

Ask @B0bduh

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Did you ever play through the story mode of a fighting game like guilty gear or blazblue? If so, how did you remain sane?

I played through a bunch of Blazblue, which was actually really funny. The plot was total nonsense, but the characters had lots of very silly conversations. The strength of that game's narrative is the camp appeal of all the characters bouncing off each other - it struck me as profoundly misguided to try and adapt that into a conventional fantasy-drama anime.
Liked by: Eelz

But if Irisu is fine, then what is Irohasu?

Also fine. I actually initially thought the question was about Iroha.

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Most KonoSuba fans I've talked to seem to like Kazuma for being a vaguely competent asshole, rather than the generic protagonist product he initially appears to be. What don't you like about him, and why do you think your opinion is rare?

He's an asshole, and the show doesn't challenge him enough on it. Seems simple enough, and I'd say his type is also pretty dang generic.
Most people /I/ run into also aren't fans of Kazuma, but I don't really check places like reddit or whatnot. I can see him appealing to people who like LN shows in general, which is a much larger anime-watching demographic than the type of people I talk with on twitter.

I'm confused, I hear Grimgar's actual story and characters are typical LN fodder yet I hear its pretty good still?

I'm not really sure how you could consider its story so far "typical LN fodder" unless you just watched the first episode. It's had some bad LN jokes here and there, but over half of the show's running time has been devoted to the main characters slowly coming to terms with the death of a friend, and drawing closer together in various ways as a result of it. That doesn't strike me as the typical LN scenario.

Do you consider Irisu a good person?

She's fine? This seems like a kind of stark question, and it takes some dedicated work for me to consider someone a bad person.

Would you suggest reading kizumonogatari novel first or wait for the movie?

They're fairly different animals - the Kizu novel is heavy on the interiority the television series is known for, whereas the Kizu film basically externalizes everything as atmosphere as opposed to internal monologue. So if you want to read the novel, I'd say go for it - it might even improve your movie experience.

Question as someone not from USA, why are the votes for the primaries "a few states with time between each other, and then all the rest at the same time" instead of being everyone at the same time?

Because the process is a nonsense mishmash of state choices leading to a much larger decision. The parties themselves decide how many delegates are assigned to each state, and the /states/ decide when they'll hold their primaries, with tradition generally dictating when exactly that will turn out to be. Meaning a few random states housing a small, unrepresentative percentage of America's citizens end up largely dictating who each party nominates to be the president for four years, and /also/ meaning those candidates generally have to at least somewhat tailor their early campaign points towards pleasing the citizens of those particular states (thus pandering to Iowa's corn subsidy demographic, etc).
As usual with politics questions, it seems best to end this with "I know, it doesn't make any sense, our system is an incoherent wreck."

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do u dislike reading manga online even if its legal?

I dislike reading anything that can be printed online, or at least, I'd always rather hold a book. I like books.
Liked by: Poyjo DIGITAL@MUGI

How much Macross seasons I have to watch to be able to appreciate Delta?

No idea! I hope the answer is "zero," because that's the number I've watched!

Hey bob, have you checked out Spirit Circle? It's a manga written by the author of biscuit hammer, and it's currently hosted on crunchyroll.

Nope. I'm holding out for a physical release.

The strengths of SAO (both seasons) vs the strengths of Grimgar, which reach the greater height (ignoring all their weaknesses)?

Grimgar. No real contest there - SAO is not a good show, Grimgar is.

Favorite character/scene in Zetsuen no Tempest?

Definitely Samon, probably the Great Debate scene. I'm not sure that scene actually worked, but I have to admire its audacity. That scene is basically what UBW's finale was trying to be.
Liked by: Poyjo

Gonna see any of the Boy and the Beast screenings this month?

David Dodge
Yep! I've heard sadly negative things about the film itself, but both The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and Wolf Children are, er, pretty much my favorite anime films, so I'm definitely seeing this one.

Do the sarcastic replies to your tweets ever bother you?

Sarcastic replies to my tweets? I don't think I actually get many of those. Most of the people who respond to my tweets are either other writers/friends or people who regularly read/comment on my stuff, both of whom I'm happy to hear from.
Liked by: Sunshine Marmot

I Just Watched the mysterie ep with Mami and Ami and it was more concistent and Solid than all of beautiful bones and everything is F while serving as a chara.dev ep...i can't believe it, This show is Just so perfect !!

Yeap, Idolmaster is a ridiculously good show. I'm glad you're enjoying it!

were u able to enjoy Yozakura quartet despite the pantsu shotssss and fanservice? also, who is best girl?

Yeah, Yozakura Quartet is a lot of fun - in fact, I'd probably say it's one of the best action shows of the last few years. And Kotoha is best girl.
Liked by: Pablo Romero

Have you ever found it worthwhile to engage with/consider the views of people who come to your ask.fm to point out the flaws of a series you like? Like, has that ever made you consider a new POV? Or do you generally assume they're trolls/seeking validation/not here for a genuine discussion?

I assume they're trolls, or at least assume they're not really interested in a genuine discussion, even if they themselves believe they are. That second case is actually incredibly common on the internet - you see it in the sea lion behavior, where people say they're just looking for an open dialogue, but in truth are already convinced of whatever point they entered the discussion with. And when you're convinced of a point in that way, a random argument proposed by a random stranger will not be more convincing than something you already believe.
It also just strikes me as a weird thing to do, in that validation-seeking way. "I didn't like this show as much as you, so I'm going to come to your space to try and tear it down"? I don't really get that instinct - if you have confidence in your own feelings on the show, why prompt that argument in the first place? What's the desired endgame there - that someone else agrees your opinion is right, and thus you can rest more easily on it yourself?
When I want to get more opinions on a show, I actually seek them out - I look around to writers I have confidence in and see what their thoughts are. That's generally far more useful than a random stranger looking for validation or a fight.

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Do you find the "it's not a game criticism" to mean anything other than some people don't consider something to be a game?

Most of the time, nope. It's generally an empty statement made by people promoting an empty argument.
I don't really find the "game" label particularly meaningful in the first place - it's just more commonly used and less of a mouthful than "interactive media," so even though the two aren't exactly synonymous, I generally use "game" loosely to talk about anything in that space.

What do you think is extremely good about Katawa Shoujo?

Its strong character writing, gracefully interwoven themes, and naturalistic dialogue, among other things. If it counts as a videogame, it is probably my favorite videogame.
Liked by: Eelz


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