

Ask @B0bduh

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Which Western director would you rather have direct the live-action Evangelion film?

I dunno, I'm not that knowledgeable of directors. Who can handle something that big and yet also that intimate? Maybe Paul Thomas Anderson? And you'd need someone like Charlie Kaufman to handle the screenplay.

Michael Bay said he wants to direct a live-action Evangelion film. Thoughts?

I doubt it'll actually happen, but if it does, eh. The movie would almost certainly be very bad, but it'd still result in more exposure for the original series, which is a good thing.

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Why aren't you answering all of your oldest questions? You know... THE ONES ASKED 4 WEEKS AGO?!!!

They go back months, trailing endlessly into the distance. I will never win.

What attracts you to so many shows over movies?

I prefer the kind of pacing and character illustration you tend to get in shows. Plus single episodes of shows are also just easier to commit to.

Do you think the "western" animation "scene" will ever adopt a more overarching narrative format, kind of a like Avatar The Last Airbender did?

In general? Not unless the purpose and intended audience of western animation changes significantly. Western cartoons are almost solely designed either for kids or as comedies, and most shows here in general are designed to be accessible as scattered blocks whenever a viewer happens to see them.

No chance of covering Free! S2?

Nope, sorry. I have used up every conceivable joke I could apply to that show.

What do you think about the fact that Jun Maeda graduated from college with a degree in psychology?

Pretty much nothing, I guess. I don't think he willfully manipulates people through some devious mastery of otaku psychology - I think he just writes things that appeal to him, and those things happen to appeal to many other people too. You don't need a psychology degree to see cute + tragedy = tears.

Would you compare Light Novels to Young Adult series?

Not really. They seem very different in structure, style, and general intent.

Do you prefer subs or dubs?

Subs except for very rare specific shows, like Cowboy Bebop or Space Dandy.

Did you think the final message of Shin Sekai Yori was quite bleak and condemning of humanity? I hear you often prefer titles which show humanity's future in an optimistic light.

It's basically the same message as Psycho-Pass - our current nature requires an inhuman system, but hopefully over time we will learn to be better people.
I do have a problem with Shinsekai Yori's ending, but it's not in the message it was attempting to leave - it was in its failure to articulate that message in an emotionally effective way. For SSY's ending to really work, I feel like I would have had to find Saki more relatable as a person - as is, she just seemed like the bland person the story was happening to, and so I had far more sympathy for the more dynamic and fully articulated Squealer.
I'm also fine with bleak endings if I feel those endings are intended to make the work itself a positive lesson, which I feel is true of both SSY and Shiki. Though yeah, I generally do prefer uplifting endings.

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On a scale of 0 to Snow, how halated are you /right now/?

I'm still at episode 10 of the first season, so apparently not halated enough.

I mean ranking shows in general.

The list doesn't mean "these are the best shows in their correct order." That's silly, obviously. But it is useful as a source of recommendations, and to see demographic tastes. It's a list of the shows critics like, which definitely has its uses.
Liked by: Sunshine Marmot

Why do people insist on using Japanese names for anime when the English titles are way easier to remember and don't make you sound like an elitist weeb?

Because they want to, or they're the names they're used to, or they actually find /those/ easier to remember? I'd advise against being a prick about it.

Do you have thoughts on climate change?

That it's kind of tragically hilarious that our response to it is actually some kind of political question. The fact that people can respond to an overwhelming scientific consensus with "well, /I/ don't think so" is a sign of how broken both our politics and our culture have become.

Instead of SAO or HxH you should overanalyze JoJo's Bizarre Adventure!

I'm sorry to say that probably wouldn't work out - aside from "JoJo's author is pretty sexist and really likes machismo," there is sadly very little to overanalyze in JoJo. HxH actually has a bunch of intentional, smartly integrated thematic content, and SAO accidentally says all sorts of interesting things about its author's worldview, which means both of them have a fair amount to dig into subtext-wise.

The SAO posts may make us happy, but not as happy as an HxH post would.

Ask.fm you are a very fickle mistress.


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