

Ask @CookieRockstar3

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who is the person/people who have told you that they wank over ya && stuff??

One guy I know in person- well kinda
and a few guys from twitter or just on here

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Idgaf call me childish, i really could care less but again, how the fuck did i beg? "If you get this i follow you, follow me back please? thanks in advance x" look how fucking polite that was! and i sent that to all my followers so dont think ur special, thought u were a nice person but u r a bitch

that's not begging? you've just sat there and asked EVERYONE You follow for a follow back. that is begging love. I am I nice person but I'm only nice to those who are nice to me. just fuck off. I have more important things on my mind than fucking haters

No, not at all. I was just making a point that you are a hypocrite.

well you just begged me to follow you back and I don't necessarily have to. yes I ask for subs and shit that's what EVERY YouTuber does. you're being so childish it's unreal

How the fuck was i begging? i asked you to follow me. you're the beg always posting your youtube videos asking for subscriptions and likes, i'm unsubscribing from your channel!

oh look you're childish too

Just to point out to you honey, read the last one backwards

I know it was backwards but I can't be fucked to read stuff backwards right now. I have more important things on my mind.

I'd talk to you, but I fear you don't know me well enough to talk about what is wrong

who are you? then i judge whether I can or not..

I understand that you don't wanna talk about it. I just hope you'll be ok, and have people who you can talk to

thank you and I don't... oh well..

What's up? Anything you wanna talk about?

I'm just not happy with things.. rather not talk about it though.. I'm not happy with myself.. I don't know what to do anymore.. I'm terrified of life right now.. that's all I'm saying..

thank you so much x

Cunt Cuddler
it's okay, I don't see why someone has such a low life that they feel the need to hate on a 1 year old, it's so pathetic. plus I have a year old sister myself so I'd go mental if someone said something!
Liked by: Cunt Cuddler

Your video with Chris was great, but just made me so jealous of you two, I wish I could have something like that

thank you and aw, you will one day c: I promise it x


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