
Emili Harris

Ask @EmiliHarris321

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I'm gonna get nick post it on Instagram we'll see who harassing we'll show everyone who harassing only cause I don't have a Instagram let me tell him to unblock you

I'm not even following him on Instagram but he's gunna be the one exposing himself bc he's the one doing it not me

I got proof i can post on insta if you want but that will show everone how rude you are

How will you possibly do that if you don't even know who I am nick made what 5 of his friends harass me and this is all over bc he bought me food when I didn't ask him to like you've got to be kidding me grow up why don't you?

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I don't need text you cause I felted your number and took snapshot of you saying my aunt an ugly fuck I'm not even kidding I'm 100% honest right now you think I'm kidding but I'm not

Well I'm being 100% honest that wasn't me and nick has been trying to get back at me since I stopped txting him

Oh don't worry I still got the text message from yesterday on text I'm not even kidding if you want proof I'll post that shit all over Instagram and ask fm


Oh yeah I do got you texting me saying my aunt is a ugly fuck and kik too

I don't even know you the hell you are and I deleted my KIK about 2 months ago so

My names not nick my names Martin dumbass

I would like to see you "report" me cuz I haven't been doing anything

Alright first off Monday I'm going to office to report you cause your bullying 2 your a brat 3 your spoiled 4 your a harasser and 5 I will get principle to talk to your coach too

Okay nick

Actally yes it is Emili just stop it you don't need take sides with Alyssa just drop it

First off that was dropped what about 2 weeks ago and second off "brennah" got her phone taken away and 3rd off prove to me that this is Brennah

Why you have never talk to him in person I talk to him last week he's so nice and sweet you should not judge people by text only person he doesn't like you cause he said you were an ass he told me he got you stuff for your birthday I don't think that he's an ass hole you did ass hole move

This isn't brennah

Yeah Emili I was kidding why do you always suppose it's nick I've been talking to him he's really nice but anyways text me (512) 627-6409

Let's just say this....I hate him with a burning passion

How bout you leave me and my freinds alone is that possible cause there still complaing that your bothering them

I'm not talking to your freaking friends???

Lmao it's just a fact I don't care about my grades either I just do the work and don't complain about it

Still don't understand why you're talking to me????

At least I can control my self cause I don't have take a drug to make me focus I can act normal with out any pills so yeah your one that can't be normal lol

Still doesn't bother me dumbass


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