
Katana Rose

Ask @FurretTails

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What do you dream about?

a lot of random stuff actually, i can't really put a pin point on it, but my favorite dreams are the ones where i turn into an animal and see how differently things look from a different height perspective or the ones where i am flying/gliding and able to jump really far i always wake up feeling really aloof and "floaty". the worst ones are the ones when im trapped in a house with demon type monsters trying to kill me and my family and im trying to get everyone out of the house safely. or the same dream that i have every few years that is REALLY freaky and its always the same dream with sublte differences every time I have it, Its just a really scary messed up dream and I havent been able to figure out why I have it or what prompts me to dream it when it decides to come back :S

Why did you decide to be your character? Do you have any connections with the animal you selected?

SolarFlareDagger’s Profile PhotoSolarFlare Dagger
kinda my species is actually a hybrid of many things that I feel describe me and of my favorite animals: (also apologizes for how long this is going to be lol)
RED PANDA: im extremely horribly curious about EVERYTHING, i drive my mates nuts with how much I always want to know things and how stuff works, etc. and always loved long fluffy tails, plus they are small and red pandas grow VERY slowly much like I did while growing up, I was always one of the smaller/shorter kids in my classes. XP
CORGI: I can be hyper at times and when im hyper I mean it, i want to do nothing but go have fun and romp about especially when in suit, again with the shortness, my chinese year is year of the dog, I am very much like their herding dog personality; Most Corgis want everyone to be in one place at one time and may act anxious or unhappy if someone is upstairs and someone else is downstairs <--- I am the SAME way!!
BAT: I like bat fangs, i think they look cool on fursonas, and im up at night all the time, plus i like fruit like fruit bats do!
FURRET/FERRET: Im know in the pkmn fandom as the furret collector so I really wanted to keep a furret distinction in my sona, most people dont know what a furret is so I say shes part ferret as well since thats pretty much what a furret is anyways.
FENNEC FOX: very vocal, tiny, speedy, playful, one of my favorite animals, katana use to have large rabbit/fennec ears but they've toned down a bit since i first created her.Sometimes I am independant when i want to be and cuddly when i want to be.
CHINCHILLA: Hyper, attentive and always wanting to piggyback on someone. also loves round shiny objects and climbing; katana also use to have a chinchilla tail not a furret/red panda one.
RABBIT/HARE: while she doesnt show it as much anymore when I originally created her she had long large ears and a hare shaped body like aritos lewis fursuit her body has changed a little bit since then but id say she has that hyper rabbit spunk as well and when she wants attention she will get it, whether its by making noises with her bell collar or making noises, much like my own pet rabbits do (banging around their toys or chewing on the bars, etc..)
WINGED BEAST: mainly how she got her wings, she has angel wings as tribute to my guinea pig and best friend for 8 years, the guinea pig was named angel so thats how katana got her wings. I just say winged beast for her because she isnt anything in particular as far as what species her wings are.

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Liked by: SolarFlare Dagger

If you could have any pet in the world (extinct or not) what would you want?

SolarFlareDagger’s Profile PhotoSolarFlare Dagger
i have so many I could name ;w;
fennec fox, ( I literally wanted to move and live in AZ for the longest time when I was younger because I thought you could own a FF for free if you lived there XD)
triceratops, pterodactyl, sting ray, badger, red panda, pelican, red elk or anteater! <3
if I could choose something nonexistant: godzilla,toothless, angel from lilo and stitch, a puddle bunny, furret sandslash, staraptor, swampert, or mew.
I could list a LOT of them lol
Liked by: SolarFlare Dagger

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You can give one object (the same object) to everyone in the world. What is it, and why?

dr. pepper *_* to be a pepper :P
errrr maybe a ball that emanates happiness whenever touched? I feel like that would be someone everyone could use at one point or another during their lifetime.
Liked by: Jeremy

What long-lost childhood possession of yours would you like to see again?

oh god well its not lost per say, more like my mother sold it when I was young without asking but I had this amazon game I got for free (for OLD apple computers. the ones that had the handles on them) at a museum I played the heck outta it and one day it was gone, she got rid of it I was so mad and I still have no clue what it was called. D:

Could I buy you something in art wise?

of course! im always up for gifts; just please keep it general audience! I don't have a big fancy for mature artwork! I think artwork is more beautiful without sex going on, plus I can print out the artwork and put it up on my wall or in a frame! :)

How many people do you consider your "best friends?"

(I keep my best friends into 2 tiers)
Like close, close friends I feel comfortable enough talking to about everything and anything no matter the subject/topic? probably 7: both of my boyfriends, my mother, Erica and then Beki, ikerochu and clementine.
Close friends I talk to, ** sometimes frequently, ** but don't feel comfortable talking to about everything.
** (im weird with communication, there's people I think of as best friends even if we don't talk super often just because I feel like we connect really well when we do talk. It doesn't feel like its been a long time since we spoke last). ** Like 10
my dad, mysticsabreonic, biscuitpup, faye_88, yapkat, and flynx-flink. (and about 4 non-fur friends)
so I guess altogether about: 17

You say you do not get mad often. So what is the most recent thing that made you super mad?

If I could mention it I would definitely bitch my heart out about it. But I promised my bf that I wouldn't mention it online or get involved or anything so I gotta keep my lips sealed. Lets just say I still feel super offended, pissed off, semi-used, feeling of someone crossing the line (i can't think of a word to describe that feeling? not threatened feeling just pissed a line that shouldn't have been crossed was), and extremely overlyprotective over my bf still :I Thats probably the most blantly I can make that to answer you question. Otherwise before that I hadn't been mad since maybe... I want to say maybe September?

Is there anything you see that no one else notices?

I tend to notice small details in stuff; ie. details of a feather (all the fibers giving it its shape/holding it together), the speckles in someones eyes, etc. Though because I know a lot of people don't take the time to notice these things I tend to just keep it to myself. :X
I also tend to pay attention to smaller details; so I could remember someone sayings something along the lines of what kids cartoons they liked when they were four and forget something they talked or told me about the day before or like forget their birthday even.

What's one of your favorite 'little things' to enjoy in life?

ahmm I guess stargazing tbh. I don't do it as often as I use to but I always love stargazing when I get the chance too, its just one of those things that seems so small and meaningless but holds a lot of beauty so I really appreciate it when I take the time to go watch the stars/moon. Super lame I know but it's just how I am. ^^;;;;

What are you really good at?

I get told a lot that im good at defusing arguments and that im a good listener/problem helper/advice giver.
personal opinion of self: I think im good at looking for decent deals online for stuff I collect, and kind of knowing how certain fandom items rise/lower in prices like a stock market! (im good at buying things low and selling them for a higher price when their value rises basically) XD
I would also say im pretty good at finding information about stuff, partly because I take everything with a grain of salt but I read/listen to lots of information and do my research vs. just jumping headfirst into things and just reading peoples opinions on things vs. facts. :3

I need some advice! My bestest friend in the whole world started to date. The thing is, use is really young we are both in middle school. The thing that bothers me is that the person she is dating is a freshman in high school.So my question...Is it ok to feel uncomfortable and not really supportive?

Its definitely okay to feel uncomfortable and not really supportive! TBH even when I was in high school I felt the same way about my bestie starting to date for the first time! (though part of that was also due to jealousy; the other due to suddenly having a new person around and fear of them hurting my bestie).
I want to say that age is just a number (one of my boyfriends is 29 and im 19), but I tend to break that rule in my opinion when its younger people. Mainly because of how things can fall apart easily with the grades; especially when collage hits for one of the two; and maturity, etc. etc. HOWEVER I think as long as the maturity is there, they make each other happy and they aren't doing anything illegal, especially sexual, that them dating /should/ be okay. If you don't know the person your bestie is dating maybe take some time for you all to hang out *maybe try to even out hanging out by having an even number of people around, to get to know them? You may end up being good friends?
But all of this is strictly OPINION. I can't make any set in stone opinions since I don't know either of you on a super personal level nor the third party mentioned. Everyone lives their lives differently and there are some couples that work and others that dont. My boyfriend -not the one mentioned above- *im poly; ie. i have two boyfriends and they know and approve of me being able to date both of them* and me have actually been dating since i was in 11th grade and he was in collage AND he was a state away for 2 of those years. So it really just depends on the people involved amongst many factors., I think if your really worried about your bestie maybe take some time to pull them aside and express your concerns with them one-on-one. :)
~sorry this is so long, I tried to keep it fairly short! :X I hope some of this helps you and I wish you luck and well wishes girly! :) ~

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If you could go back in time and change something from your past, what would it be?

standing up for myself sooner when I was getting bullied, instead of just allowing it happen every single day I went to school between 4th-11th grade. :/ My attempts to try to stop it never seemed to help me even ignoring it like I did 80% of the time never helped. Most of the time my best bet was getting off stops way before my actual bus stop and just walking home. It annoys me now at how much of an effect bullying has affected my life, especially because I never spoke up and told friends or family about it because I didn't want to bother anyone with it, and any friends I had ever told just said they didn't want to hear about it. I guess thats maybe the other optional choice I might have liked to do; finding friends that were actually good friends, not just people who had me as a filler friend and just allowed me to sit at the lunch table. I never really got invited out to places and always seemed to be made fun of behind my back or shunned out of activities, I just stopped trying after a while, I just wish I would've tried harder when I was younger at standing up for myself and such. :S

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If you realized that your life was secretly being recorded and broadcasted to the entire world live, would you change how you act or keep living life as you always do? Would you feel any different?

I'd keep living as I do, I wouldn't feel any different aside from feeling like my space was being fairly invaded XD People gotta have their space and alone time you know?

If you had the power to do one good deed for the entire world, no matter how big or small, what would it be?

oh gosh thats a hard one ;3;
possibly the power to bring good into the lives of anyone I meet?
Or the ending of all wars?

What cons do you think You'll go to this year? I might see you at one ^^

For sure: Furry Weekend Atlanta, Anthrocon, Midwest Furfest, Anime Iowa, Anime Apocalypse.
Possibly: Motor City Fur Con, Anime Central, and Arizona Fur Con, not sure of any others.

If we were to replace all the water in the oceans, should we replace it with Cherry Dr. Pepper or classic Dr. Pepper?

Oh man thats a hard one! D:
Hmmm I think it would be great to have the Oceans as Classic Dr. Pepper, the Lakes as Cherry Dr. Pepper and the ponds as water! (to even out all the sugar consumption from the soda!) Id hope with the water changing to soda that the animals would be able to somehow adjust to it! :O
Liked by: Noemi Wynter


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