

Ask @B0bduh

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What do you think defines "good pacing"?

It varies significantly depending on genre and specific shows, but I guess generally scenes should move at the pace required for the mood they're evoking? The default rule is "cut everything you possibly can," but shows specifically built around creating a specific atmosphere or sense of place often work differently.

Hey, (sorry if you've already answered this) did/are you playing the VN for fate? I enjoyed it quite a bit, and I was wondering if you enjoyed it too, and if you didn't, why? (like was it bad writing style, was the plot just crap, etc... or all of the above haha)

I tried it a while back, but couldn't get past the bad prose and pacing. Just a whole lot of scenes that felt like they should have been harshly edited or cut entirely, combined with writing that kinda made me wince.

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We can probably expect one giant twist at the end of Punch Line that will blow everyone's mind, so if nothing else, it's fun looking for the hints for it.

I won't watch a show waiting for a twist like that. I might keep watching it just as my "harmless fun" show of the season, like Witch Craft Works or Yozakura Quartet, but if I actually were hoping for it to have any substance, I'd only give it another episode or two.

Were you at all disappointed that Shirobako didn't go darker with its finale like you had been predicting early on?

Nope. The show's ending seemed perfectly in line with everything else. The last climax was meeting the mangaka, everything after that was just cooling down and checking in with friends.

The writer of Punch Line is kind of well-known for doing sci-fi mystery VNs with decently well-rounded characters, so I think cautious optimism is appropriate. My question though is how much money would it take for you, as a respectable writer, to work on a project about panty shots?

While I was watching it, I was thinking to myself, "maybe we're going about this whole 'great expectations for a renowned VN writer' thing wrong." Maybe this guy is writing an anime because he /wants/ to make a silly show about panty shots - maybe he's perfectly happy writing his actually good work in his core chosen medium, and the chance to write an anime is basically a vacation to branch out and do something silly.
As for your question, it wouldn't take much. If I do good work on a silly project, that still gets me networking opportunities, money to buy food, and work for my portfolio. Which may also be what's going on here.

Have you ever read a Oregairu discussion? Literally 99% of the posts idealize Hachiman as some kind of hero 'who can read through the lies of society'. When I say hes just a bitter teenager with a martyr complex, holy shit, they get so angry and defensive. Whats with these idealizations of him?

They're made by Hachimans. Telling a bitter, naive teenager they're a bitter, naive teenager is generally not an effective strategy. If it were easy for the Hachimans of the world to grow out of themselves, Oregairu would not be such a satisfying story.

How come the Shirobako dakis are riling people up so much when there are plenty of porn ones of lolis and highschoolers, while the Shirobako girls are fully-grown women and the poses are cheesecake rather than out-and-out porno? Doesn't seem worth getting mad about, in relation.

I'm not sure how legitimately "riled up" anyone is - I'm guessing most people have accepted that the extra-show materials of basically every anime are going to be sketchy as hell, regardless of the actual show's content. It's just funny to sigh about getting Aoi hug pillows instead of a second season.

If you take screenshots, do you normally take them as you are watching an anime for the first time or do you rewatch to take them?

As I'm watching. Taking screenshots has become pretty second nature to me at this point.
Liked by: Jaooooo

Wait, where was the sexual power play in Haruhi? I guess I could see Haruhi getting Mikuru drunk as approaching that (with speed), but am I missing something more overt?

Nah, that's the scene I was thinking of. Really, really uncomfortable for many characters, but definitely dramatically respected by the show.

How far did you get when you were learning Japanese? Can you read kana?

I used to be able to, and can still read some characters, but most of it's faded.

What do you think about mecha like Gurren Lagann? A lot of people really like shows like that though I could never get interested in them. Do you have an interest in mecha? The only one I've ever liked is Evangelion since its mostly character driven, I could never get interested in the dumb fun ones

I like Gurren Lagann because it's just well-composed, with really energetic production and also Rossiu. I'm normally not a fan of mechas, and don't really care about them in the abstract unless they're used for stories that are interesting in other ways.

[Serious] Any scenes from an anime or any other fiction you can think of, that is a good, well-handled example of "a character trying to break/dominate/humiliate another character through sexual and violent power play"? I think comparisons work better against 'those' types of argumentation.

I feel like there's this assumption that I should feel obligated to convince people who are deeply, deeply emotionally invested in one interpretation of an event that they are either wrong to feel that way, or admit that I am wrong to feel otherwise. But these conversations are 99.9999% of the time not going to be even slightly productive - I'm not interested in these arguments because the context means there's no actual communication going on. It's hard enough to illustrate a specific perspective to someone who's entirely neutral to your opinion - someone who begins the conversation dead-set against your view is not going to be convinced, and particularly not in the context of a random ask.fm conversation with a stranger.
But if you want some examples anyway, I think Utena, Flowers of Evil, and even season two of Haruhi have various well-handled examples of related ideas.

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2 yrs ago, reading u, I was in agreement almost always. That's fun at first, but uneasy somehow. In time, started spotting subtle diff.s between our approach & likes, then these grew, and I really enjoyed this process! It feels healthier and more intimate now. Any writer you had a similar exp. with?

Yeah, for sure. I think this is a pretty natural byproduct of coming to better understand both other people and yourself. It's definitely a healthy thing!

So WAIT Under what criteria do you reply with a gif? Is it... - when you disagree - when u think their comment is ridiculous - when you have nothing to say - when you've been proven wrong or what? i'm genuinely curious/confused as to what types of asks get gif'd and why.

Generally it's when people ask disingenuous or passive-aggressive questions that they don't actually want answers to ("Why do you have such a shitty opinion on ____???", "I think ____, PROVE ME WRONG", etc). Or when I think their comment is silly in a way that I can't really add to, but instead can merely celebrate by adding a gif.
I generally only seriously answer the confrontational questions when I think people outside of the person asking can get something out of my response. I will basically never change the minds of anyone who comes on here to yell at me - their opinions are already set, they're not here for an honest exchange of ideas.

Do you have any intention of learning Japanese?

I took a year of it in college, which reminded me I suck at languages. It sure would be handy to know Japanese, but I don't think it's in the cards.

I don't know if you're a manga person or not, would you call manga writing prose as well? Because I recently caught up on Seraph of the End and the ideas, the plot structure and the characters are alright, but how the characters talk drives me nuts. Maybe this is a dumb question. I dunno.

Manga/comic writing often has different goals than straight fiction, but it's still writing that can be evaluated as writing. Much of it being bad is not a limitation of the medium - it's just that a lot of comics have bad writing. And when you add in the fact that both the original mangaka and the translator have to be excellent writers for a manga to seem to have good writing, it's no surprise you'll run into a lot of poorly written English-language manga.

Should I watch Death & Rebirth before EoE?

No. Death & Rebirth is just a recap plus the first half of EoE.

You mentioned From Me to You in one of your preview reviews, but I couldn't find it in your AnimeList. Is it a love story worth watching?

I'm not sure about the anime, and I get the feeling it's something that could really drag in show form. I just read the manga, which isn't the greatest thing, but is overall an enjoyable, endearing slow-paced romance.

Have you ever checked out the Ground YxEVANGELION collection? It's a bit pricy cause it's Yohji but I personally think it's dope. Also thoughts on anime clothing in general?

No, I haven't, but now I'm looking at it and this stuff is pretty sweet. I'd love to have a pair of those sneakers.
As for anime clothing in general, I try to keep anything I wear a bit more subtle than that. My favorite piece of anime apparel is just a plain t-shirt with the minimalist Toradora logo on it - innocuous to non-fans, but it's fun to see people recognize it.

Would it be possible to send you an ask containing only a silly gif and getting passive aggressive answers in return?

Unfortunately I think the exchange only works one way. Though I certainly welcome more silly gifs!


Language: English