
General Ironicus

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If you made 37,999 a month on your paetron, would you quit your job and live off nerd stipends?

Knocking on the door of a half-million a year? I'd sell out so fast it broke the sound barrier.
Liked by: Boy Blue Fluffenheim

Ya know, there is another Chicago based trpg podcast run by this cool dude named James D'mato and cool cat named Kat Murphy. They probably are cool people if you ever want to collab. I know I'd be interested in seeing it. I think you guys would mesh well.

They are cool people. I had a great time at their Wookiee Life Day party and every time I've collaborated with James. In fact, here's handy links to those times!

Did you not love your wife before you dated her?

No, I got to know her first, then we dated, then I got the BIG L goin' on. If I was hard-up infatuated with someone I'd be too terrified to even talk to them because I'm an awkward baby child. The idea of being in love with someone before you have any sort of relationship is pretty weird to me because it's kind of a reciprocal thing.

Think you'll ever be on one of Chip's streams?

Sure why not. It's just a matter of scheduling, and my big blocks are mostly spoken for by Six Feats Under. He moved a lot closer recently so I may even manage visit sometime over the summer and get that live-recording flair we haven't had since MGS3.

What's the best Burger joint in Chicago? Also, does this place allow smoking? Not that I want to smoke, more the opposite. Also, I kind of imagine Chicago as a city of endless smokers and crime. I don't know why.

There is no indoor smoking in Chicago. I mean, I guess you can smoke in your home but I've never even seen people do that. DMK Burger bar is great. Kuma's Corner, is semi-famous and great, there's a new place just called Burger Bar near me that's pretty darn good and they're large enough you'll only need one meal that day.
Liked by: Booky

You know, doing the math, 38,000 a month would not cover the plane fair necessary to do all your podcast in LARP form. I never passed Kindergarten.

At that point we'd feel indebted enough to cover the rest ourselves.

I am drunk off my ass right now and possibly poisoned. How was your high school experience?

Way more boring than yours.

I absolutely trust your judgement on this one, Mr Ironicus: what is the deal with this "sad puppies" thing?

The Hugo Awards are a popular vote, made by members of Worldcon, the world's sci-fi convention. It rotates around to different local and regional cons sort of like the Olympics. Basically, this means that plopping down $40 gives you a vote. Nomination votes are generally spread out over a wide variety of works, so the shortlist is usually made of nominees that most people didn't vote for. Also voting members tend to abstain from nominating in categories they don't feel qualified to, so some categories have an even lower bar to clear. These factors make the nominations VERY GAMEABLE. From a games perspective you could say they voting system is really poorly designed: the rules incentivize unintended behaviors and results. Usually this doesn't come up much because the voting public is a bunch of self-critical writers and bloggers with a series of gentlemens' agreements. Only recently did authors start reminding people what they wrote that year without being strung up in the court of public opinion.
Now the Sad Puppies is a voting slate in its third year, made to take advantage of the gameability of the system and get its' creators preferred works in as a reaction to perceived SJW persecution. This is the first year it had much traction, because i's also the first year of the "rabid puppies" slate which is has a large overlap and got even more of its nominees on the shortlist. The rabid puppies slate was also pitched to gaters, which may account for getting much more votes than the last two tries. Its' compiler is the 2nd person ever kicked out of the SFWA, and is absolutely vile.
And they were very successful. Six categories are entirely taken from the slates, and four more had only one non-puppy nominee. By breaking the (very stuffy) unwritten rules and seeing the potential in following the real ones, a really shitty class of nominees were picked. It's the ignorance that really gets me. The sad puppy organizer has argued that books should be judged by their covers, which is bizarre. He also complains that the Hugos are too literary (how can literature awards be "too literary"?) and not for the kind of fan that enjoys The Avengers. The Avengers won the Hugo's film category before he said that. These people also are huge fans of Heinlein, and wish his recent biography was nominated for Best Related Work, but they didn't know about it, and their own slate voting kept it off. A right-wing chain email was nominated in its place. I can't see how anybody is happy with that particular result, except Patriarchy Press, the company that compiled the emails into a book.
The slates' supporters also claim it's an even more diverse group than previous years, but I have to wonder by what metric. When one writer gets six nominations, and one publisher gets nine, that's mathematically untrue. When that one writer is a white man that called the Korra finale "an ad for a sexual aberration" now I really have to wonder.

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Liked by: Sheepy Booky Dani

I just set up a shrine to Gary Gygax in the back room of my FLGS. What books would make a proper offering?

A Fritz Leiber omnibus?

For the record, I am the Atomic Robo guy and I do listen to your podcast, but only on occasion: I didn't see the episode you linked. I was honestly giving a recommendation without realizing you mentioned you liked it already.

The best part of a monthly show is that everyone only listens on occasion.

There are people out there who wish they were Soos so they can be Giffany's husband. Let that sink in.

I bet they're already Soos in many appreciable ways.


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