

Ask @CaraMiniMonsterSkinner

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U don't deserve kids

I know.. Hence why my daughter lives with her father :') Gawd, where have you been living? Under a rock?
Liked by: Lost Soul

If you were a Hollywood movie star do you think you'd have a 'butt double' to do your close up butt scenes or would you do your own butt work?

Fuck today in the arse! Why I woke up I do not know
Liked by: Lost Soul

What are your thoughts on people who do 'hot or not' videos?

Who. The. Fuck. Put. This. Creature. On. My. Feed? My eyes now need bleaching Thanks (y)
Liked by: Lost Soul

If you had to get one thing tattooed on your forehead, what would it be?

Well,bye bye hip piercing.. It was nice having you for 10 months :(

Are you concerned about the Super Volcano under Yellowstone that is 40,000 years overdue, with so much power that when it erupts could potentially cover most of North America in ash and create a volcanic winter that kills half of the world's population?

Not really... I'd be more concerned about the one in Edinburgh.. Its much more closer to me than the one in America -.-

Scenario: A friend gives you a horror dvd to watch, one so frightening it's like nothing you've ever seen before. After you've watched it you get a phonecall & a child's voice tells you that in 7 days you'll die unless you pass the dvd on to somebody else & get them to watch it. DO YOU pass it on?

No, I shall not pass it on. The dvd was given to me, so that makes it mine haha
Liked by: Alex

Do you buy cans/bottles of Coca Cola with your name on them or do you think that's just a silly gimmick?

That moment when you just breakdown :'\ Why me? What did I do wrong? I want my baby back :'(

What is the most unexpected thing that happened to you this week?

My wonderful father for you! A guy who has never been there for me! Thinks he can call himself a father and a friend! Bull. Shit!

Does the idea of a traditional british holiday - aka caravan park at a popular seaside town - appeal to you or do you prefer your holidays a bit more on the exotic side?

I prefer staying in my bed hahaha

Hey go follow my brother - @watsittwoya :3 if you do ill give you a cookie.... XD :3 were doing @ opinions on his page if you want one

Do I get a cookie now? Hahaha


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