

Ask @B0bduh

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Do you pay for any book/manga you read or are you a pirate?

I have a wall of manga at my apartment, and my old bedroom is kind of consumed by books. I much prefer holding books to reading them on a screen.

If Ping Pong keeps delivering the goods, will your top 31 become a top 32?

Yep. It'd have to really screw up the ending to /not/ make the list at this point.

But if you stick only to the stuff that appeals to you at first glace, you might miss loads of hidden treasures.

Considering I actually have years of critical consensus to draw on anyway, that's a chance I'm willing to take. I've got other stuff to do with my life.

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Did you know? in ping pong, the karaoke scene with the lights and the girl and the park is based on the actual music video of the song

No I didn't! That's very cute.

yo my knee hurts from jumproping too much. what do?

Take a few days off and don't jumprope on the pavement. If it still hurts, you might want to get your knee checked out.

So what did you think of the writing in Rebellion?

Up until the ending, perfectly fine. It was really the pacing and focus that tipped me off that the film wasn't really interested in working as a traditional narrative until then. Stuff like the dance-transformations, the keiki song, the big gunfight in the middle, or the slow bus ride out of town - all of this stuff was actually gorgeous, but all of it also flew in the face of traditional storytelling. It was incredibly indulgent, and often out of character. That basically set the tone for what Rebellion was trying to do, and even then, it could have ended as a much more bloated coda to the series. But then the ending happened, and the film basically reversed several character journeys, and a clean, thematically concise loop was replaced by "mwahaha now I'll use these new powers of the universe to do _____ and _____," and that was just a mess both structurally and dialogue-wise. It felt like fanfiction of itself, which...
@GuyShalev's theory is that the ending is basically a comment to the fans themselves - "you want too much of a good thing? Well this is what fucking happens." That's pretty clever and Rebuild-esque if it's true, but in both cases, that works almost solely as a meta-comment, and not as an actual story that makes any goddamn sense.

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Do you intend to watch every anime ever made up till this point in time?

Nope. Just the tiny fraction that seem interesting to me.

Uhh I can't tell if you love Madoka Rebellion or hate it? When you say "I enjoy it as spectacle", do you mean spectacle in the same sense as an action show like Gurren Lagann and Kill la Kill?

Pretty much? Except much, much moreso than either of them. I don't really consider it a worthy/direct continuation of the Madoka story, but I'm still incredibly impressed by its aesthetic merits and even its self-indulgence. It's basically the pinnacle of fanservice as guiding principle.

Objectively, is not all writing as deep or shallow as you, the reader or viewer ultimately choose to interpret it?

Oh god, please, please, pleaaase do not use "objectively" in an artistic context. It is worse than meaningless.
As for your question, there are infinite possible personal experiences of art, but the text itself actually does exist. If your argument for a text's meaning can be strongly supported by established elements of the work itself, then that interpretation has weight that makes it not necessarily the "one true interpretation," but at least an interpretation through which others can also derive meaning, because it isn't entirely what you yourself are bringing to the text. Art is a conversation, and art objects are not silent.
Art criticism is meaningful because it can contextualize art and provide meaning to a third party based on an interaction between the given nature of the text and the perspective a critic brings to bear on it. If the critic isn't illustrating something that simply wasn't immediately apparent in the text or wasn't apparent in the absence of some specialized knowledge the critic possesses, then that third party might still be able to enjoy the argument, but they can also just look at the art object and say "what you're talking about has no evidence. You're full of crap."
Even that doesn't make their criticism necessarily worthless, of course - something doesn't have to be an intended element of a work for an audience to draw meaning from it, and if you feel a certain way about a piece of art, the chances are exceedingly high at least one other person also feels that way, and might find desired acknowledgment in your articulation of that meaning.
In the end, I'd rather discuss what I personally find compelling about a text in a way that I hope can connect to other people than try and dismissively assess its "depth level." That generally means trying to articulate how various touchstones within the text raised a particular compelling argument for me, and putting that in something of a personal context. Meaning if I can't work off stuff that exists in the text itself, it's unlikely I'll be able to make a piece of criticism that means much to anybody else. Meaning yes, the text itself is definitely important, at least for the kind of criticism I attempt to engage in.

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Liked by: Adam Wednesdays

I, as I'm sure many of us do, would really love to get your opinion on / a writeup of this week's HxH.

I'm gonna try and catch up on the series in general this weekend. Along with write a season preview, I guess. And get some personal writing done. And learn to juggle.

Any plans for doing a summer season preview?

Yeah, I generally do one around nine weeks into... shit, we're already there? Alright, I'll have one out in the near future.
My previews only cover shows I have a reason to be interested in, though. No point in me going "looks dumb, SKIP" for like thirty shows.

In what order did you watch/play the Fate/ series?

I watched the first episode of Fate/Zero, really enjoyed it, decided to instead play FSN first to experience it in the "correct" order, suffered through too many tedious hours of FSN, dropped that and just watched Fate/Zero instead.

has your anime/manga hobby affected your romantic life at all?

Nope. Actually, it was part of the basis of one relationship, and central to another non-starter, but aside from that, no.

Do you pronounce it Ma-DOUGH-ka or MA-dough-ka?

I pronounce it wrong. I also pronounce Evangelion wrong. I am a bad anime nerd.

Do you think music criticism has a higher barrier of entry compared to other media? That is, do you think it's harder for the average person to come up with a critique of music that goes beyond "I liked it/I didn't like it"?

I think music criticism counters that barrier to entry by not giving a crap about actually having any kind of music theory background. I actually can't think of a critical discourse more dominated by "I liked it/I didn't like it."
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Least Favorite music genre?

There are many genres I don't listen to, but I guess "least favorite" would imply a combination of "most unpleasant" and "most inescapable," which would definitely be dubstep.
I know it's very old person of me to complain about what the kids these days listen to, but holy shit the kids these days actually listen to sequences of synthesized farts and screeching noises. Get off my lawn etc etc.
Liked by: Sunshine Marmot

Are you planning to do write-ups for shows you've completed a while back?

Maybe if I rewatch them, I guess. The big show posts take a lot of work!

Is there anything you would like to get an anime adaptation? And if yes, then by who?

I want an adaptation of Hocus Pocus (by Kurt Vonnegut) directed by Masaaki Yuasa. Update it slightly to replace the capitalist nightmare he was responding to in 1990 with the capitalist nightmare we're living in in 2014, but otherwise it's pretty much entirely still relevant.

Best OP, ED and Insert Song so far this season?

Damnit, Shin took my answers. Ping Pong's definitely the best OP. Jojo's the best ED by default because no ED has actually grabbed me this season (and they sometimes do - I really loved Sekai Seifuku's ED last season, for example). Best insert song is Wenge's Christmas song from Ping Pong. I don't care if it counts or not, it's the best moment of the season so it counts for me.
Liked by: Sunshine Marmot

Do you think knowledge of a series' intended audience should affect how we view it? For instance, given that Madoka merchandising includes e.g. sleazy body pillows, I might take a less charitable reading of it and see it as exploitative in how it presents the characters' suffering. Or something.

I think it only really matters if that audience is meaningfully/detrimentally reflected in the work itself. Almost /all/ anime is meant to be merchandised in all sorts of ways - most anime only gets made because the relevant members of a given production committee all think they can get something out of its release, be it music sales, manga sales, figure sales, or whatever. If this ends up actually harming the show, then that's one thing - but the base fact that most anime properties are intended to be objects of diverse commercial exploitation is just a reality of the medium. Acknowledging a hypothetical audience is very often a useful way of engaging with a show, but I won't "blame" a show for commercial exploitation that I don't think is reflected in the show itself.
Liked by: Rose Bridges


Language: English