B0bduh

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How do you feel about remastering music albums? On one hand it can fix a poorly mastered album, on the other hand it might go against the artist's original vision

I'm fine with it, as long as the original's also still available. Both of your hypothetical situations are sometimes true, so it should be up to the listener to decide whether a remastering better captures or cheapens the intent of the original.

Really need to know the meaning of life and the universe and if our specie will ever redeem itself ?

Oh jesus christ, was that your question? I WONDER WHY I COULDN'T THINK OF AN ANSWER.
Nah, the answer's actually easy, because the meaning of life is kindness. Being good to other people. That's pretty much all that matters. And our species will eventually redeem itself if it doesn't destroy itself first - we're currently in a world with a whole lot of ingrained inhumanity, but there are just too many good people out there, and the course of human progress is giving us more and more opportunities to build a better world. And either way, I'd personally rather do what I can to make people happy than wonder whether we're doomed on the grand scale. My speculation won't change anything, my actions can make things better for people now.
Liked by: Sunshine Marmot

You're answering repeated questions (like the thatanimesnob one) already but ignored my months-old questions :(

Don't you see? The answer was inside you all along.
Sorry, your question's just been buried under newer ones. Just re-ask it, if I have a response I'll answer it. I don't have responses to everything, though!

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On MAL for Madoka you mention that it is a thing "that [doesn't] directly appeal to me", however you rate it as #2 on your best show list. Is this because of a change in attitude, and if so were there any major factors in that change?

I just kind of enjoyed it as a remarkably well-produced thriller the first time through, and didn't really appreciate all the symmetries of its characters and poignancy of its themes. It's a show I like more every time I watch it.

Do you respond to everyone over twitter?

It's where I do most of my online communication, if that's what you're asking.

If you could have dinner with any political figure, dead or alive, who would you pick?

I'd honestly love to have dinner with Obama, if he were willing/able to speak entirely frankly about his choices. I think the failings of his administration really speak more to the failings of the American political system than to his own mistakes, and I'd be eager to hear his perspective.
It wouldn't really be worth much if he had to remain political, though. I want "Americans cling to their guns and religion out of fear, which also dictates their political choices" Obama, not reserved politician Obama.

What do you think about the rampant xenophobia in the western video game press?

Jeez, that's quite the leading question! Not really sure what xenophobia you're talking about.

Why do you think you became big?

Did I? Thank you for thinking so, at least! I would guess it's partially my actions (very regular updates, my conversational tone, etc), and mainly a lot of luck, along with becoming friends with a bunch of nice people in the blogging community. I try to respond to everyone who comments, I try to encourage positivity and respect, and I try to make the best posts I can. I don't know which if any of these things made people visit my site, but I recommend all of them either way!

What's your general opinion on ThatAnimeSnob AKA roriconfan?

He's a very unhappy person. Powerlessness in his actual life has led him to construct a simplified hierarchy of taste based around his personal preferences in order to have a space where he feels powerful and in control, and to continuously attack others for not adhering to his "taste pyramid." A view like that appeals to other people who are also more interested in using media preferences as a source of superiority and demonstration of "mastery" than a gateway to discussion, so some other people have unfortunately started parroting his opinions.
It's basically impossible to engage with him, because what is most fundamental to him is a psychological need to be right, and so he can't acknowledge the validity of multiple perspectives or any limitations/biases in his own perspective. This would actually make me feel kinda sorry for him, but he articulates this need through gross negativity and attacking people for enjoying what they enjoy, and when challenged he tends to dip directly into an almost violent kind of sexism and personal attacks, and so I have basically no sympathy for him.

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Are you going to check out Ao Haru Ride? It seems to be the only romantic drama coming up next season

That's one of a few that I'll check out first episode impressions of, but don't have particularly high hopes for. I do like romantic dramas, but it's pretty tough to tell which of them will be the good outliers until the season starts.

http://ask.fm/B0bduh/answer/112769646634 Leigh Alexander is a perfect example of what is wrong with modern games journalism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zW5PF9yGLhk

Man, this video's hilarious. These dudes are really intent on defending their little toy box! I think my favorite line is "should audiences be shamed or insulted by the media simply for disagreeing?" To which the answer is, of course, "yes, if their behavior is shameful and insult-worthy."
The term "game" has basically been given the /privilege/ of being able to represent "interactive media," and not just skill-based diversions. Being pedantic about its definition because you fear the encroachment of art into your medium is ridiculous.
Leigh is indicative of the wave of actual critical scrutiny that's eventually going to wash away the gaming mancave. This guy's clawing at the ceiling as the tide comes in.

What do you think of MLP: FiM?

Basically nothing. I watched the first episode to see what people were talking about, and it seemed like a reasonably well-designed kids' show. It is very strange to me that it has developed this secondary audience.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

How do you feel about JRPGs in general?

They're fun, but I can't justify spending that many hours making bars go up anymore.

What did Fate/Zero say about leadership?

Basically the entirety of that "feast of kings" exchange near the end of the first season, and pretty much anything following up on it. Which sadly includes basically all of Saber's arc, which is one of the major reasons I feel she's a failure of a character. The other being she's far too much of a strawman opponent for Kiritsugu's philosophy.

Kara no Kyoukai, and Fate series are typically considered pretentious, what about those?

Haven't seen Kara no Kyoukai. I've seen Fate/Zero, and while I thought its ideas about leadership were nonsense, its human philosophy and ideas about family were actually solidly articulated. I wouldn't consider it pretentious.

What do you think of fan interpretations of Madoka as a retelling of Faust? A meaningful analysis or just people taking flavour motifs and surface connections and running with it?

I guess I'd have to see the argument, but at first glance it sounds like calling any adventure story a retelling of The Odyssey.

What do you value in games?

All sorts of things, but I guess the big ones would be creativity, strong storytelling (be that either narrative, visually, or mechanically), and gameplay that rewards the player for bringing their personality/instincts to a game. There's also tons of craft things that are inherent to all games, like control stickiness and whatnot. Mario isn't innovative, but I like all Mario games anyway because they control like dreams and give you just enough leverage to feel like you can truly master their worlds. Minecraft really rewards the player for having their own priorities, and has strong inherent/emergent storytelling. And most games with strong writing I'll give a little more leeway to in other areas.

Did you ever watch something by Monty Python?

Yeah, I've seen Holy Grail a kind of silly number times, Life of Brian, Meaning of Life, and a fair amount of Flying Circus.


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