

Ask @B0bduh

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How would you handle the situation when you've watched the first 2-3 episodes for a commission and realise you want to continue to watch the show, but no one contributes to it?

One nice person has already contributed an episode's worth to whatever I want to continue watching, so I'd go with that first, and then figure stuff out from there.

I liked 35th Platoon for 3-4 episodes, enjoying it as in the same vein as other shows that I don't have to spend hours unpacking or investing in. Then it became absolutely awful while simultaneously ruining it's good previous moments, in less than 2 episodes. What's a similar experience you've had?

Plenty of anime go off the rails a few episodes in. I was just talking earlier on twitter about Rolling Girls and Yatterman Night, both of which fell apart after demonstrating lots of early promise.
Liked by: teezoen

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Will you review the Clannad VN? Please?

Noooo way. I found the anime insufferable enough already, I couldn't imagine playing through an even /more/ stretched out version of that story. I'd play through Fate long before I'd play through Clannad.

I am curious. Never having done weed, how would you descirbe the fuzzy brain feeling? Like, actually feeling like your brain was a thing in your head?

It's kind of weird to describe "how thinking feels," but it's like, when I'm trying to think of a solution or a clever line or whatever, I'm putting together various conscious idea building blocks and letting new blocks naturally surface from my unconscious store of words/beliefs/narrative tools/assumptions/latent ideas/etc. When I've smoked, both of those processes can feel actively hindered - like I'm not putting together ideas as quickly, confidently, or coherently as I usually do, and like new ideas aren't rising as consistently as they're supposed to. So it's like my brain is muffled by a big fuzzy blanket, tangibly not able to be as sharp and effective as it's supposed to be.

If you hated the fuzzy brain feeling, why did you smoke weed in the first place?

It was something I grew to hate, not something that initially put me off. And I've got a very addictive personality, so for a while I continued to smoke as a ritual even though it wasn't fun anymore. Be careful with drugs, kids!
Liked by: Another Bystander

Writeup commission question: I know you can't be inspired to write a thematic piece on every show. But if we get you to do a full writeup on one, and you do find something beyond a review to write, would you do that by default, or...?

I'll be trying to write the most interesting thing I can come up with. That often will be a review (and I'd like to think I've gotten okay at making reviews interesting), but if I have an idea for a thematic piece, I'll go with it.
Liked by: Another Bystander

Do you have any experience with weed?

Yep! I used to smoke regularly, now I barely do it at all. After a while it just made me paranoid, and I really hate the "fuzzy brain" feeling it can create. I like having my brain right where it is.

Not sure if my previous question made it through because I just signed up: Do you accept commissions for writeups for shows that are not officially released in the West, such as Hourou Musuko BDs (last couple of eps are different from the TV broadcast)?

Yep, that's fine. People are already requesting Hyouka, and that one's still unjustly trapped in limbo.
Liked by: Another Bystander

Would it be possible to commission a show and a final write-up but without the episodics for a lower price?

Yep! Then it's just $60 for every three episodes. Feel free to specify that
Liked by: Derp Jeep

Could you write a book about someone not likable? (potentially that is, not a request) Not evil or vile or cruel, or even mean-spirited, but someone who you purposefully make the reader not enjoy while telling that character's story (or while that character tells it)? Would it be hard to do?

I certainly /could/. It's not hard - many people have motives that are selfish or petty or mean, and many others have a personal headspace that would probably not be a fun place to hang out. If you want some examples of that, maybe try Notes from Underground, or King, Queen, Knave, or The End of the Affair, or The Sound and the Fury. The Sound and the Fury in particular has one narrator who /is/ petty and cruel, but who also has an internal voice that makes it feel like he (and the reader) are suffering through a constant migraine.

this is more a suggestion than a question, but having progress/status bars on your blog for the funding position of all the crowd-funded shows would be easier than checking the link to the central page. :) and good luck on your career path you seem to be doing pretty well

I agree! I'm just not sure how to handle that in both a "screen real estate" sense and a "how the crap do I program/implement status bars" sense. It's something I'll be thinking about.
And thank you! I'm very glad this seems to be working out.

What did you think of the K-On movie? Worthy addition to the franchise?

It was fine, but not as strong as the second season. I'll have a review of it up pretty soon.

Since you're now taking commissions per-episode of long shows, do you worry that you'll have a massive catalog of write-ups stuck at like episode 5 and not many complete series? Or will you go ahead and complete series you're interested in without writing them up?

The nice thing about this whole scenario is that it's a deal between very friendly parties - I want to write about anime, people want to read that writing, and the only issue is me getting some money so I can afford to make both of those things happen. In light of that, I'm going to do everything I can to make sure people are getting the writing they want to the degree that I can afford to create it. That might mean letting people shift payment between shows if they want to collaborate to make sure something gets finished, or writing as much as I can episodically, and then if it looks like a show is losing momentum, possibly suggesting the next donations just go towards notes and a final writeup on the series overall, which would take me much less time.

You mentioned that patreon donations could be pointed towards specific communal write-up goals. How will that be handled, a survey when the next round of patreon money goes out? How about if we want to propose a new communal goal? I really look forward to seeing how this new system works out!

Like with the ask.fm questions, I'll be sending out a round of messages when Patreon contributions are processed that will ask where specifically everyone wants their support to go. You'll be able to suggest any show you want, and I'll catalog all of them as they come in on the Current Projects page.
And I'm looking forward to seeing how it works out too! I've already got a couple new pieces to get started on, so it seems like this is much more convenient for readers as well.

You mentioned writing daily is important, yet I tend to lose faith/interest in my work sometimes. Do you have any recommendations on how to keep up with it as an after-work hobby? Any exercises you'd recommend?

If you want to keep up with it, establish it as a daily routine that you take pride in sticking to. Set aside a specific half hour or whatever to just be writing, and don't do anything else during that time - sit at your desk, stare at the page, write or think about writing. If you're trying to write fiction, there are a ton of handy little prompts online to serve as writing exercises; stuff like "write a short story from the perspective of a household appliance," "write about the inner life of someone you saw on the train today," "write a story with no dialogue," "write a story that's /all/ dialogue," "write a story that portrays a character's personality solely through their actions," etcetera. Things like that are designed both to spark your imagination and make you become more aware of what writing tools you have and rely on.
If you're working on criticism, the situation is similar, but the prompts would be different. Write a short review of a movie you saw recently. Write a short review of your shoes. Write about a couple lines of dialogue you found particularly effective. The point there is not to create copy for release, but to train yourself to honestly engage with the formal qualities of whatever you come across, as well as learn to express a personal experience in a way that's clear to others.

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People say Undertale is rife with tumblr humor, whatever that is. Is that a good or bad thing?

I'm not really sure what that means, outside of maybe "humor that is aimed at nerds/people on the internet." But I don't think that makes it particularly different from many other modern stories, and all of its "references" are pretty general (like making jokes about anime as an overall concept, for example).


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