
Garrosh Hellscream

Ask @GarroshHllscrm

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How much did you lurk your crushes social media before talking to them?

I'm not sure which is sadder, the fact that people do that at all, or the fact that apparently they do it so often that you can matter-of-factly ask me about it, as if it's just some sort of given that, oh, of COURSE you must do it.
Liked by: Rakael Towers

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What's the best compliment you've ever received?

"Garrosh Hellscream -- great Warchief, or GREATEST Warchief?" --Kingslayer Orkus
((I've had a couple people say something to the effect of my blog being something they can turn to when they're having a hard day, and feel like they can count on it to pick them up again. Which pretty much provides all the validation for writing it that I could ever ask for.))
Liked by: The Lich Kitty

What would you do with your 15 minutes of fame?

((Misleading question! Many people never get their 15 minutes of fame, because people like Andy Warhol just had to go and eat up 50 years' worth.))

Jaina Proudmoore. What are your thoughts about her? Friend, foe? Dreadlord or misunderstood?

A foe who happens to be a misunderstood dreadlord.
Liked by: Rakael Towers

What is your favorite board game?

I bet this one will shock you: Risk.
Yep, I like getting in a quick game sometimes before I leave for--HAHAHAHAHA JUST KIDDING, WE ALL KNOW NO GAME OF RISK EVER ENDED IN LESS THAN 37 1/2 HOURS.

Do you dream in Warcraft? Have you ever had a dream that you were one of your characters?

SiccoThermaplug’s Profile PhotoSicco Thermaplugg
You mean like my Earth Online character? Dude, all the time. I keep having these eerily realistic dreams where I'm bumbling through life as my EO toon. It's a frigging nightmare. I don't even know why I play this game where I'm stuck being this imaginary person who isn't even half as badass as I am in real life. Where the hell is the fun escapism in that?

What's your favorite siege weapon?

I'm pretty fond of demolishers. I'm a meat-and-potatoes kind of guy. I don't need anything fancy.
I mean, unless someone can build me a giant robotic scorpion. That'd be pretty cool.
Liked by: Rakael Towers

Best pick up line you've heard?

I don't really hear many pickup lines. What I get is usually more along the lines of panties being thrown at me.
I also don't use many pickup lines myself. I find one good /waggle usually does the trick for me.
Also, by the way:
Liked by: Rakael Towers

When you finish a bowl of cereal and you have milk leftover, do you: A. Drink the milk. B. Dump the milk. C. Add more cereal. D. That never happens, you're an efficient eater. E. Other: (Explain.)

RakaelWhispers’s Profile PhotoRakael Towers
What is this "milk" of which you speak?
Liked by: Rakael Towers


Language: English