
Garrosh Hellscream

Ask @GarroshHllscrm

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I found the duck!

That's not a question. But tell you what, let's turn this into Bizarro World Q&A, and I'll respond to your statement WITH a question.
Who gives a fuck?

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What kind of food?

Technically we're omnivores, I suppose, but in reality we're pretty much as carnivorous as availability will allow. There's no such thing as a meat we won't clear a table for. Especially if you have barbeque sauce.

What do you do when the remote is too far?

I throw a rock at Dontrag and/or Utvoch, and tell them to stop screwing around and get close enough to the dial to do their damn job. And do it quietly.

Do you hate it when firemen leave juice bottles on your front lawn after a fire?

You know, if you're having to call the fire department over to your house often enough to notice this as a pattern, you might have bigger problems in your life than juice bottles.
Liked by: Hana

Do you hate it when firemen waste chicken n cornbread n waffles?

Do firemen have some kind of weird rushed buffet lunches that I don't know about?

I do appreciate that you were smart enough to fathom the author of those Tirion-related questions, (or as intended) but might I bring it to your notice that you didn't actually give the answers I was looking for to any of them?

Yes. You might.

What’s the one most important thing to get done today?

@Wyvern_Mortimer has an appointment at the vet. Which means I have to do the whole deal where I don't let him see where we're going right off, then drag him into the building while he puts up a fight, then try to keep him calm enough while we're in there that I don't end up getting sued by the veterinary technicians' next of kin. Again.

If you were stuck in a room with Varian, Tirion, Anduin and Malfurion Stormrage, in which order would they all die and why? And say you can never leave the room so it'd be cool to have some company, so you don't wanna kill everyone straight away.

Hoo boy, that's a tough one. Here goes.
The easy call is Varian dying first, because FUCK YOU, VARIAN. Although if I really wanted to twist the knife on him, maybe Anduin bites it first, just so Varian can watch it happen. Although, truth be told, I wouldn't be in that big a rush to kill the whelp if we were operating in a vacuum. I mean it's not like I like the kid or anything, and he's still a human and all that, but back when the Divine Bell thing was going down, he did come running in to face me in person, and while, yeah, that was annoying and didn't really work out so great for either of us, it DID take guts. Not much brains, mind you, but a lot of guts. So I have to begrudgingly admit, I kinda respect the kid, even if his dad's a giant tampon.
As it happens, though, his dad IS a giant tampon, so, yeah...sorry, whelp, you're dying first. Can't pass up on the chance to really put King Chin through the ringer. Nothing personal, kid. It's just about the math.
After that, well... It's kind of a coin toss between T-Ford and Antlers. I guess I'd probably kill Tirion next, just because that would shut him up so I wouldn't have to hear him yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yapping the whole time I'm taking care of Antlers. And who knows, while all this was going on, maybe Antlers would nod off for another one of his multi-century naps and save me the trouble.

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What type of dream house would you want to live in? (Example: A castle, a house made of bones, ect)

Vyrelord’s Profile PhotoVyrelord
The house made of bones sounds pretty badass, actually. Could there be spikes, too? Whatever the specific kind of house is, it would have to have spikes. Spikes are cool, despite (or maybe BECAUSE OF?) the fact that they're completely unnecessary. AND YET THEY ARE.
Liked by: Ruekie Vyrelord

If Tirion got an Ask.fm, what would be the first question you would ask him? Also T-Ford for an Ask.fm. *holds up banners*

Well I know he's at least DISCOVERED Ask.fm, seeing as he hit me up with a question last night.
As for what I would ask him, I would probably ask him the same question here that I've asked him in real life any number of times.
"T-Ford, will you please just shut the fuck up?"
Liked by: Ruekie

Do you talk to yourself whilst brushing your teeth?

Not while I brush my teeth specifically. I often feel like I'm talking to myself, though, when I'm telling my minions what I want them to do, because fuck all if any of it seems to get into their heads. (I'm looking right at you, @Dontrag_Utvoch.)
Liked by: Ruekie


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