

Ask @B0bduh

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I suspect that the person from the "more nuanced pessimism" ask meant "what constitutes a view of pessimism more nuanced than a generic idea/portrayal of it, e.g. the typical "I'm so dark and deep my middle name is Philosophy One-Oh-Nietzsche" teen character." Could be wrong though!

Possibly! I think they may actually have been referring to something I previously said about shows that I felt expressed a kind of childish pessimism, but I don't remember the actual situation.

About ERASED: Aren't the red eyes clearly supposed to represent distrust? I can't see any reason they would've appeared on his mom's friend otherwise, seeing as he wasn't a dramatically overblown villain in any way and that feels wayyyy too obvious as a spoiler if he turns out to be.

Distrust seems like the smarter choice, though he'd be the first time they've been coded that way. The show's thriller material is graceless enough that I think it could still go either way.
Liked by: Another Bystander

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What would be the best "gateway" anime choices to broaden the view of a friend who has a really strong opinion against SoL drama anime, claiming it's "moe" and "otaku fetish"? Said person is not against drama genre in other mediums.

Shirobako would probably be the easy one. Possibly Hyouka after that.

Dear Senpai, this is the 3rd time i've wished you a happy birthday, i remember my first thoughts about you were " does this guy really thinks that toothbrush scene had a deeper meaning?" and now we're here both ur shittweets and ur articles have blossomed like cherry trees, i wanted to thank you -->

[continued] for getting me to watch some nice shows, introducing me to The Mountain Goats and The Pillows, and creating best girl Zoe. Even now that you have no time to answer the silly questions i sometimes ask, i still love you , Happy Birthday Nick! !
It sure has been quite a journey! I'm glad to hear you've been here for all of it, and even more glad to hear you've enjoyed some of the things I ramble about. Thank you for your thoughts!

I just wanted to say what a huge inspiration you and your work are to me, and that it's because of you that I finally decided to major in English and try to go into criticism and creative writing. Happy Birthday and keep up the great work!

Sunshine Marmot
I'm honored to hear that. Thank you!

So are you for or against the idea of superdelegates?

I feel like they're not incredibly relevant outside of their value as a psychological tool, in making it seem impossible to go against the establishment candidate. If Bernie /does/ end up likely to win the popular vote, I expect the superdelegates will swing in his favor - having a primary be actively decided by the superdelegates would be disastrous for the party. So while I do think they're a ridiculous concept, they're far from the most ridiculous part of our political system.

What is it about anime like Death Note and Full Metal Alchemist that causes people to constantly desire to see them praised beyond the point of sanity (i.e. as the comments in your Top 30 list suggest)? I personally don't understand what makes them special beyond their popularity and wide appeal.

Your last sentence covers it, though specific demographics are also relevant. It's not that shows like Death Note or whatnot have some "special magic" or anything - it's that they happen to be gateway shows that strongly appeal to anime's largest and loudest demographic, adolescents/teenagers. And young audiences have a general tendency to both think the things they've personally loved are The Best Things That Exist, and also to feel the need to express that and defend those things. So basically, the intrinsic quality of Death Note that earns it such loud defense is the fact that it most strongly appeals to the people who tend to be the loudest media defenders.
Also, "popularity/wide appeal" will by itself result in a larger volume of defense, regardless of demographics. I do occasionally get people angry that I don't include some random pet show of theirs, but the most popular shows are by that fact alone going to earn the largest subset of fans angry about them in the comments.

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I really want to write reviews, but whenever I'm about to, I'm filled with anxiety over the idea that the series I'm writing about has been thoroughly picked-apart already, and there's nothing I can write that hasn't already been said - maybe better. How do you get past this feeling?

I accept that it's probably "true" in some general sense, but that that doesn't really matter. Writing doesn't only have value if you're the first person to ever come up with an idea, and besides, other people's words are not my words, and other people's experiences with shows are not my experiences. There's value in articulating the truth of your experience, and value in the writing itself.

What do you think of the longing some fans have to experience a piece of media again "for the first time"? Like, to forget it and return to an unspoiled state, for the suspense, wonder, or something else.

Bobby Vandenberg
It seems pretty normal to me, I guess? I don't really have any strong feelings on it.

And the "capitalism favors sociopaths" thing is so transparently a way to morally cover for your own shortcomings. "I'm not as successful as I'd like to be, but that's because I'm not a sociopath." C'mon man. Your skills are only useful to a very niche group. That's true in any economic system.

If you want to believe there is an element of empathy or morality in the profit motive, that is something you are allowed to believe!

Unsolicited opinion: I'm 17 episodes into Space Dandy season 2 and it is shocking just how much more entertaining season 2 is than season 1. If/when you go back, episode 14 is a better indicator than episode 13.

I definitely will return to it at some point! Just hard to find time.

Would you be willing to review an album to a Broadway musical?

As long as you're fine with the fact that I'm far from an expert on Broadway music or anything, then sure!

How much for a video of you listening to an album

Sadly I do not own a camera, and thus can only aspire to that highest expression of criticism, the reaction video.

How much would you charge for an album review?

I'd go with $80 for that as well, since an album is generally a good deal longer than an episode.

Do you have any interest in fire watch or are you not a fan of that style of game?

I actually didn't know anything about it, but looking into it, it seems very much like my kind of game. I'll probably pick it up at some point.
Liked by: almalfi

When watching something do you wait until the episode is over and jot some things down or do you actually stop the video and write something down if you find it noteworthy?

I write as I'm watching, generally by stopping the video. It can take me a very long time to get through an episode of something like Hyouka!


Language: English