
Garrosh Hellscream

Ask @GarroshHllscrm

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What's your biggest phobia?

I can't tell you, but there's a rumor out there that I'll have to surrender to it, even knowing it will destroy me. Assuming I fail to save the eye that does not see, or I kill the one who is already dead.

How many relationships has your character been in?

Kalani_Hyland’s Profile PhotoKalani Hyland
Define "relationship."
Depending on what you're counting, the count could range from "very few" to "holy shit you don't even know."

What's your morning routine? (And what's for breakfast? :D )

I usually get up around 7:30 or so and start the day off with some exercise. Typically that means about a hundred laps or so around the outside of Grommash Hold. While I'm at it, I get in a little arm exercise too by slapping around some of those pansy-ass vendors that are always standing around out there doing nothing. After that, once the meat vendor comes to, I usually pick up around eight pounds of roasted boar for breakfast. Plus another pound of bacon. So there's your breakfast there. Plus some kafa, probably whatever blend @RuekieShaman picked up last.

R u a monster or something?

Monster is in the eye of the beholder. Illiterate fuckwit, however, is as plain as an R or a U on a computer screen.
Liked by: Deriela

Rub my back right now, I'm not feeling good. Rub my back right this instant. I need a back rub, I don't feel well. Get to it, right now. Are you gonna rub my freaking back or just sit there? I need some comfort right now

*slams Gorehowl into your back*
Better now?
Liked by: Deriela

Who is your most attractive friend?

Clearly, I have far too many hotties among my friends and minions to pick just one.

would your opinion on a restaurant change if you go to order the food & the food on the picture menu has mold on it for example you walk in & look @ the menu & the bun on the burger has green stuff on it the chicken has mushrooms growing out of it, hotdog's edged is black, would you eat there ??

Dude, what the fuck restaurants are YOU going to?

What is your favorite Mr. Spock or any other Leonard Nimoy moment? \\// #LLAP

RakaelWhispers’s Profile PhotoRakael Towers
((Gotta go with his sacrifice and death scene in Wrath of Khan. Even though I would hate to have Spock gone permanently, that moment was done so well that part of me kind of wishes they hadn't essentially retracted it by bringing him right back in Star Trek III. (I feel the same way about Jean Grey's death at the end of the Dark Phoenix saga [the comic, not the god-awful movie butchering it got] -- great deaths should stick.) ))
Liked by: Rakael Towers

Does this make you smile? instagram.com/p/y8Tf_XEXFv/

I... erm... uh...
*forced stoic face, forced stoic face* (Come on, Garrosh, come on, keep it together, keep it together for fuck's sake, don't give the motehrfucker the satisfaction, don't give 'em the satisfaction, uuuuuUUUUGGGHHHHHH...)

How does your character react when their rival is grovelling at their feet for their life?

My character? You mean my Earth Online character? Not sure. I don't really roleplay him all that much, just kind of mash buttons and kill shit. Which leads us to...
What do **I** do? Usually laugh smugly, and from there it kind of depends on how generous I'm feeling. That kind of settles the question of whether I just smack 'em around a little or go with the choppy cleavey approach.

Have you ever wrestled someone and squeezed them really hard with your legs?

Why do I get the feeling that whoever asked this is just waiting to take any answer I give in a really uncomfortable direction?

Have you met anybody new? Or talked to someone you never have before?

No. I have never once, in all my life, talked to someone I hadn't before. The only people I have ever talked to are the people I had already talked to at least once before, and even that earlier, first time I talked to them, I had STILL already talked to them before.
How is this possible, you might ask?
Liked by: Dontrag and Utvoch

There's this Buzz Lightyear toy on toysrus.com that I really really want. Will you please buy it for me? Would you please get it for me? I want to play with it, I think it's really cute. I want it now, I want it right now. Get me the Buzz Lightyear toy, please? I'm sad. Sniffle sniffle.......Please?

Nope. /backhandslap

Can you send me pic of you peeping?

I'm not sure if I'm misreading this, or for that matter, if it would even make it better if I were.

I'm so hungry, I don't even know what food tastes like anymore. I can't even find one crumb in my lousing stinking freaking kitchen. I am in poverty, I'm poor. Someone needs to help me, someone needs to give me a slice of pizza or something. Can't you help me? Give me something I'm begging you.

Yeah, I'll e-mail some pizza right over to you.


Language: English