

Ask @BasetRad

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ok first you can't just take one side of the war. Israel is a GOOD country. and not all of them have money and like to kill people with it. they care. if people in this world just or the israel people believe in their belief and live their life this war won't be going I. give some respect to them

Well, when you take away the smaller arguments that have developed between Israel & Palestine over the decades, the glaring fact hiding underneath it all is that Israel invaded Palestine, evicted their people from their own homes and started building homes for Jews on Palestinian territory.
Why do people think it is ok for anyone else to defend themselves against this type of invasion but the Palestinians? The hardcore Jewish supporters will insist that the UN resolution gave them authorisation to live there but come on, how legitimate is it for a board of foreign nations to give you permission to settle in a land that they do not own or control and without first seeking the permission of it's inhabitants?
The land wasn't uninhabited or barren, women and children lived there. Israel had no right to settle there. If the UN cared so much then why didn't one of the member states agree to house Israel?
If someone tried to invade my home the least they could expect was some violence on my part and I wouldn't want to hear any whinging afterwards either

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isreal post?

Dear Israel,
You have been fighting Palestine for about 60 years now, using advanced weapons and America's financial aid against a country that has no army, no weapons, no money and no central government. And you still haven't managed to win. When will you get it? You can't beat a country that is protected by Allah.

Do you hate hindus because you're Muslim? :( I hope not I'm hindu and I'm a fan of your account you're really nice

No, of course not! Islam doesn't teach us to hate other religions, many people believe Muslims are taught in the Qur'an to kill Non-Believers, In fact Jihad is a war based on religion, but it is ONLY in defense. You are only allowed to attack when you are under attack, you never ever start a war with nonbelievers. In fact, one of the most important things in Islam is dawah! Dawah is teaching others (nonbelievers) about Islam and its beliefs. We never to stone or kill nonbelievers, we are to help them to the best of our ability.

I don't know you but you seem kind and nice, that's something that's hard to find in a guy or anyone these days it's really sweet and you seem to have inspired alot of people into being a better person of themselves.This is the first page on Ask.fm that isn't full of bullshit I respect that.

Awhhh Thank You so much, it means a lot to me. I try my best :) <3


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