

Ask @B0bduh

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Would Undertale make a good anime (or anime-structured TV thing)?

No. Undertale is one of those rare games that actually uses agency as a key storytelling mechanism, so it would be greatly diminished through adaptation into a passive medium.
Liked by: Weeb

Have you read anything of Franz Kafka's body of work? If so, do you have an opinion about his writing?

I've read a bunch of his short stories. He's a very strong stylist, but his work has such a heavy atmosphere that it's actually pretty oppressive to read. And I don't really relate to his worldview, or his constant reflections on paranoia and bad fathers, so I can't say he's a personal favorite of mine.

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Bobduh, have you read any of Neil Gaiman's works? If so, what do you think?

I've read a fair amount of his work - Sandman, American Gods, The Ocean at the End of the Lane, Good Omens, and Trigger Warning. He's got a solid authorial voice, though his prose isn't quite as lyrical as might work best with his usual subject matter. I like the vague meta-world where all legends are true that he consistently returns to, though the consistency of his work can also be a fault - he's not someone I'd want to read a bunch of in a row. Overall he's a solid fantasy writer who generally focuses on the kind of textural stuff I like over the nitty-gritty worldbuilding I find mostly tedious, so I tend to have a good time with his work.

Watching Toradora a second time and not just speeding through, stuff is more obvious. Ryuji IS stupid. Ami was right.

Yeah, Ami's a solid stage of maturity beyond basically everyone else in that show. From her perspective, it's almost frustrating to watch.

I love Shirobako, but... Is Kinoshita actually terrible as a visionary? "Win-Win" is a terrible theme for a series!

Yeah, Kinoshita's a terrible boss and probably not a particularly good director either. We see him in a sympathetic light for humor and drama's sake, but he'd actually be an incredibly frustrating person to work with.

We've seen a lot of trapped in an MMO stories. I wonder if any focus on the implications on a more character or emotion-based level rather than plot. Only pieces of Log Horizon come to mind unfortunately.

It seems like Grimgar may actually be going in that direction, but we're not far enough in to really know yet.

What do you mean Girls und Panzer is pretty much the definition of a fun anime!

Yeah, but this is a friend I can generally only get as far as One Punch Man and UBW and whatnot. Introducing an anime that assumes interest beyond the MAL darlings is a bit of a gamble.

The "generic light novel harem" show doesn't make me as sad anymore as the fact that you can realistically shrug and say "eh, at least the writing wasn't offensively bad 'I eat cold things because of my cold heart' tripe." Anime has a high ceiling for quality... and a deep, dark basement for trash.

Yep, bad anime is about as bad as media can get. Though to be fair, western media has also lionized stuff like reality television and Fifty Shades of Grey, so I don't think there are really any "winners" when it comes to the worst stuff out there.

Sorry I meant what are your top 3 anime last season in terms of destroying you emotionally?

The only two anime that really inspired emotion in me from last season were Owarimonogatari and Concrete Revolutio. Those were both very good, though!

Love Live Sunshine anime announced! Are you read- I mean, you excited?

Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. I'm hoping Love Live Sunshine basically takes advantage of the lessons learned across the first two seasons of the original show - season one was fun, but tried too hard for consistent drama, whereas season two initially reveled in the sitcom-style stuff the show is best at, but eventually sank under the weight of its own unlikely mythology. If Sunshine gets quickly to the fun episodic comedy and doesn't get caught up in the weak drama of the original, it could legitimately be a great comedy.
Liked by: Christos Anastos

I find it ironic that Hyouka 11.5 is also known as "you can't escape OVA"

I'm frankly very ready for a lighter episode right now! The movie arc has been extremely rewarding to cover, but these have been some of the most dense critical articles I've ever written. I knew I'd appreciate this show more on a rewatch, but jeez, it is just the richest thing.

Have you watched Koyomimonogatari yet? I havent seen you post your thoughts on twitter about it yet!

Nope, not yet. Preview weeks are about as busy as they get, but I'll get to it soon.

Is "Catcher in the Rye" any good? My mother's a writer, and she haaaaates it (thinks it's really poorly written), so I've never felt particularly inclined to pick it up - but I've also heard good things from people I respect. What do you think?

I'd say it's good, but not really enjoyable. It's a very intimate take on one particular character's very specific headspace.

Is working from home more unstructured work for you?

I have a structured to-do list for basically every day. I'm very good at setting my own routines.

What do you think about Sanders? I can see why so many people are enamored with him but I feel like his administration will be like Obama's in that everyone will block him from doing anything at all.

The thing is, in spite of Obama facing constant obstruction from a party that's literally willing to hold the country hostage just to pander to their base (and that is now actually full of tea party politicians, many of whom explicitly /want/ the government to fail), he still got a tremendous amount of important work done during his presidency. The Republicans have repeatedly proven that they are not willing to compromise for the sake of the country, because when they're not in control, their political objective is not to pursue the best compromise available - it is to sabotage everything possible in order to make the leading party look bad, and make issues out of historic non-issues like the debt ceiling (or invent ones entirely, like Benghazi) in order to play the point-scoring game.
When faced with a group like that, a leader who is closer to their positions is not actually an asset. They will not compromise, so you might as well go for the candidate who actually best represents your own beliefs, and could hopefully get some real work done improving the country in spite of political stonewalling.

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Are you lukewarm on Clinton? She doesn't have the charisma and oratory skill that Obama has, but at least she's a politician's politician.

I'm not enthusiastic about Clinton - she basically seems like the textbook establishment democratic candidate, which is fine, but a pretty serious compromise compared to my own positions. But she's actually a serious candidate who would generally pursue reasonable goals and not partially destroy the country, which is more than you can say about most of the candidates currently running.

Have/would you ever have an office job?

I've had a few in the past. They're fine, but essentially none of the things I'm passionate about correlate to most office jobs, and I'm happier being poor but doing work I love than being more comfortable financially but feeling like I'm wasting my life.

Now that you work from home, when do you read for leisure?

When I'm eating lunch, mostly. Most of my current reading is also done for reviews.

I admit that MuvLuv is popular because it's ridiculous level of worldbuilding in the VN is a nerds wet dream. BUT, it's pretty damn good at Being That. The Characters are kind of Real People too given the time spend with them.The anime is what I'd expect from any offshoot of any popular franchise.

Oh yeah, I'm sure the VN has its merits. It's just easy to be snarky about stuff like this ridiculous spinoff.
Liked by: Another Bystander

What does it mean for Milo to be unverified - like, what does he lose with Twitter taking that away?

Absolutely nothing. All verification means is "this person is the relatively well-known person they're claiming to be." It's kind of weird twitter would take away his verification for being abusive instead of just, y'know, banning him, but it doesn't really do anything.
It might be that twitter disapproved of his behavior pattern enough to not want to seem to be tacitly legitimizing him, but not so much that they'd permanently ban him and deal with the fallout that would incur.

In your first impressions post, you said that one of the shows you were looking out for wasn't likely to air this season. Which show is this?? I checked their broadcast dates, and they all seem to be in January?

Ajin. It'll air, but it doesn't seem like it'll be streaming.
Liked by: CYioRet


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