
Garrosh Hellscream

Ask @GarroshHllscrm

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Do you dip your potato chips into Hell's Cream Spicy Sauce?

Why do I get the feeling that any answer I give to this question is going to result in something bad?

Do you ever feel like the life you're living is a nightmare you can't wake from? :(

Dude, seriously, like every other day you ask me a question like this. If this is the way you think of your life, like ALL THE FUCKING TIME, I don't know, maybe the internet manifestation of a fictional tyrant from a videogame shouldn't be your first choice of people to talk to about it. Just sayin'.

Say I know a goblin who would be willing to attach some high-failure rocket boosters to Thrall's sandals? Either the resulting explosion or the sight of him running off a cliff to his doom will be glorious!

How much will it take and who so I make the payment to?
Liked by: Rakael Towers

Is there anything I can do to get Thrall out of my garrison? He just hangs around and eats all my food!

Tell him that somebody's about to defeat an enemy a couple zones over. He will rush over there to jump in at the last minute and take the credit so fast there'll be sparks flying off the back of those sandals.
Liked by: Deriela Kell Bell

Saurfang Fact #1337: Saurfang once took a turtle, a bird, Hogger's brother, and a shoe and threw them all in a hole. He then barfed and crapped on them and threw his old axe down. The next day, a new being came forth. He is known as Yogg-Saron.

Okay, you know what? You maybe worked just a little too hard on this one...but oddly enough, it's still true.

Do you make sounds of pleasure whilst you pee?

Kudos, whoever you are. I was already disturbed a few words into this question, and I was all set to continue to be disturbed in a particular way all the way through, and then, right before the end, look at you, switching it up so I end up being disturbed on multiple levels in the span of one question.

If you were the or one of the star(s) of an installment in the "A Steamy Romance Novel" series, what would it be called?

Oh the possibilities...
"Such Passion Cannot Be Contained...It Must Be UNLEASHED!"
"Hellscream's Hands are Upon You"
"Watch Your Clever Mouth, Bitch"
"The Warchief Cometh"
"You Disappoint Me, Garrosh" (WAIT WHAT?! WTF!!)

Ok fine. Do YOU like to shop at Hollister?

Don't have that store in Orgrimmar. Sounds like something you'd find at that pansy-ass mall they have up in Silvermoon.

Hello just asking do you usually hold in your fart? Please don't mind me asking you this question

Yep, these are my readers.

jessi told me that you wanted to know if I wanted my notebook back, what notebook?

1) What notebook?
2) What jessi?


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