

Ask @B0bduh

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Do you appreciate silly questions, or would you prefer I just send you the serious and introspective ones?

I'm fine receiving all types of questions. If I don't feel like answering one, I just won't answer it!

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So now that you've descended into moe hell, is Non Non Biyori on the to-watch list?

Nope. I enjoyed K-On! because it was really well-constructed, but slice of life in general still isn't really my thing. I think I've had my fill on the genre for a while.

Loved the latest owari! One thing is confusing me though. If Araragi is this insightful with Odachi, why is he completely blind to what's happening with Sengoku (I think this arc is before otori/koimono)?

How insightful has Araragi actually been here? Ougi basically lead him by the nose to all of his earlier revelations, and in this latest episode, his contributions have mainly been "happiness isn't all that" and "I promise to do what I can to help you." The first one's an important insight, but a personal one he's been working on all arc - the second one is the sort of thing Araragi has always been ready to say.

Do you use a thesaurus?

Only when there's a word I'm thinking of but I can't remember the spelling for or something. I think using a thesaurus to artificially inflate your vocabulary is a bad idea, since words you're not actually familiar with tend to stick out in text.
Liked by: Betty Zhuang

Why are so many American Presidents millionaires? Sorry if this seems like a dumb question, but as a non-American looking in it's just baffling/horrifying.

Because you generally have to be insanely wealthy to run an American presidential campaign. Many campaigns are sunk purely because their candidates run out of funds, or have to dedicate so much time to gathering funds that they can't properly compete. Already being a member of the country's ruling class helps alleviate this problem.
And yes, this is a horrifying perversion of the ideals of democracy etc etc. But we're actually more of an oligarchy anyway, so it makes sense.
Liked by: Another Bystander

"Characters in Shinsekai Yori were written to be bland, because they are brainwashed". Does this argument hold any water, or is it just an excuse?

It makes sense in an in-world sense, but doesn't do much to fix the issue in a storytelling one. SSY's flavorless human characters were definitely one of the show's biggest failings.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

Could it be that people blame not because they think the world is a just place but because of their belief that they're better than others? That people can overcome misfortune by their strong will & personality alone & belittle people who don't manage to do it by blaming&judging them for being weak?

I'm not sure what this is in response to, but you've pretty much just described libertarianism, along with the general right-wing attitude towards economic policy and social programs. See the rhetoric surrounding "handouts" and whatnot. It's partially based in this whole "there are no poor, only temporary embarrassed millionaires" ideology the right wing promotes - it's based in a politically convenient but false idea of class mobility that convinces people the government contributing to programs like welfare or whatnot is stealing hard-earned tax money from them to donate to some villainous "other." That particular idea of individuality and personal destiny pretty much inherently requires denying the overwhelming power of larger social and economic forces, which informs right-wing attitudes on not just economic policy, but also issues of race, gender, and much else.

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Just turn it off? What did Hajime mean by this?

"Take care of yourself first," basically. The internet is full of awfulness, so make sure to retreat from the negativity when you can, and go back to your safe spaces and the people who care about you. The show makes it clear that you can't actually /avoid/ the internet, and that online violence has major consequences, but you also have to be able to disengage.

Can I guess your list? Hibike euphonium, Shirobako, Oregairu s2, Gatchaman crowds insight, One punch man, Owarimonogatari, Death parade, Your lie in april, Maria the virgin witch, kekkai sensen Personally I'd add akatsuki no yona and noragami aragoto but I don't think you've watched either

You've certainly guessed a good number of my inclusions! And yeah, I haven't watched either of those other shows.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

Think you could get 10 Royal Games to do a non-h VN, like Steins;Gate?

Probably not. Those things are endless, my own interest in them is basically zero, and Dan/Neil have no experience or interest in them at all.

Hey Bob, would you ever consider marshaling the 10 Royal Games crew to play some or another fighting game?

We've actually tried that, but it's kind of hard to keep a conversation running with two people actively competing in a fighting game.

What would be some ways that I could get you to bump up Mamoru Hosoda's Wolf Children up in priority for watching plus some notes?

You could commission a writeup! That option is always on the table.
Liked by: Eelz Wei-Ning Chen

Do you think it's even possible for Euph, or anime in general, to have two girls together without it being some OMG YURI LOOK thing? Heck, the medium has a hard enough time with het relationships sometimes.

Plenty of shows handle platonic friendships between girls just fine! I mean, I'm watching K-On! right now, and that's pretty much all about a set of close-knit but platonic friendships. Even Euphonium itself has plenty of well-illustrated platonic friendships - it's just the relationship between Kumiko and Reina in particular that wasn't framed that way.

To what extent can you consider the yuri-bait benign with regards to how it creates (according to some folks) cognitive dissonance between Kumiko/Reina.

I'm not really sure what you mean by cognitive dissonance, but the fact that the show clearly framed their relationship as romantic without ever committing to that was probably my biggest complaint about it. It too clearly felt like the show was dancing with an arbitrary wall.

It is masterfully constructed but it's also really unambitious. I'd take a flawed drama with better heights like KimiUso over it.

I can sort of understand the first sentence of this (if you're framing "narrative complexity" as "ambition," or something), but don't really see KimiUso embodying anything that separates it from Euphonium in that regard.

Why are you looking forward to a Euph sequel and movie when we all know its just gonna bait more and deliver sadness?

It helps that I enjoyed the first season as a masterfully constructed drama and not just a vehicle for yuri bait!
Liked by: Eelz Berrychips Arattor


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