
Garrosh Hellscream

Ask @GarroshHllscrm

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What were your thoughts of Courtney's and Maddy's halloween costumes?

I have no idea who Courtney and Maddy are.
Nevertheless, fuck Courtney and Maddy, and their stupid bitch-ass Halloween costumes, which I hope are highly flammable so I can light their asses on fire and toast marshmallows over their cries of blazing agony.
Also, what the fuck is Halloween?

hey umm just curious, would you ever try and make your belly bigger? like it sounds crazy but it would actually look great on you!

Liked by: Rakael Towers

How much do you love your pet?

Rakael Towers
IC: @Wyvern_Mortimer and I understand each other.
OOC: Okay, mini-story time.
This is Blossom. She's a 14- (soon to be 15-) year-old West Highland white terrier that I adopted a couple years ago, after her previous owner abandoned her at the airport (yes, really). She's an old girl now, obviously, and she doesn't handle stairs well anymore, so when I take her outside, I need to pick her up and carry her down the four steps from my front stoop to the sidewalk.
How much do I love her?
A couple weeks ago, while I was carrying her down, I stepped on a patch of ice and slipped. When I realized I was going to fall, I jerked my body around to make sure she would land on me and not the concrete. I managed to twist my knee in the process, and came crashing down on my back...and had an 18 lb. ball of fur bounce off of me and onto the lawn. When I opened my eyes (after shouting "OW!" for a period of time that we're going to arbitrarily choose to describe in terms of seconds), I had a furry white face looking down at me with an expression that said, "What are we doing, Daddy?"
How much do I love her? I'll take that trade-off every day if I need to, until my leg flat-out screws off and I run out of intact vertebrae. She's my little girl.

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What kind of noises do you make when you hunt a giraffe?

I really feel like this started out as two different questions, and somehow, on the way to print, the intern slipped and dropped the pages, then shuffled them back together without checking.
Liked by: Saradora Ravenshaw

What do you splurge on?

Oftentimes my female companion for the evening, assuming she's not feeling prudish about it, but, y'know, if she's flocking to me in the first place she's probably going to be on board. Or if it's one of those slow nights, maybe a bunch of wadded-up paper--
Wait. Oh. OH.
I misread that. Oops.

So when you were in jail scrubs, did you get to wear your own underwear or only jail issued underwear?

I've covered this before:
You're welcome.

Can you post a picture with your pants off? #LadiesLoveGarrosh

No. But I can arrange a private viewing if you play your cards right.
Highly, highly conditional on who the "you" in question is.

If I kissed you would you kiss me back?

I feel like I'm missing a critical piece of information to answer this question.

What would be the perfect gift for you?

Not sure about THE perfect gift, but I'm still gonna lobby for Varian and/or Magatha's head on a pike.


Language: English