
Garrosh Hellscream

Ask @GarroshHllscrm

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If you were given a time machine to travel backwards in time, what are the three mistakes that you would want to rectify?

Wait, really? Is this a serious question? Do you not know who you're talking to? I mean, come on...
Liked by: Verroak Krasha

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What is your idea of perfect relaxation?

How about if I could have like ten minutes without somebody making a pain in the ass of themselves, or my whole damn life turning into a giant fucking cartoon? Is that too much to ask, or as I just inviting the universe to mess with me even more than usual?
Liked by: Garona Halforcen

What is your favorite black and white movie?

You mean like Earth Online machinima? Huh. I'm not sure about the black and white ones. Some of those stylized black and white detective machinima are kinda cool, though.

Will robots replace humans?

I sure as fuck hope so. In fact, I'm already trying to get @SpazzleFizz working on some robot designs. Actually, hey, what if they were robots that could turn into demolishers and gunships? How awesome would THAT be?
Liked by: Verroak Krasha

How can you live till the age of 120?

Well, considering an orc's life expectancy is just over half that... um... turn into an elf? And then bemoan the fact that you're stuck spending 120+ years being a damn pansy.

How far in advance do you prefer to plan?

At least two patches. Currently keeping an eye on a third, though I'm mostly just trying to get caught up.

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