
Garrosh Hellscream

Ask @GarroshHllscrm

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When you are super bored, how many times you open the refridgerator?

Wait, does the first half of this question actually have something to do with the second half? Did I miss something? Is this a thing people do when they're bored? Just stand there opening the refrigerator?
I've never been that bored. So...zero times?

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PAP your favourite Pokemon!

That's a Pokemon now? Man, they're really scraping the bottom of the barrel, aren't they?

What is your fave sweatpants brand?

My favorite sweatpants brand is the Oh Wait I Don't Have a Favorite Sweatpants Brand Because I Haven't Given Up on Life line.
I mean, seriously, people. Aren't sweatpants sort of the standing-in-the-fire-and-expecting-the-healers-to-keep-you-up of fashion choices?

What do you notice when you walk into someone's home for the first time?

If the middle of their living room is filled up with the severed head of a giant gorloc, with branches jammed into its head in some kind of weird mock-up of antlers or maybe some sort of tusks, and vultures and other carrion birds flapping around pecking at the still-decaying remains, while meanwhile half a dozen trained gorillas in cloud getups circle around it alternating between dancing and bowing down in worship.
I'm not saying I actively LOOK for this, mind you, or that it's common. But it's for damn sure the first thing I would notice.

Choose: Burn the roof of your mouth or get a papercut on your finger?

Depends on which finger. Not all paper cuts are created equal.

How many hours a day do you spend watching TV?

((How many hours a day, as in, watching TV is a daily activity? How many hours a year is probably a better question. My TV will literally go months at a time without being turned on.))

What was the last time you were angry? What happened?

Heh. Hehehehe. Hahaha. "When was the last time I was..."
You DO know who you're asking this, right?

What was the worst age you’ve had so far?

Definitely the Irony Age. It kept seeming like we were about to invent something cool, and then the whole thing would get screwed up by some problem of our own making that we probably should have seen coming in the first place.

If you opened up a restaurant what kind of food would you serve?

Nagrand-style barbecue. Talbuk chili, clefthoof stew, windroc wings, heavy on the bacon all around. Lemon squares for dessert, because come on, what else would you have?
The only way to eat. At least until your arteries congeal and you die of a heart attack at age 39. LIKE YOU HAD ANYTHING TO LOOK FORWARD TO ANYWAY, OTHER THAN THE BACON.

How do you handle heartbreak?

I've only really had someone break my heart once, and to be honest it really didn't work out too well for me...
Liked by: Rakael Towers

Have you ever asked someone else to quit smoking?

Yes, but considering I was the one who set him on fire, I suppose I really wasn't in much of a position to complain, to be fair.


Language: English