

Ask @CookieRockstar3

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I've asked you so many, it'll be hard to think of new ones :P Here it goes. What would your superhero outfit be?

really?:o and i have no idea, I'd have a cat woman type one because it's sexy.
Liked by: Blauäugig Riese

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You'll have to be patient, I'm sorry. I'm anxious

seriously don't be, it would be easier to inbox me now, you could just inbox saying "its me" then actually say the rest to me tomorrow
Liked by: Blauäugig Riese

I'll tell you at school tomorrow, promise :) it's easier in person cos you have to hear me out

surely its easier by inbox because you wont freeze up?:c Why can't you tell me now?:c Do we have a lesson together tomorrow?
Liked by: Blauäugig Riese

I told you who I was last night on twitter :)

that could be 2 different people:c by tweet or DM?

Also I don't want to annoy you, so I can just stop sending you messages

You won't annoy me! If I talk to you at school then you don't annoy me!

The worst that could happen is I get ridiculed at school and rejected

I won't tell anyone apart from the people who I have told this about and that's like 2 close friends who won't tell a soul. Please can you tell me?:c You can't reject a hug and well I won't like hurt you or anything? Please, I promise you. Please just tell me, I will make sure nobody, but the 2 close mates, will find out! I will hug you tomorrow if I see you and well yeah. Just please, PLEASE tell me, its been on my mind all day!

I don't want to sound mean, but S, what's the worst that could happen!

Exactly! I'm going to be nice, ask some stuff and hug him!

So that guy was a bit mean, but it's kinda true. Sorry I'm just not man enough :(

That guy was a cunt. "Told her who I was last night, she was so sweet, I felt a lot better doing it. You can do it S" PLEASE JUST TELL ME. IT'S ANNOYONG ME NOOOOOOW :c

Even I want him to tell you, and I don't even know him or you :P



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