

Ask @B0bduh

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Opinion on this? http://raspberrytealeaf.com/on-fansubbing/

I'm not in the subbing scene at all myself, but yeah, everything I've heard says it's dying out. How can it not? We're getting virtually everything through official channels with absurdly short turnovers these days. There's still a place for subbing those shows that either don't get an official release or have a significantly delayed one, but that certainly doesn't give fansubbing the same breadth of purpose and significance it once did.
As for the ungratefulness of the fans, well, yep. There's only so much you can do on the internet before you start attracting people who will say all kinds of awful shit about you, and it's much worse for women, especially in nerd communities like this.
I will miss the karaoke, though - I'm a big lyrics guy, and some shows actually do have great, very appropriate OP lyrics.

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What are some songs and albums with good lyrics to check out? Also, do you think taste in music is more subjective than taste in narrative-centric art forms like books and movies?

The Meadowlands - The Wrens
Basically any Mountain Goats album
Basically any Elliot Smith album
Basically any Spencer Krug album
Left and Leaving - The Weakerthans
Hospice - The Antlers
This is a Long Drive for Someone with Nothing to Think About - Modest Mouse
24 Hour Revenge Therapy - Jawbreaker
Separation Sunday - The Hold Steady
The Body, the Blood, the Machine - The Thermals
Ten Stories - Mewithoutyou
Skin - The Vigilantes of Love
Down the River of Golden Dreams - Okkervil River
We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed - Los Campesinos!
We Have the Fact and We're Voting Yes - Death Cab for Cutie
The Throes - Two Gallants
Voxtrot - Voxtrot
And yeah, taste in music is ridiculously subjective - people respond to wholly different and often completely opposing things.

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Do you know if Ping Pong plans on covering the entire manga (only 5 volumes) or are they going to hope that another season is green-lighted at some point?

Yuasa shows only happen when the dream fairies gather enough pixie dust to wake Nel-Kor, the fire dragon whose flames warm the cold hearts of the production committees. They do not get sequels.
Liked by: Sunshine Marmot

Why do you leave out periods at paragraph/line breaks? It's weirding me out, man.

Yeah, I don't really keep it consistent for the episodic writeups. JUST TO ANNOY YOU.

Favourite House and/or character on Game of Thrones?

Jaime for sure - his character, his arc, his actual narrative events, and his voice are all fantastic. I also like Tyrion, Arya, Petyr, and Davos a bunch.

Not a question, but please post that Mahouka piece when you're done? I'd love to read it!

Wish granted!

But even if nudity is used to make a point, doesn't the very existence of nudity (usually nudity of female characters) make it fanservice by default due to the expected male audience? Essentially, "We're trying to make this show about something, and you can have fanservice as a side perk."

It depends on how you define fanservice. I generally see fanservice as something that doesn't help the show achieve its narrative/thematic goals, but is added to please a certain audience subgroup. So long shots of big tanks or a ton of worldbuilding jargon can be "fanservice" just as easily as nudity can be.

What would you say are the odds that Oregairu S2 will be another Chuunibyou S2 for you?

I'm reaaally hoping that's not the case. The nature of the first season gives me hope - according to what I've heard about the light novels, the anime actually significantly improved the material, giving it more focus and cutting out a lot of extraneous fan-pleasing nonsense. In contrast to this, Chuunibyou Ren basically /only/ cared about offering fan-pleasing nonsense, and had no focus whatsoever. If the sequel maintains the strengths of the original, it'll be great - my two central hopes are that Shoutarou Suga returns for series composition and that the light novels end soon enough for the second season to have a proper ending of its own.

What do you thing about Oregairu getting a second season? Do you think it could benefit from a second season? Is there enough source material left for a second season? I'm afraid it might end up like the OVA.

I am extremely excited and also kinda nervous. I'd heard there /wasn't/ enough material for a second season, but now I'm also hearing that the second season might be intended to line up with the publication of the last light novel, which would be the best case scenario. As long as they get the same staff, I think it'll be fine - I definitely think the story /could/ continue (the first season always kinda felt like the first half of a story to me, actually), and a strong ending could elevate the entire series.

If Kill la Kill had been thematically coherent, would the fanservice still be fanservice?

It would have depended on what it was about! If it was actually an exploration of representation and public identity, then that stuff could easily have been critical to its larger points.

''ALSO, MARTIN'S WRITING IS WEIRD COMBINATION OF "ANT-STYLE" (CAN ONLY SEE DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF ITSELF) AND, LIKE, SUPER-MASTURBATORY.'' Hulk is criticizing RR Martin book on twitter atm. Whats your take on what he says?

I agree that the tv series is better than the books - the pacing and focus are just a tremendous upgrade, and the narrative lends itself perfectly to the format. I agree much less with this indictment of Martin's prose - I think the books' premier strength is their ability to not just convey the world, but convey the world as it is seen by very different characters with very different worldviews. He's not a perfect writer or anything, but I think his understanding of voice is very strong.

How do you think Hajime worked as a main for Gatchaman Crowds-su?

Wonderfully - she was the energy that drove the show forward. Instead of getting bogged down in any one character conflict or idea, she pushed all the other characters and the narrative itself forward, lending the show a tremendous momentum and letting it bounce its ideas off each other in far more interesting ways than most shows manage. She was also important as the counterpart of Berg Katze - as Katze represented everything malevolent and distrustful about our brave new world, Hajime represented everything positive and great about how the internet can bring people together. And personality-wise, she was an incredibly refreshing style of main character - confident, optimistic, and extremely smart, she was still constantly misunderstood by others because of the ways she expressed herself, but the ways she expressed herself were /awesome/.
She was basically flawless as a person, which would normally be a problem drama-wise, but because Gatchaman Crowds was more a war of ideals than a character journey, she was actually exactly what the story needed.

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Have you seen any anime that played with politics ideas in an interesting way?

Gatchaman Crowds and Samurai Flamenco both dabble in addressing the performative nature of politics, but it's not their main deal. I think the only show I've seen that's significantly invested in politics was Maoyuu Maou Yuusha, and yeah, I'd recommend that one.
I assume Legend of the Galactic Heroes and Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex are both much more focused examples, but I haven't seen either.

Will "indie" anime or "art" anime ever be a thing? There is plenty of art films but I barely notice any independent anime being produced. Is it just a lack of exposure or a completely different reason?

It exists - there's plenty of one-off shorts out there, there's Studio 4C's output, there are various auteur directors who still get work, and then there are just tons of shows that only appeal to a niche audience and thus are less well-known outside of that audience. And I think Makoto Shinkai demonstrates it's becoming more possible to do a great deal of animation legwork on your own, though animation is still obviously a massively time-consuming task. I'd assume the biggest issue is just that there's just a lot less anime in general versus film, and so the amount of arthouse anime is proportionally smaller as well.

Have you always been this critical when it comes to anime? Did you ever undergo a phase where something like battle shounen is just awesome and you just have to mindlessly consume it?

I've been writing stories since middle school, so I think I've always been interested in how stories are actually made. My taste has gotten more narrow in some ways and more broad in other ways over time - I'm more open to various genres now, but a lot of stuff will make me drop a show. And I actually think I've become /less/ of an elitist prick over time - slowly learning how little any one person can actually know will do that to you.

Where will you go on vacation? Will we still get at least some tweets?

THERE WILL BE TWEETS. I'll probably bring the rest of Shiki and just gorge on vampires, it'll be great.

thoughts on panty & stocking? i'm a bit surprised that you've barely mentioned it in your collective writings despite having such high regard for (old) gainax

I tried it and dropped it. I think I just don't like Imaishi's stuff very much - the Gainax I really love was before his ascendancy.

On a scale from 1-10, how cool does it feel being popular enough that you have spammers? Do you keep a backlog of questions you think are worth answering, but just not right now?

I prefer having writers I'm impressed by enjoy my own work, or single comments that say something I wrote meant a lot to them - those are both wonderful feelings. If I just posted top ten lists every week for a year, I'd probably have a hundred times as many views and a hundred times as many spammers, but I wouldn't feel proud of anything I did.
And yeah, I've got way too many questions sitting there - I haven't deleted anyone's questions, I just haven't gotten to them yet! I'm trying to get to all of them eventually, but there are a bunch of tough questions in there that I have to spend some time thinking about.

Do you watch western television? If so do you have any favorites?

Not much of it. I guess my favorites would be Community and Game of Thrones.

What do you think about the Incest themes in some anime this season? Is it worrying that they are more present than actual, honest, brother sister relationships?

It'd be a stretch to call them themes - they're just fantasies, and they're treated as such. I've talked a bit about why incest has possibly become so popular before:
As far as them versus actual sibling relationships, yeah, it's a mess. They don't in any way resemble real sibling relations, and so they basically kill the validity of the characters involved. They're basically why fanservice is bad in a narrative sense - because it damages the other things a show is doing by twisting it to make certain audience members happy.

Do you think Katanagataris writing suffered from being written one month per volume? If yes, did the anime fix the issues due to having more time being adapted?

I've only watched the show, so I can't comment on the original source, but I think it certainly worked in anime form. The vignettes each stood alone very well, the episodes varied in tone in compelling ways, and the building conflict and relationship between the protagonists gave it momentum and a strong central thread.


Language: English