

Ask @BasetRad

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I'm not going to follow you because I'm JEWISH and I LIKE IT! Israel have resources that can protect the habitants. In Gaza, they spend money on Bombs while the population suffers asking money for Hamas and he does not donate. Israel's objective is not to kill, is to finish where the bombs comes!

Firstly It don't really matter to me if you follow me or not, and good for you for being a Jew and I respect that, Gaza has no other choice to spend money on military because that's the only way for them to defend their civilians and to fight back is the only option, If Israel's objective is not to kill is that why they have killed thousand and thousands of innocent civilians, elders and children. they know what they are doing they control all the bombs and missiles.

Hamas is using civilians and children as human shields while firing dozens of missiles at major Israeli cities every day. Stop demonizing Israel for defending themselves

There is no proof in Hamas using children as human shields stop believing everything the Media says, there were even journalists who went to Palestine and they found no proof in Hamas using children as human shields. The rockets that Hamas fires are ineffective, and how many civilians have been killed by those rockets? Israel is not defending itself, they are self-proclaiming that they are the victims, when in fact they live in a luxury world and Gaza civilians live in impoverished concentration camps. Israeli's are NOT victims, this is all part of a propaganda scheme to occupy more land and build more settlements, like they have done for the last 60 years. Killing "terrorists" who mostly comprise of children, women, elderly, and disabled people is justified? Tell me How?

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Salaam aleykum I support your views regarding Israel and Islam, but what did you mean with that diaper thing? And how come someone asks you if you could post a selfie, and you start talking about the conflicts?

Walaykum salam, The chicco pampers company designed their font on their pampers nappies in a way that if you was to see the font on a Mirror or reverse you will see the name of Allah in Arabic.
& I just took a random question to inform the people about the conflict.


"For anyone who wants a simple proof that Palestine existed before 1948, here’s a coin from 1927 worth 10 Mils (this currency is no longer used). Also note that the word “Palestine” is written in both Arabic and Hebrew indicating not only a Jewish presence, but a prominent one. Jews and Arabs DID live side by side in peace. The Zionist idea that they cannot coexist is an absolute fallacy.” -Mahmod King

Do you answer your questions

The only reason I answer some questions is because many of the questions I receive are personal questions and I'll only answer them if you're off anonymous so I can post the answers in your wall. The only reason I don't answer them here is because it will lead to spam and people will get annoyed with it Thanks<3

Are you a virgin ??

People protesting against Israel does not make them anti-Semites. Judaism and Zionists do not follow the same agenda. The prophet Mohamad respected his Jewish friends, visited them when they got sick and allowed the jews to practice their religion freely. The Jews are people of the book, and we carry no hard feelings towards them. It is the Zionists that are reflecting a horrible image about the Jewish community. Most Orthodox Jews are totally against Zionism and against an Israeli state in Palestine since day one. Labelling everyone as an “Anti-Semite” is foolish and sounds desperate for attention. Every time a person writes/shares a status against the brutal actions of the Zionist terrorists, that person will be labelled as an anti-semite? That’s just silly. If you have called someone an anti-semite because they were protesting against Israel, you need some education. Because clearly you’re the one who lacks some basic understanding.
If you heard these rude terms from your friends while protesting against Israel, do not let them bring you down and keep moving forward. You don’t need friends who think murdering children is okay anyway.

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My close friends know how much I love the the drink Coca-Cola, and I’m sure many of you feel the same way. However, I love the people of Palestine more. The fact that our money is going towards Israel is wrong, especially the fact that we are very well aware of it. From today, I will not buy a single bottle of Coke. There are many companies we should be boycotting. For now, let’s take it a step at a time.
I would like to invite you to join me boycott Coca-Cola. If you’re with me, and you promise not to buy a single bottle of Coke (unless necessary) for the sake of the Palestinian children who are being murdered with our money. Like this status, and share it, to announce that you officially started your boycott to Coca-Cola.
It’s time we start making some real change.


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