
Garrosh Hellscream

Ask @GarroshHllscrm

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What was the longest conversation you have had with someone recently? What was it about?

Tirion swung by looking for Eitrigg yesterday morning, and, well, most of it's just a big blur of subjects and predicates to me, but the next thing I remember, it was dinner time. I'm pretty sure I asked him a yes-or-no question at one point, which was a rookie mistake on my part, because that just opened the floodgates for him to rattle off another three or four hundred pages of...I don't even know what. Words. So many words. All the fucking words. So that was... um... something that happened. Let's leave it at that.
On that note, if you'll excuse me, I need to go drink my weight in grog.

What does a typical Friday night with Garrosh look like?

I can't go into details about my typical Friday night, for fear of overheating Ask.fm and bringing down their servers or something. Also, a gentleman never tells. But, here, have a small hint -- courtesy of @LumenLegion, here's a very basic overview of what a typical Friday AFTERNOON looks like. Draw your own conclusions for after dark.
Liked by: Rakael Towers

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How do you connect to the Internet in Azeroth?

The question is, how do YOU connect to the internet anywhere OTHER than Azeroth.
Oh geez. I bet this is one of those people who get sucked into Earth Online so badly that they think it's real and not just an MMO. TAKE THE BLUE PILL, NEO
Liked by: Janel (Faedea)

Do you have a favorite @Gurtash art?

The kid's gradually gotten... well, not too bad at drawing me over the time he's been at it. Don't know if I have a single favorite. Some action pose, probably. Something that makes me look suitably badass.
((Seeing as I'm the one behind the (often highly mediocre) Gurtash drawings, I'm reluctant to go picking out favorites, really, because even MY egomania has its limits. I'm just glad if anyone gets some kind of a kick out of them at all.))
Liked by: Rakael Towers

Would you ever let Gurtash do commission work on the side to make a few extra coppers?

I'm pretty sure @Gurtash could be persuaded to work on a side project or two.
Well, once he's up and about and...you know...conscious again.
((Which -- most non-spoilery spoiler ever coming up here -- he will be, so don't worry. For those of you who know who Gurtash is. And for those who don't, well, what the hell's wrong with you? Seriously. :-P ))

what's the most physically painful game you've ever played with your friends?

The fact that you would even think to ask this question tells me that you really, really, like REALLY need to look into getting some different fucking friends.

My friend @SylviePiela has a crush on you.

That's not a question, but I guess your friend has good taste. As opposed to her stupid, useless, no-question-asking friend.

How would you feel, and this is purely hypothetical, if a troll came gunning for your job? Or Dontrag and/or Utvoch?

Sorry, I'm sure there's more I could... heheheheheHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA...
...could say here, but... hehehe.... but... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA hee hee HEEEEEE
Warchief... Warchief Utvoch! Or... *snort* ... or Warchief Dontrag... and... hehehehaaaaahaha... maybe... maybe High Overlord Utvoch? Or, you know, whichever the fuck... and... *chortle* and...
*deep breath*
So, um, hypothetically...
Oh spirits... I'm cryin', man... I'm cryin'...

On your body where you more ticklish feet, armpits or stomach?

I'm going to assume you only learned to speak Common like five minutes ag--
Armpits? The fuck? People try to tickle fucking ARMPITS? The fuck is WRONG with you people?!
Liked by: Rakael Towers

When are you cutting your hair?

Already shaved it all off. Maybe I can cut yours instead? Hold still, though -- it would be a shame if I slipped and accidentally slashed your neck four times then cut out your heart. By mistake.

You're such an adorable little cutie. Do you want a cookie cutie? Does cutie want a cookie wookie? Do you want a cookie wookers cootie wootie? Does cootsie wootsers want a cookie wookers? You're my little boo boo bear, yes you are, oh yes you are. Want a cookie cutie?

Felweed's a hell of a drug.

Can you ask your dad if you can come to the mall with me tonight?

I have a better idea. Can you ask your mom if you can go to the mall by yourself, so she can have the house to herself? Thanks.
Liked by: Rakael Towers


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