
Claire Margaret Corlett

Ask @ClaireCoaCoaNutz

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What would you name your child if you have one? Can be either a girl or a boy name.

Well I would have three children.
Twin boys, and a girl.
Charlie: 10
Jacob: 10
Avia: 7
That's the range of their ages. I've had this the same since I've been making dream houses (forever).

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With your interest in script writing, would it be directed toward live-action or animation writing? If a mix of both, which do you think might be harder to write for? Would you also perform in something you've written? What style or genre interests you most for writing? Would you write serial works?

I would like to try both, because they would both be equally challenging. I would most likely not perform what I roughly write for practice.

ever went to the vancouver public library? and oh metrotown? :)

Yes, of course. I've lived in Vancouver my entire life.

Have you ever been to Disneyland or Disney World? If so, favorite attraction?

Yes. I'm the biggest Disney fan ever. I don't even have a favourite attraction because they're all so FLIPPIN AMAZING AND JOYOUS.

What would you do if Button Mash proposed to you one day?

As Sweetie, I'd say it is a tad too early, since we're just little fillies. I would date him though.

You're a new DJ in town. You are known for your unique style of music. Put your music on shuffle, the first 2 songs that comes up are the songs you do a mash up on. What 2 songs are those and how screwed are you?

I wouldn't really be screwed, depends who the crowd is.
First song - SWAY Still Speedin
Second song - ONE DIRECTION They Don't Know About Us
It's an odd mashup...

Will you marry me, and dress up like Sweetie Belle at the wedding, and eat a bunch of marshmallows with me?

Unfortunately for you that would be a no :(

Did you had a nickname as a infant or before you were born?

Claire Bear. And that's pretty much the only significant nickname for me.

Thank you Claire for liking Asians, because I'm one too! :D So many people at my school bullied me for that.

Oh that's mean. I love Asians.

Have you considered voice acting for video games instead of tv shows like MLP and Dinosaur Train?

Yes, and am not sure how to commit into those things.


Language: English