

Ask @B0bduh

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Are you religious?

Nope, I'm an atheist. Which I suppose might seem strange, given how many of my essays end by stressing the power of faith, but you can have faith in all sorts of things.

Ok so, what did you LIKE about Fate/Stay Night?

I remember the dynamic between Archer and Rin being pretty good. Uh... that's about it.

What is your favorite non-anime TV series?

Either Community or Game of Thrones, I guess. But I don't watch that much non-anime TV.

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What kind of writing excersises would you recommend for people who want to flex their creative muscles?

Find some prompts and just friggin' go for it. Write a story from the perspective of a toaster. Write a story focused on the contrast between two voices in a conversation. Write a ghost story. Write a story that ends with a beginning (whatever that means). Write a story that includes the words "staggering," "tricycle," "wizard," "elevator," and "squirm." Write a story that takes place on a sinking ship. Write a story about someone you hate. Write a story that's somehow about your favorite song. Etc.
They don't have to be long, they don't have to be good, they don't have to be conclusive or fully-formed. Just push yourself to write little stories, and try to stretch yourself and go outside your narrative comfort zone. When you're just trying to get comfortable writing fiction, any writing is good writing.

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Do you ever regret watching something, or do you find that a bad experience is still worth having?

Not really. I feel like I get /something/ from everything I watch, even if it's just more context on a genre of show I dislike or something. But some shows obviously do a great deal more for me than others, and I don't have unlimited time, so I try to stick to things that'll be rewarding to watch.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

What would a Batman storyline written by Urobuchi look like?

Like Psycho-Pass. That pretty much already /is/ a Batman story written by Urobuchi.

aren't you bothered by FILM CRIT HULK's use of caps?

I'm kinda used to it, though it still does sound like he's shouting in my head.

Have you ever been made fun of for having the name Creamer?

Yep. I did go through middle school.

Favorite fiction novels?

Hocus Pocus by Kurt Vonnegut, The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner, One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Since you've condemned /that/ scene in Jojo, how do you feel about the gratuitous fanservice in Zvezda? Does being cheery and colorful make it o-k? It's my first time watching the show and it's really bugging me, tbh.

I'm not a fan of the costumes, but fortunately the show itself doesn't tend to leer at its characters. That doesn't excuse them, of course - it's basically just something I put up with because the show is otherwise pretty great.
It's a shame the costumes themselves are so gross though, because I'd actually recommend that show to a lot of people otherwise. It's pretty much a textbook case of anime shooting itself in the foot when it comes to broader appeal in order to better appeal to its one incredibly niche demographic.

"best horror anime"? how dare you say shiki is better than paranoia agent despite not having seen it how dare you lack a comprehensive knowledge of every anime every released graghhgr


What's up with people saying the timeline resets (and the final wish reset) in Madoka make it a bad show?

If people have a vaguely negative impression of a show, they will attempt to frame that impression as the result of something tangibly "bad" that they can point to as a flaw. This tangible thing can be almost anything, as long as it makes some internal sense to them. Comparing Madoka's ending to an "it was all a dream"-style reset pretty much indicates the viewer missed the point of what Madoka was doing, but "reset endings" are often considered a "bad" thing in fiction, so it's a handy tangible detail to point to if you just didn't like the show.
Check out Hulk's essay on tangible details for more on why people are bad at criticizing things:

Is "you have shit taste" ever a valid statement?

It's always one person's personal impression of one other person's personal preferences. So in a way it's always valid and never valid.
"You have shit taste relative to my system of merit-evaluation for the things I consider valuable in art" just doesn't have the same ring to it, I'm afraid.

You said that you've only seen one season of Spice and Wolf. Why not season two? After seeing both, I really think that the second is the stronger of the two seasons for sure, and while it's known for ending open ended, it has really good closure to the more immediate story of their relationship.

No good reason - I think I may have watched the first season when there was only one season, and I'd want to rewatch that before I watch the second season now, and rewatching /anything/ when I get through backlog as slowly as I do seems like a bad idea. But I'll probably just marathon the damn thing at some point, since I'm not really interested in writing a post on it.

And to go on another tangent...Have you checked out Higurashi?

Nope. It's on my list, but it may be a while...

What's the hardest subject you've done at uni or school?

For me, Japanese. I have no aptitude for languages whatsoever, so it was sort of torture, with the professors expecting a speed of retention that my brain is just not wired to accommodate.
If we're talking straight-up density of material, then maybe my Revisions of the Fall class on literary interpretations of the end of Eden throughout history. That was much more in my wheelhouse though, and I think I wrote the best paper of my college career as my final project for that one.
"Hardest" is kind of a tough thing to gauge, because the most difficult stuff I was doing in college was also the stuff I was the most practiced in, so...

"All in my head" - That's what superstitious means, you know.

I figured being superstitious implied actually acting on made-up mental shivers. Like actually avoiding black cats, or actually knocking on wood, or something.

Are you superstitious at all?

I can have a hard time falling asleep after a horror movie or something, but I know it's all in my head. I could probably think of other times when I get irrationally nervous about something or other, but again, all in my head.

Rock climbing or windsurfing?

Rock climbing, though I'm much more of a sea person in general. I'd rather sit on the beach with a book than do either.

What would an anime directed by Yuasa and written by Urobutchi be like?

I don't think they'd match up very well. Urobuchi's storytelling is dialogue-heavy and deliberate. Yuasa's direction is attention-hogging and frenetic. Too many cooks etc.


Language: English