

Ask @B0bduh

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I am not a native speaker,so I don´t understand at all all the ¨jokes¨about the style of Hemingway.What´s the problem?

If I'm remembering what you're talking about correctly, it's mainly that Hemingway would absolutely hate my writing. He never met a clause he couldn't turn into its own terse sentence, and the very idea of a dash or semicolon would offend his delicate sensibilities.

Have you watched Gunslinger Girl, and if you have, what did you think of it?

I haven't watched it, but the manga is one of my absolute favorites. It's beautiful, it's devastating, it's full of great characters and thrilling action sequences and anger and hopelessness and faith. It consistently rings at my favorite concept - human compassion in a broken world.

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Are you getting tired of the Fullmetal Alchemist recommendations? I see people mention it quite lot on here.

There are many elements of interacting on the internet that tire me, but having people tell me they want me to watch something they care about is not one of them.

Since you're getting questions about FMA: As a huge fan of the franchise, I'd be really interested in your opinions on both versions, but the 2003 anime is definitely the one to see first.

Rose Bridges
Yeah, that's the plan.

Nature Valley bars?

It was an anitwitter joke. Someone asked the official Nature Valley twitter account which Love Live was their favorite, and they actually gave a real answer. Cue Nature Valley instantly becoming anitwitter's favorite snack bar provider.
Liked by: Sunshine Marmot

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?

I dunno internet I don't deal with the hard questions.

Will you ever watch Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood? Or do you first want to see all the older classics?

I've got maybe ten other shows I want to see first, but I'm kind of randomly slotting in more gut-level entertaining stuff wherever I feel like it, so it may come up sooner.

Have you watched/read Fullmetal Alchemist? It's up there with Hunter x Hunter if not better and it's definitely better than Negima.

Still need to. It's my most-recommended show.

Probably a long shot but do you have any thoughts on the upcoming Godzilla remake?

Nope, sorry. I don't really have any opinions on Godzilla in general. The posters look pretty classy, though.

Thoughts on the opinions you sometimes see which go like "it doesn't matter what messages are contained in the media which we consume because it doesn't translate to the real world"?

Of course it doesn't! Neither do the messages of our parents, our peers, or our larger culture - nothing influences us unless we want it to! That's also why there are no such things as moral fables, political satires, narrative propaganda, or subliminal advertising.
Oh wait, that's all bullshit and so is this argument.
Granted, that doesn't mean we should /ban/ media we find questionable - we should just be aware of our own media, and not mindlessly consume. It's perfectly reasonable to say "yeah, I think this show has some shitty messages, but it's still a fun ride, so overall I enjoy it."

Do you follow anyone on twitter you can't stand?

Nope. I follow plenty of people with perspectives very different from mine (which I consider a kind of important thing to do), but I'm not gonna follow someone who just aggravates me with everything they say. That sounds exhausting.

Have you ever considered going to an MFA program? What are you thoughts on "literary fiction" anyways?

Yeah, I consider it semi-regularly, but I don't know if it'd put me closer to where I want to be. Going to an MFA program doesn't guarantee my next fiction work will get published commercially, or that I'll find a job editing stuff I find meaningful - it could just be a money sink.
I think literary fiction is the most finely honed instrument for turning human ambition into truth and beauty.


He's the choir Mahouka's preaching to, basically. He believes in its philosophy deeply enough to not actually see it as a philosophy, and takes any attack on the media he identifies with as an attack on him personally. Sort of a cautionary tale on the dangers of defining yourself too much by your media.

Which Monogatari girl is best for Arararararararagi?

Araragi's an ignorant, self-involved, sex-crazed teenager, and I get the feeling most of Monogatari's characters are going to grow past him - most of Season 2 was already dedicated to this. The two possible endings I see are Senjougahara not growing past him, and thus Shinobu at some point destroying herself to let him be human, or Senjougahara actually growing past him, and Shinobu and him existing alone together. The first seems more likely in a narrative sense.

Do you ever feel like you ask.fm is where people who otherwise want to be taken seriously go to ask you ridiculous questions? Because I know that's what I do.

...that makes a lot of sense, actually. Hmmm.
Liked by: Sunshine Marmot

Do you go to movies and concerts alone sometimes? I can't bring myself to do it..

Yep! Screw that noise - if there's a good band playing and none of my friends are up for it, I'm not gonna let that stop me. I just recently saw an awesome Okkervil River show that way.

Any thoughts on the My Little Pony/brony phenomenon?

The fact that there's even a label like "Brony" makes me antsy, because I think it's a really, really bad idea to define yourself by what media you consume. Being a fan of something is great, but you shouldn't make your appreciation of some show your identity.

What's the best song from "Emergency &I" in your opinion?

Either "The City" or "8 1/2 Minutes," I think. "The City" is basically the album's thesis statement - fear, loathing, and ennui as an aimless young adult. It's perfect. "8 1/2 Minutes" is less good, but just as indispensable - the album desperately needs a jolt of hopeless optimism at its close, and that song is as hopeless and as optimistic as it gets. "It'd be nice to think we could get it right down here, just once."

What were your main issues outsides of the one already discussed about on Gargantia?

Very few! I think the only big one was that Amy didn't have enough to do - her character was too simplistic and had no real arc, both of which are a problem considering her importance in the narrative. Aside from that and a couple scenes that were a little too heavy-handed in their direction, I had basically no issues with it. I think it's a great show.

What do you think about claims that Evangelion is misogynistic?

I disagree! Can't really say more, I don't know what the argument is.


Language: English