
Brooke Gadd

Ask @Brookegadd

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Would you date Daniel? Or think you's have a future together?

Yeah I probably would but it'd have to happen in the future. At the moment we both have someone we like in our life :)

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If you had to choose a type of color that you thought represented yourself, which would it be?

Blue :)

You always look after other people and put them before yourself.. Don't you ever get sick and tired of it?? Don't you just wish someone would listen to you for once??

I won't ever get sick and tired of it, if you mean something to me then I'm going to make sure you're happy and that if you have problems I'll help you through them.
And I do have people that would listen to me, I'm just to stubborn to open up to people. But I just keep my problems to myself mainly because I don't want to interfere or put anyone down with my problems.

Why are you so insecure about yourself? I hate it.

I've never been happy with myself, never thought I was 'pretty' enough or 'skinny' enough. And being belittled and put down half your life doesn't really help the situation.

you know i miss you a lot, you were once the main person in my life. not because we had a thing but because you were always there for me, you always understood me and you were always making sure i was okay when no one else noticed.. now we're nothing to each other, for no apparent reason? it sucks.

Inbox me, please? :(
Liked by: Daniel Ripinskis

What do you think about Daniel dating? Especially this bitch now?

I don't care that daniel dates girls, why would I? But if they hurt him or fuck him around that's where I step in. His been through enough of that and all I want is him happy.

I actually think you and Daniel are cute bestfriends, I would love to have that kind of friendship with someone. You two should take cute and silly photos. (:

Naw. Yeah we should hey :)

I'm one of Daniels best mates and the amount of shit he talks about you behind your back is hilarious! Deep down he actually hates you ahaha

Maybe you should come off anon lols
Liked by: Daniel Ripinskis


Language: English