

Ask @B0bduh

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When Souhei turned the conversation away from Moe's parents, was that him being considerate, or him not wanting to engage with real problems, but rather to deal with his made-up comforting nothings?

I'm guessing the latter. His lines up to that point demonstrated him mirroring Moe with the mystery exposition stuff, but then Moe made the conversation Too Real, and so he wandered away.
Liked by: Another Bystander

Are there valid comparisons to be drawn between Souhei and Hachiman? I've seen people express sympathy for both their philosophies in very similiar fashion.

There are very solid comparisons that can be drawn between the two characters! The key difference there is that Hachiman is a confused and insecure teenager, whereas Souhei is a full-grown adult manipulating a student who's much younger than him. If Hachiman went twenty years without growing as a person, I'd probably feel similarly about him as I do about Souhei.

How does subete F frame Souhei as being insufferable?

So far he is basically 100% composed of meaningless pseudo-philosophy, self-importance, and disregard for the feelings of Moe. If the show is trying to make him appear likable in any way (which seems doubtful, given how closely we've stuck to Moe's perspective), it is doing a profoundly terrible job of it.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

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Is redistricting another term for gerrymandering? Isn't that illegal?

Yes it is, and apparently the answer is "not illegal enough to prevent the Republicans from basing their electoral strategy on a combination of that and directly blocking people from voting."

Any thoughts on how Dan Harmon has been 'jokingly' harassing this one guy for over an hour now.. I mean you follow him too.

He's having some kind of hateful breakdown. It's terrible to watch.

Question, since it came up in one of your Patreon answers: Have you seen/what did you think of Patlabor?

Haven't seen it. It's basically just my go-to example of an anime beloved by the kind of people who used to love anime and now love being publicly unhappy about things.
It's probably pretty good, though! I've heard good things.

Hey have you heard of Mononoke and do you plan on watching it?

Yep! I'm planning on getting to basically all of Kenji Nakamura's shows as soon as possible.

Hey bobduh, are there any characters out there that you think have really good design/aesthetics?

Kino. Benten. Mom-Koto. Spike. Most of the characters in Katanagatari. Most of the characters in Giant Robo.

Do you ever go out much?

I'm not a fan of parties or bars, and generally prefer just hanging out with a few friends. If I go out, it's likely to see a band, but I unfortunately haven't seen many shows recently. I should fix that!

Which episodes are good (or even great) in the sword art online series?

Some of the fight scenes in the second season are good, as are some of the more low-key/slice of life sequences. These are kind of scattered throughout though, so I'm not sure I could point to any fully "good" episodes. It's not a very good show.
Liked by: Wei-Ning Chen

How do you have a continuous stream of compelling questions appearing in your ask.fm inbox (especially of note, skeptic of mullet)? Or are they all written ahead of time in your master plan to take over the world? #illuminati

A couple days ago I answered basically allot this month's Patreon questions at once, so that helped.

do you stand by mahou sensei negima as being in your top 5 manga? I picked it up and so far it's all just panties and nearly naked middle schoolers. am i missing something?

It slowly builds into a very compelling shounen adventure! It never loses the panties and middle schoolers, though.

Are there any Monogatari characters you didn't like at first that later arcs made much more interesting?

Pretty much every character in Monogatari gets more interesting over time, but I guess Kanbaru, Shinobu, and Nadeko would all be characters who jumped up significantly in my impressions through their later material.

How was Black Lagoon for you?

Unappealing. It seemed like it was going for something like Cowboy Bebop's cool, but it was just schlocky exploitation violence with silly animeisms, neither of which appeal to me.
Liked by: JP the 3rd

Do you plan to see the Kara no Kyoukai series anytime soon (as in, sometime in the next year), or is it too far back in your backlog?

It's pretty far back. I've also recently been sticking mostly to shows I can actually review for ANN, so that makes it harder too. I really need to set up the system where people can directly fund views/writeups of the shows they want, but my schedule is full of more immediate deadlines, so it keeps getting put off :/

I feel like Delusion Express isn't nearly the best visually, but as a song it is GOD DAMN PERFECT.

I actually really like how the visuals walk back Nadeko's first song, but yeah, I'm not sure a song has ever fit a character more than Delusion Express fits Nadeko Medusa. Delusion Express is pretty much my go-to for "this OP encapsulates this narrative."
Liked by: Strider Lugh

have you finished the gunslinger girl manga? what did you think of the ending?

Not yet. I keep having to reread from the beginning every time a new couple volumes come out, and rereading Gunslinger Girl from the beginning is one of the most emotionally exhausting experiences you can go through, so I've been stalling on my final read-through.

Friend showed me Kara no Kyoukai 1 last night. Was impressed, though perhaps not quite as much as I had expected beforehand. Did you like it? (And I really wasn't expecting that KS–Rin-reminiscent scene with the ice cream.)

Haven't seen it.

Any thoughts on the repetitive use of rape in berserk? or any dark fantasy work if you haven't read it.

I haven't read/seen Berserk, but I still kinda love the construction of this question. "Any thought of the abuse of rape as a cheap dramatic device in Berserk/any fucking dark fantasy?" That is a salient goddamn critique right there.


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