
General Ironicus

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What are your opinions on playing music while playing a table top game? Do you have a specific time when you play it or a playlist or anything like that? Also do you know what song was used in your recording of laws out?

Pat Austin
Send all questions about our backing tracks to Ikks, he's the contact for our composers. There is no Six Feats Under without him and he deserves all our appreciation. All the music you hear is put in during the editing process, and we aren't hearing it when we play.
Personally, I think music can be a fun tool for setting mood and tone. Hitting play or switching tracks grabs everyone's attention if they may have been drifting again. I think the best music to use though is stuff without much of a dynamic range, or that doesn't have a narrative of its own. The pacing of the song won't match the events of your game and could end up being a detriment.

What's the best prank you've ever played on somebody?

I have never pulled a prank on anybody and Let's Play KOTOR Blind is an entirely earnest effort.
Liked by: Booky Chr0nite

Sorry to bother you, but could I ask what online resources there are for doing tabletop with pals online/can you point me in a relevant direction? Really sorry that I have to ask this//

roll20.net is a browser-based virtual gametable that has pretty much everything you'll need and is always adding more functionality.

How long till Six Feats Under forces you to play an anime game? When will we meet General Ironicus-kun, the most pretty, bishonen anime?

We've already played two, with more on the way. You should check them out!
In Golden Sky Stories I played an adorable dog henge named Akihiro: http://feats.podbean.com/category/golden-sky-stories/
In Breakfast Cult I played star footballsman Chet "The Toaster" Wilson: http://feats.podbean.com/category/breakfast-cult/

What is the over-under on you guys continuing the podcast into 2016?

I don't see why we wouldn't. It's fun to do and people enjoy listening.
Liked by: Booky

At what point in your life were you the most insufferable you've ever been and how were you insufferable? Were you the high school kid who thought he knew everything? Once held obnoxious political beliefs? Tried a one man war against religion? What and how?

Blackmail isn't supposed to be easy bro.

" when I hung out with friends." Did you stop hanging out with friends :(?

I stopped hanging out with people who attend middle school. I hope you have as well.
Liked by: Booky Chr0nite

Hey Ironicus, remember that time Dungeons & Dragons' lead designer said that social justice advocates are worse than GamerGate? It's almost as though he's not really into this whole inclusiveness thing or something.

No, because I pay no attention to D&D anymore. But I sure don't find it unbelievable.
Liked by: Booky

Don't make me say it again, I'm a cleaner. I'll be scrubbing your toilets just for fun.

Well I guess that saves on my cleaning and personnel costs.
Liked by: Booky Chr0nite

"Like if 'needs anger mangagement' is a unique thing, then I'm basically running candyland." So, what you're saying is that Rip's original OUT is the best OUT?

I'll go tell Mercury you think he's unnecessary. I don't think he's going to take it well.

How similar is the playtest multiclassing rules from the 2nd round of pkaytesting to the final version? Just curious because you said they made you think they hated multiclassing and sounded similar to the final version.

I haven't read either very closely, in the playtest because we were told not to use them, and in 13TW because focusing just on the GM-facing stuff is a way to manage my time. If I said that it was probably more to do with the stuff written about the rules, and how for every person who wants multiclassing options to reflect their character concept, there's a dozen looking for ways to min/max their character and blow up the game.


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