

Ask @B0bduh

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Dont want to be one of those people. But did you forget to comment on the kill la kill 24 post. You don't need to answer this its just in case you truly forgot.

Huh, I guess I did. Kinda got overwhelmed with the book/top 30 comments, I guess.

I don't want to be one of "those people" but the manga of Soul eater gets much better after the beginning. It's my second favorite fighting shounen after Hunter x Hunter, and has a lot of respect for its characters (which is odd because it initially defines them entirely by their loud and obnoxious

Eh, not really in the market for more fighting shounens at the moment.

Are you ever going to finish Chihayafuru?

Eventually, yes. I wouldn't hold out for it in the near future.

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Favorite Code Geass plot twist?

Maybe un-amnesiaing Shirley only to kill her almost immediately after. She was basically "annoying school character halfheartedly designed to evoke sympathy" from her very first scene, and the way the show kept dumping on her beyond the point where anyone could possibly invest in her story was pretty hilarious to me. "Need more drama? Welp, better kill Shirley's dog or something."
If you mean actually GOOD plot twist, it's definitely when Lelouch Geassed himself - that was a great trick. Of course, that same arc ALSO had Suzaku doing a flying leap to disarm a bomb hanging from a pendulum, as well as a running spin-kick to take out a minigun turret... but juxtapositions like that are all a part of what makes Geass so great.

Does anime ask to little of its fans?

Eh, most media asks very little of its consumers - it's generally designed to help people relax and feel good, not to shake their worldviews and question their values.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

You must invest yourself in a show until it has a religion like influence over you. It becomes part of you. Which do you chose?

Kino's Journey would probably be the healthiest, since it just preaches skepticism, curiosity, humanism, and humility.
The Tatami Galaxy would also be a very good one - it preaches a sense of wonder, cherishing everyday beauty, and a continuous, honest engagement with the world. Uchouten Kazoku has many of the same values, though it also prioritizes family and community.
Unfortunately for me, the real-life influence will always be Evangelion - a fear of engagement with the world eternally struggling against a need to be appreciated and understood. Dang.

Have you seen Soul Eater? I don't think you'd actually like it per se, but it's an example of a mainstream genre adopting and committing to an unorthodox style. I ask mostly because there seems to be an uproar over the new spin-off abandoning this style so it might be interesting as a control study.

Nah. The style actually does seem pretty interesting, but nothing else about it appeals to me. I read a bit of the manga and was pretty much immediately turned off by the writing/characters.

Thoughts on Stephen King?

The only thing of his I've read was the craft-focused section of "On Writing," and that was at least a decade ago, so I don't have much of an opinion on him. The Shining was pretty great, but King apparently hated it, and I've heard Kubrick described him as "a great writer of plots," which is maybe the most acidic insult I've ever heard one artist aim at another.
I'd have to read one of his novels to have a real opinion, I just think that's a funny anecdote.
Liked by: Sunshine Marmot

Thoughts on how Jotaro hat can make sense?

The more you think about it, the less sense it makes. Thus he wears it to confuse his enemies.

How did you realize writing and all things concerning the crafting of it was your passion?

I started writing stories in seventh grade and from then I was obligated to be writing at all times or the voice in my head would tell me I wasn't living my life correctly.
I assume I've said this before, but writing itself can kind of feel like torture for me. But HAVING written things is a fantastic feeling. I'm basically always seeking the buzz of just having finished something I'm proud of.

Death or becoming a mushi ?

My most optimistic interpretation of death amounts to basically the same thing, so I guess mushi.

To save the lives of everyone in the world including yourself; you must defeat and kill either a simple lonely working man or one huge ass demon monster thing, who do you chose to duel?

Working man. I'm not Saber, I don't make dumb self-satisfied calls that make more people suffer.

Favorite classical japanese monster?

That's probably not an acceptable answer. Uh... Uchouten Kazoku has made me very fond of tengu, I guess.

Have you ever thought of using your background in literary criticism to just do a write up using every single pretentious terminology and theory to analyze a show or episode? Because that would be hilarious (and incredibly insufferable)

Oh god no that would be the worst. Plus I'm only any good at my own system of appreciation anyway.

Whats the database gag about? I never got it. I'm not stupid. I swear.

The gif is just a funny gif. What I'm actually referring to is database culture - the conception of art as a series of tropes to be refitted across a variety of narrative shells, a collection of touchstones that basically gain resonance as reflections of audience input and desires more than as an expression of a single fundamental message.
Frog-kun has a solid post on the concept which I link below. I disagree with his definition of postmodernity, but honestly, everyone disagrees with everyone else's definition of postmodernity, so that's no surprise. Most of what he refers to as "postmodern narratives" I'd narrow to "database nodes" or something.
I've actually been trying to put together a related piece myself, but I need to do more research to feel comfortable with it.

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Have you read the Usagi Drop manga? If you have, what do you think of the ending? And if you haven't, would you consider reading it to answer what you think of the ending?

I have. It's... weird. Really weird. Honestly, I can't connect the two halves of it in my mind at all - the characters are too different, the story's priorities are completely dissimilar, and jumping from that Rin and that relationship to THAT... yeah, it just doesn't work for me.
The funny thing is, in spite of the ending feeling like a bizarre disconnect from the first half, I actually like the second half on its OWN just fine. It's still well-written, it's still got interesting characters and great art, and while the ending obviously plays in incredibly screwed-up power-dynamic places that are clearly Not Okay in the slightest, if I disconnect it from anything related to the first half, the character emotions work fine. And I automatically DO disconnect it from the first half, because it's just impossible for me to square those two stories in my mind. I actually think the second half is also a fine story, just keep it the hell away from the characters I've come to love in the first half.

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In your opinion, is Anime post-modern or post post-modern?

Oh man, we gettin' super-insufferable now? Alright, we gettin' super-insufferable now.
If there's such a thing as post-post-modern (there isn't), it'd probably be wrapped up in New Sincerity. I don't think anime at large is particularly concerned with the politics of either of these vague, amorphous movements - I think it embraces a commercial variant of postmodernity that is self-aware but not self-critical, with occasional spasms like Eva proving there is still blood in the veins. But even postmodern itself is a tremendously broad and vague term when applied to narrative - though the modernists had a relatively specific mode of discourse and approach to the expression of truth, the end of their time generally coincided with the end of reductive, hegemonic views of literary history (well, once the sad little New Critics all died out), and shit's gotten weird since then.
I think that the anime I tend to really like embraces the values of New Sincerity - an honest engagement with the world through expression that is florid and overtly contrived but still a sincere expression of self. But I think anime at large basically sidesteps the issue by instigating a continuous conversation with the viewer, not to arrive at some greater truth, but to create a more idealized product for integration into a system of conjoining, interchangeable parts. Meaning... well...

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Liked by: Rose Bridges

If you eat an animal in a forest and no ones hears you, how would you cook it?

Dunno, I'm a terrible cook and I doubt being out in the woods would help with that.
Liked by: Sunshine Marmot

Ever got into a fight with someone or something or stuff ?

I got pushed over a sofa and slammed against a wall when some people I knew back in college learned I'd told a mutual friend they were stealing her drugs. That's about it.


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