
Garrosh Hellscream

Ask @GarroshHllscrm

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How much do you weigh? -Jordyn

7’2″, 340 lbs. of pure muscle.
And bone.
And sinew.
And…internal…body part…um… organs and… kidney stones…erm… YOU GET THE POINT.
((From last night's Ask Garrosh live blog - http://wp.me/p1MgMi-oKL)

Do you believe in ghosts?

RuekieShaman’s Profile PhotoRuekie
I… Hang on.
You’re asking me…if I believe in ghosts?
Rook, what planet do you live on? We have an entire fucking FACTION of the Horde that keeps ghosts around as fucking bankers and shit. Every been to Stratholme? Scholomance? Like fifteen other places I can think of right off the top of my head? Where have YOU been?
So you know what? Let me see your “do you believe in ghosts?” question and raise you this one:
Do you believe in goblins?
((From last night's Ask Garrosh live blog - http://wp.me/p1MgMi-oKL)

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What do you plan to do once you go back to The Netherlands?

I don't even know where to begin commenting on what's wrong with this question.

I saw your beautiful face in your display picture there and I felt compelled to tell you that you are a precious and special human being. I think that you're a beautiful person on the inside and out. I just like to be nice to people. There should be more hugs and less thugs. Can I buy you a present?

You want to give me a present. Sure. How about you give me a fucking break?

Do you miss getting sprayed with Crown Chemical perfume this year?

I'll tell you what I REALLY don't miss this year -- having to figure out what the hell to do with the EIGHT TRILLION fucking charm bracelets I get dumped on me by every random asshole I could give two shits about.
Liked by: Deriela

Wheres the best place to hide a bag of cookies from a 2 month old infant?

You can't. Those fuckers will track that shit down like you wouldn't believe. My advice? Eat those cookies NOW, while you can. Like don't even finish reading this. Go. Now. EAT.

I just stubbed my toe on my dresser, golly ghee wiz this hurts. Holy mother of all that is good and holy this hurts. Jeez louise this freaking hurts........Oh my gosh, great now it's turning red. Ow the pain. I think it might be bleeding. I'm gonna cry this really hurts. Please pray for my toe?

Good. I hope it falls off.

What's your favorite video game?

If you actually have to ask me this, I don't even know if I want to dignify it with a response.
(...Earth Online, obviously.)
Liked by: Rakael Towers


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