

Ask @B0bduh

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Do you have any tips for dealing with the growing feeling that I don't actually like my friends anymore as they have recently shown to be more conservative/reactionary than I realized? I am pretty uncomfortable with them sometimes but if I cut them out of my life I have basically no one...

That's a tough situation! All of these situations are different, and it heavily depends on what you personally need or feel comfortable with in specific friendships, but I guess there's a few things I'd say to keep in mind. First, you don't have to agree with people on everything to be friends or acquaintances with them. There are people I strongly disagree with on a variety of topics that I'm still able to be friendly with, because the nature of our relationship doesn't demand agreement there. And you shouldn't feel obligated to "fix" the opinions you disagree with in other people - in fact, that usually doesn't turn out well for anybody.
But that said, if you actually don't enjoy the company of certain people, or don't see them as friends you can rely on based on their various opinions, you obviously have the right to distance yourself in whatever way you feel comfortable. We all end up in a variety of relationships of convenience, based on proximity or some mutual interest or any number of other factors, and the people you naturally end up with are by no means the people who will be the best for you as friends. I know from experience that spending time trying to make some friendship or friend circle work when you're not fundamentally comfortable with those people will only lead to anxiety and self-doubt, and that I was much happier even being alone for a while after I cut certain toxic people out of my life.
But you have to gauge what you want for yourself, and what you're getting out of these relationships. If this is just a sort of low building feeling, I wouldn't necessarily suggest cutting these people directly off, but I'd definitely encourage you to try and find support in other places, so you have more social safety nets. If you're a person who likes being social, there are always ways to connect with others, be it online or through local hobbyist groups or whatever. Additionally, if you have a long-standing relationship with certain people that you consider based in real trust, you could always try talking with them individually about whatever's making you uncomfortable. I consider being a generally kind and considerate person far more important in anyone else than any other opinion they may hold, and if you share at least an agreement on that point, you could very well be able to work other issues out.
Either way, good luck with your troubles, and don't feel guilty about doing what you have to do for yourself!

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Nice Casshern Sins write-up! Haven't watched it, but your thoughts make me suspect it's going to hit a lot of those Ergo Proxy last-episode vibes. You watched further already?

Thanks! Not yet, but I'm planning to watch the second episode today.

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Why is it that so many people seem to think insulting those that have differing opinions is a valid form of criticism?

Because it's easy and they enjoy doing it, and people always want to validate things that are easy and that they enjoy doing.
They also might not really think it's a valid form of criticism, and just be doing it because they want to either way.
Liked by: Another Bystander

Have you/do you ever struggle with your weight?

I've always been pretty skinny, but my weight is something I worry about consistently in spite of that, because I'm just a generally anxious person. Lately I've been trying to both cut back on drinking and increase my weekly exercise routine to get a bit healthier.

What national TV cartoons encourage empathetic behavior and a positive spirit? This is something I wondered after seeing how South Park is basically "don't care about anything?" Steven Universe? Rick and Morty? Bob's Burgers?

Steven Universe is definitely a good example of one. But I don't watch many western cartoons, so I'm not the best person to ask.

Do you like Tony Zhou's Every Frame a Painting series?

Yep! He's a good critic, I always enjoy hearing his thoughts.

What ultimately lead you to self-publish your book? Was there something about the traditional publisher system that you felt would compromise your book? Do you feel any different about it now?

I self-published because I wanted to get it published at all. I spent about a year seeking an agent to get it traditionally published, and eventually just decided I couldn't spend any more time waiting on that, and figured I might as well learn how to get it out there myself.
In retrospect, I don't necessarily regret self-publishing, but I'd caution other people against it. Without the support of a major publisher's promotional and placement apparatus, it's extremely difficult for your book to gain any momentum or meaningful sales. And if you do pull the trigger on self-publishing, that's it - it's almost impossible for a book that's been previously published in any way to later be picked up for publishing.
Liked by: Another Bystander

Do you think writers will ever get rid of the character trope "woman around 30 years old who is constantly humilated because she is not married yet"? Getting back into anime after a long while, it is especially annoying in shows with decent writing like Oregairu.

Ugly cultural assumptions move a bit more slowly than individual writing tropes, unfortunately. It'll be a while before "adult women need to get married to maintain value" dies as a general idea.
Liked by: Derp Jeep Lotsodorf

Thoughts on the latest addition to IBO's cast and his big ol' harem/criminal enterprise?

He's a role player character, and he seems to be doing a fine job of that - moving the plot along and pushing back against Orga.

Then what does monmosu avatars bring up?

I don't really see appearances by other shows consistently enough to have an opinion on them. And as I said, what people actually say/do is what's important.

Related to your answer to prejudices against avatars: What sort of worries does a Kill la Kill avatar bring up with you?

Gamergate. GG really likes that show, because it's a sexy shounen fighting show that also implies women should embrace objectification. So you see a ton of Ryuuko and Satsuki avatars among that crowd.

Bobduh! You stopped posting your seasonal halfway done lists in "lists!" It makes them hard to find. Or can I find the newer ones somewhere else?

You can find them by running back through the week in reviews, but I just went through and tagged them all in "lists" as well
Liked by: Another Bystander

What do you think of Otaro Maijo's writing? He did the scripts for Hammerhead and Dragon's Dentist. He also did a rather insane Jojo spinoff novel. Not sure if you can actually answer this question, guess I'm just desperate for new writers with original voices working in anime.

I only have experience with his expo work, but those were easily two of the best-written expos, so I guess that's a good sign? I mean, a fair percentage of the expos just weren't interested in narrative period, but as far as narratives in general go, those two told compelling stories in minimal beats. If he were given a full show, I'd keep an eye on it.

Are you going to write a blurb on the animator expos?

I should. I hadn't considered that, so it won't be in tomorrow morning's week in review, but I'll try to write something up for the following week.

Do you have a schedule worked out for your reader-funded projects or are you just squeezing them in wherever you have time?

I don't have a strict schedule set up yet, but I'm hoping to get around 2-3 reader-funded pieces done per week. Obviously I don't want to rush them, but I also don't want people to be waiting forever, so balancing that means I'm shooting for two episode writeups during the work week and a film over the weekend. I'll be working on my first episode piece tomorrow.

Who would you say are the other 2 best directors?

I wouldn't want to create a "top ten current directors" list or anything, but as far as off-the-cuff appraisals go, I'd probably pick between Masaki Yuasa, Tsutomu Mizushima, and Hiroshi Nagahama.
Liked by: nawaf DIGITAL@MUGI

have you ever found yourself prejudging anime avatars based on the particular avatar? (e.g. tumblr fanart/ikuhara > probably good while nonon jakuzure > probably bad)

There are a few anime avatars that definitely give me pause. Kill la Kill makes me worried in one direction, Akame ga Kill or similar shows in another. But obviously whatever someone actually says/does is the measure of their character - I've just seen enough similar behavior associated with certain fandoms to kind of wince when I see them come up.
This doesn't go in a positive direction, though. There are plenty of terrible people who like stuff I like, and recent history has shown that liking media that preaches tolerance and charity won't prevent you from stirring a mob to exact hateful justice.

Initial thoughts on the upcoming Myriad Colors Phantom World?

It looks like a pretty typical fantasy light novel adaptation (except much prettier, obviously), and everything other people have been telling me supports that. So I'm not going to get my hopes up - if it's good, it's good, but this doesn't fall in the categories of shows that KyoAni have been historically great at, or that have been great as a genre in general. I'm really just holding out for Silent Voice.

OK BOBDUH, when's that updated Top 30/Addendum coming cuz you got THE WHOLE WORLD on PINS AND NEEDLES p.s. while I am aware of some the additions you would make, I'm interested in the small write-ups for each addition. Your decisions determine my blu-ray purchases.

I've actually written up the blurbs already, and nothing from this season is making it, so I should probably get around to that.
Liked by: Eelz J Kru

Love Live or Idol Master? You have to pick one.

Idolmaster. Love Live is more fun to make silly tweets about, but Idolmaster is just too good.


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